Chapter Four

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"Keep pushing Ms Nichols," encouraged the midwife. Marka was going blue in the face from all the pushing. Marka gave one final push before a small, shrivelled baby arrived, screaming. Marka sighed a huge breath of relief.

"Congratulations Ms Nichols, it's a baby girl!" Marka hated the midwifes, always too happy and enthusiastic. She didn't even want this damn baby. She was happy with her two children she already had, both she knew were going to make it far, but for whatever reason she didn't feel as if this baby was going to follow in the right footsteps. Marka was soon snapped back into reality when doctors burst through the room, taking away her baby.

"What's happening?" she asked, panicked.

"It appears if there is something wrong. We just want to check her over. Make sure she's okay. Try not to worry Ms Nichols and rest. I'm sure everything will be okay."

But of course it wasn't.


Nicky was laying, propped up in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV line that was feeding her antibiotics. The doctors had diagnosed Nicky with an infection that could be treated with a course of antibiotics and a short stay in the hospital. The nurses had managed to bring her temperature down however she was still hot. She had a cool cloth resting on her forehead. It was late evening so Red had sent Lorna and Alex home. Red however was sat right beside Nicky and intended to do so until she was released. Nicky was dosing, she wasn't sure if it was because she was tired or the fact that Red was singing to her softly whilst twirly Nicky's wild hair around her finger.

"How are you feeling honey?" asked Red, tentatively.

"Tired," replied a groggy Nicky.

"Get some rest honey. You'll feel a lot better in the morning."


Nicky woke up the next morning to a Nurse administering more antibiotics through her IV. Red was sat in a light blue armchair to the left of her hospital bed. Red was awake, reading a book. As the Nurse leaves, Red looks up from her book and noticed Nicky's big brown eyes looking at her.

"Morning honey," said Red as she placed the old, battered book to the side.

"Morning," Nicky replied, groggily.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. I just want to get out of this place," before Red can reply with some kind of comforting comment, Lorna bursts through with a basket of fresh fruit.

"Jesus Lorna. Why the hell have you brought fruit?" laughed Nicky, sitting up.

"That's what people bring when someone is it the hospital, right?" Not wanting to get into anything too complicated, Nicky softly agrees. Feeling pleased with herself, Lorna then turns to Red.

"Why don't you go home and take a shower. I can stay here with Nicky for a while," after some persuasion Red agreed and left the two alone. Nicky shuffled to one side of the bed and held her arm out on the other.

"Come join me," she begged. Lorna smiled before sliding in next to Nicky and snuggling into her side. Nicky wrapped her arm around her tightly and kissed her forehead. Lorna looked up at her.

"I love you so much Nicky."

"I love you too."

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