Chapter One

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So this idea has been floating around for while. I don't really know much about these things so please excuse me if I get some things wrong although I have done a small amount of research so fingers crossed I don't get too much wrong. I am also writing another Nichorello FanFiction so I will probably flit between the two. Anyway enough talking... enjoy!

Nicky entered Red's run down car, slumping down on the front passenger seat. Red opened the drivers seat door and then sat down too, shutting the door as she climbed in. They sat in silence for a moment before Red started the car and began to drive away, navigating her way around the hospital car park.

"At least nothing has gotten any worse, right?" Asked Red optimistically, not really looking for a reply. Nicky just grunted a response, which was more than Red had expected. They drove in silence again. As time passed the silence caused Red to feel anxious. She knew her girl was seriously ill but up until recently she had managed to keep her spirits high.

"Marka is home today so you can probably just drop me off there." Nicky offered in a dull tone.

"Are you sure? You know I don't mind you staying with me." Challenged Red. She suddenly wished it was still silent. Red liked it when Nicky stayed with her, she knew her girl was being looked after then.

"Yeah." Replied Nicky simply, clearly she didn't have enough energy to get into a lengthy conversation. "Anyway I am supposed to be taking Lorna to that new diner that opened a couple of weeks ago, so I will probably just sleep until then."

"Are you sure you don't want to cancel? You don't look well."

"Do I ever?" Red didn't laugh at Nicky's poor attempt to make light of a crappy situation. Silence fell in the car once again.

Twenty minutes later, Red dropped Nicky off. She kissed Nicky on the cheek.

"I love you my girl."

"I love you too ma."

"Do you want me to take you to your appointment on Thursday?"

"Please." Nicky replied exiting the car. As she wondered up the long driveway, that she would never make Red drive all the way up, she began to realise just how tired she really was. She felt a headache coming on. Great, another pain to add to her list. Still walking up the driveway, she checked her watch. She had five hours until she was supposed to meet Lorna. She decided she would sleep for the next four hours and then get ready.

As she pushed the large front door open to her lavish house she heard talking in the kitchen and dining room. She walked in and saw her Mum along with around twenty other people in suits and expensive looking dresses drinking champagne. This must be another one of her Mother's party's. She noticed her brother and sister standing next to her Mother being shown around. They were always the golden children. Her brother, Matthew, was five years older than her and a homicide detective whilst her sister, Arianna, was three years older than her and currently at law school. Nicky had a fairly good relationship with her siblings although they were never really around much anymore. In the whole seventeen years of Nicky's life she never really felt like she fit in with the Nichols family. Matthew and Arianna shared the same Father who left before Nicky was born. They were very much planned and it was highly celebrated when they were born. Nicky, on the other hand, was simply made during a one night stand. She had never met her Father. Nicky wasn't planned and was just another inconvenience in Marka Nichols's life. Nicky had been born with heart disease and had been in and out of hospital for the first ten years of her life. Now however her heart disease had become more serious and was in need of a new heart.

"Oh Nicole, I didn't know you were here tonight." Marka stated simply.

"Well I do live here so..." she began, not really knowing how to finish. Sensing the tension rising Matthew began to speak.

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