Chapter Three

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"Nick," Alex whispered as she shook her best friend awake. It was only on the third attempt that Alex was successful. Nicky rolled over, laying on her back. She groaned.

"Shit, Nicky are you okay? You look really pale," Alex asked panicked. Nicky grumbled several incoherent words before finally speaking more clearly.

"Be sick," she informed Alex weakly.

"Oh goodness. Okay," replied Alex, grabbing Nicky from her underarms and helping her to the toilet. Nicky fell to her knees and threw up into the toilet several times. With one hand, Alex was holding her hair back and with her other hand was rubbing Nicky's back. After dry heaving for a few minutes Nicky began to pull her self up. One standing, she felt dizzy and had the feeling like she was going to faint. Alex steadied her.

"Lets get you back to bed," Alex offered, helping Nicky climb back into bed. She tucked Nicky in and felt her head. She flinched when she felt how hot it was.

"I think your getting a fever. Let me get you a cold cloth," Alex said as she walked back into Nicky's bathroom. She run a clean flannel under the cold tap for a few moments before ringing it dry and going back to Nicky. She placed it on her head.

"Do you want me to stay off school today Nicky?"

"No. Go. I'll be okay."

"Okay. But I want you to call me if there is anything wrong okay?"

"Yeah," Nicky agreed, tiredly.

"I'll get you a cold glass of water and then I better be off."

Alex re entered Nicky's bedroom two minutes later and placed the glass of cold water on her bedside table. She looked over at Nicky and noticed she was asleep again. She kissed her softly on the forehead and left, pulling the door closed, hoping that her best friend was going to be okay.


It was lunch time and Alex, Lorna, Janae and Poussey were all sitting at their usual table. Lorna was awaiting a text back from Nicky.

"I'm getting worried about her. Maybe I should go check up on her?" said Lorna, looking over at Alex.

"Give the poor girl a chance Lorna. You messaged her like ten minutes ago. She's probably just asleep."

"I know, but I just worry about her. Especially after you told be what she was like this morning."

"How you ask Red to pop in and check on her," suggest Janae, with corn on the cob falling from her mouth.

"Please," begged Lorna.

"I'll send her a text now," agreed Alex pulling her phone out. 

A - Hey Red. I was just wondering if you could check on Nicky if you have time. It's just Lorna is worrying about her. I'm sure it's nothing but you know what she's like.

It was only a few seconds before Red replied.

R - Thank you for letting me know. I will go and see her now.


Using her own key, Red pushed open the door to enter the Nichols house.

"Nicky!" Red called. No reply. Red walked up the grande stairs and entered her room. Her heart wrenched at the sight in front of her. Nicky was passed out, wrapped in her duvet, with a fresh sheen of sweat covering her all over. Nicky's face was contorted with pain. As Red listened clearly, she could her the girl groaning in her sleep.

"Oh honey," Red cooed as she approached the girl. She perched on the bed next to her and felt it head. She didn't expect her head to be as hot as it was. She instantly felt worried. She reached for the cloth that had fallen off her head. She walked into Nicky's ensuite, let the cloth soak in the cold water for a minute before drying it off and placing it on Nicky's head. Nicky groaned as she began to stir.

"Nicky?" questioned Red.

"Ma," Nicky stated more than asked.

"Come on honey. I'm taking you to mine," Nicky didn't have the energy to argue as Red helped her out of bed and pulled her into her side, allowing Nicky to put all her onto her. Red helped Nicky out to her car and gently placed her on the passenger seat in the run down motor. She strapped her in and then went round to the drivers seat and got in herself.

"Oh honey you look so pale," when Nicky didn't reply Red looked over and noticed she was asleep. Red sighed feeling sorry her girl. She knew that Nicky had been rather ill when she was younger but she had seemed fine as she grew older. It had only been in the past few years that Nicky had begun to deteriorate and Red dreaded to think about how it would end.

Without realising, Red had reached her apartment. She helped Nicky out of the car and led her to the stairway to her apartment. Red assisted Nicky with getting into her designated bed and tucking her in.

"I'm going to get you a nice cold glass of water, and another cool cloth. I'll be back in a moment honey."

"Thanks Ma," Nicky croaked.

Several minutes later Red re entered and placed the glass next to her and the cloth on her head. She began to stroke her head. Twirling her wild hair around her finger. Just as Red thought Nicky had gone to sleep she attempted to get up, however Nicky gently tugged at her sleeve pulling her back down.

"Stay with me Mummy," she begged, barely awake.

"Of course honey," Red replied as she kissed her forehead. Red moved to the other end of the bed and pulled Nicky in closely.


The following morning Red woke up still with a scorching Nicky wrapped in her arms. Red could see the sweat falling from her.

"Nicky," Red began to shake her. Failing she tried again. "Nicky come on. Wake up. You need to shower." Nicky opened her eyes slowly.

"I'm going to take your temperature," Red explained as she placed the thermometer in her mouth. After waiting for a moment she pulled it back out as gasped as she saw the reading.

"I think you have a fever. I'm going to take you to the hospital."

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