Chapter Ten

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Red walked down her stairs in the morning to Nicky sitting on the bottom step, gagging.

"Oh honey." Red rushed to Nicky's side. One hand holding her hair and the other rubbing her back. Nicky kept dry heaving. When she stopped Red got her a cold glass of water. Thankfully Nicky was now able to consume liquid.

"Have a seat on the sofa honey." Red helped Nicky over to the sofa. She rested her head on Red who sat down next to her. Nicky began to take small sips from the glass of water.

"Close your eyes Nicky. Try to rest."

Nicky dozed for around ten minutes before she sat bolt up right and began coughing. She leaned over her legs as the coughs became more intense.

"I...can't...breathe," she choked. As soon as she finished the sentence she felt a strange sensation in her throat. Her feeding tube had moved place and was now hanging out of her mouth, with the other end still stuck to her cheek.

"Okay Nicky, it's okay." Nicky's coughing stopped and she had caught her breathe again.

Red carefully pulled the feeding tube out.

"Let's get you to the hospital honey."


One week later

"The surgery shouldn't last more than two or three hours. We will let you know as soon as you can see her," said the Nurse to Red, Lorna and Alex as they were sat in the waiting room while Nicky was getting a feeding tube fitted into her stomach. They tried the NG tube once again however it didn't last so they decided it was best to surgically place one.

"At least she will be more comfortable now," said Alex, trying to make the situation seem better.

"I supposed so," replied Red.


"Nicky, honey, it's okay. Open your eyes," Red said as she stroked her thumb up and down Nicky's cheek. She watched as Nicky's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey Nicky. How are you feeling?"

"Sore," she mumbled. Nicky grunted slightly, attempting to move.

"Can you move my bed up please?" She asked Red.

Red moved her bed up.

"Is that better?"

"Yeah, Thanks."

"Do you want a sip of water?" Nicky nodded and took the cup that Red offered her. She took a few small sips before handing it back to Red.

"Do you want me to get a Nurse to give you some more pain medication?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay, Honey. Try to get some sleep. You'll feel better when you wake up."

Nicky closed her eyes as Red began to rub her head, humming to her gently.


Four weeks later

These past few weeks Nicky had been feeling a lot better. She had began to get her appetite back although she still had her feeding tube. She was walking round the high street, not wanting to be at home. Marka was yet again holding another one of her parties and Nicky didn't want to be around that after last time. She was pulled from her thoughts as she saw Lorna.

"Hey," she said smiling.

"Well this is a nice surprise," replied Lorna, giving Nicky a hug.

"What's a surprise?"

"Seeing you, out."

Yeah well I was feeling good today so I felt like doing something."

"Well it's good to see you outside."

"Listen Lorna, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, let me buy you a muffin and I'll tell you."


Nicky watched as Lorna ate the whole muffin in four bites. 

"Wow your really hungry," Lorna laughed in response.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked, wiping the crumbs away from her mouth. 

"Well I was thinking about things and at the minute I'm feeling good so I thought me and you should do something while she still can."


"Let me finish. I was looking on the internet and I think she should go to Bora Bora. You've always wanted to go there right?" Lorna's face lit up.

"Wow Nicky, really?"

"Yeah, on me."

"Yes, Nicky, yes!" Lorna leaned over and kissed Nicky on the lips.

"I love you Nicky."

"I love you too," she chuckled.

"Oh but I think you mean Bora Bora Bora, not Bora Bora."


Sorry it's shorter than the others and not the best but I've just had my tonsils removed so I'm feeling pretty rubbish but I wanted to get something out. Please comment and let me know what you think. Thanks!

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