Truth be told...

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Last night it was amaizing! She came to see him at Popʹs, at 19:40, when his shift ends. It was all going so well. That was until the thing happened. The same thing that happened every time the two of them got even a little bit close to turning up the heat in their relationship. She had truly believed she had broken through his barriers this time but yet again once they approached the line, the one separating them from broken-heart-ex-lovers and real romantic intimacy, FP had pulled back.

She couldn't understand. All day, he had been sending mixed messages. She didn't understand him. Sure she could feel his desire, the sexual tension between them. There was no denying it. Since the moment she came to pick him up when he was released from prison, she had known that there was going to happen something between them again. After last night, his eyes constantly told her that he desired her again, but his actions and especially his words told her a different story. But whenever he kissed her she felt it in her bones. She felt it everywhere if she were telling the truth. His kisses affected her like no one else's could. They have that same spark, that same knee weakening, toe curling, make you shiver-all-over kind of passion. She had only ever felt that with one man and he was sitting beside her as he drove her home.

It was quiet in the truck. It was comforting to be back, though Alice would never have wished for these circumstances, so relaxated and stressless. She was still so worried about her family. So now here they were on their way home. He had been quiet since the left the restaurant. It was late and they were both feelling weirdabout last night. They were hardly touching yet sitting beside him in the truck, Alice could sense the unresolved sensual energy still surging between them. Alice looked over to him now. She could see he was tense. He jaw was firmly set and his eyes were staring, unfocused on the road.

Her breathing grew steady yet shallow. She tried to take in deeper breaths but found it was too difficult. Her body was displaying the signs of the all of emotions and feeling that had been building up since their kids start dating. Her breath caught in her throat as she thought back to the kisses they had shared last nigh, of his hands on her as they had burst into his bedroom, locked in each others arms, driven by passion, by need of the other. Her senses became hyper aware and she could hear FP as he breathed in and out. He seemed far from calm. She could feel his quick intake and dramatic sighs with each breath he took. She could feel each quiver of his chest as it rose and fell. Though they were not touching she could feel his every movement in the air. His muscles were tight, as if he were restraining them, pulling them in and tethering them together. She wanted to look at him, to look into his eyes to try to see what was wrong, but she couldn't. The most she could do was look over at his leg. It was dark but she could have sworn it was shaking. There was something in the air. A tension humming, something connecting them, pulling her towards him.

Finally she felt something happen. A slight movement. FP moved his hand from its place on my seat so that his finger brushed and linked with hers. It was such an insignificant gesture but its effect was immense. It was as if the trance that was holding them apart was suddenly broken. She felt the contact of his skin ripple over her hand, up her arm and through her body hitting her right in the pit of her stomach. Something had snapped and everything had shifted yet nothing had changed except for his one finger touching hers. But that was all it took, all she needed to know to understand. He needed her. It had crushed her when he had pulled away. How could he deny what was staring him right in the face? But if she wanted to be together again, to truly be with him than she had to be brave, to put herself out there. She had to open her heart. They arrived at her place. She turned her head to look at him directly, to take in everything his face was saying, but as soon as she looked into his face she was caught by his eyes. There, right in front of her, was raw unadulterated passion. There was no hiding, no simpering or dancing around it. Here he was, laying it all out there and it overwhelmed her. She couldn't think straight. She asked:

Alice- F... But before she could finish his name he cut her off.

FP-Alice... Her name, Alice, said in so breathy a sigh that it sent shivers all through her.

She was about to respond when his lips suddenly found hers. In an instant everything fell away. She was breathless and weightless, she was dreaming yet pleasantly aware. All she could feel were her lips, the gentle pressure on her lips and the soft sturdiness of his own, the wonderfully stinging waves of pleasure that reverberated through her skin all focused from his mouth. Just when she felt she couldn't stand it any more he pulled away and began to kiss the corner of her mouth.

Alice-Oh, F... He kissed the opposite corner, FP... She barely took a breath before being taken once again by pleasure.

The sound of his name on her lips sent a shock of desire straight to his body. It was like a bolt of lightening. She was so wonderfully seductive. Sitting next to her in the truck had been excruciating. He had nearly lost control. After such a wonderful day with her, just the two of them, he had been weakened by her charm and had quickly found himself in her arms at the door ofher house. They entered her bedroom. The lure of a plush soft bed was so enticing, that he quickly lifted her on the bed. It was not until she had called for him that he came back to himself.

Alice- FP...

She had said. Thats who he was, he was her FP, her ex-soulmate that is, now, her soulmate, a father, a friend. He had lived without true feeling or passion ever since she left him. He had been cold and distant. He had separated himself from emotions in favour of strength dependability. Thats what his kid had needed after his mother had left. He hadn't realized what it had taken away from his relationships. He was not close with his kid , or have any true friendships in his life. It was until the crazy, sexy, wonderful Alice Cooper and his daughter had shown up in their life again with wonderfull personality and happiness that they had, when he realized what was missing from his life. She was technicolour in his world of grey. She had reacquainted him with emotions, feelings and most of all passion.

He loved her. He loved what she had brought to his life again and he loved what she brought out in him. He had loved her from early on but it had taken a long time for him to realize that he was still in love with her, only with her. The realization had scared him half to death. The last time he had felt such love was with his wife and losing her had devastated him and his kid. They were happy now, he was happy now, and it was all because of Alice and her daughter. She was truly magnificent. She was beautiful and amazing and sexy as hell. She was gorgeous and his need for her had become a constant hum in his life.

Truth be told he was afraid. She was so much, she was sexy and creative and passionate and sublime and he was sure that if they were truly together that he would disappoint her. If it didn't work out like the last time, if they broke up, he couldn't handle it. Last night was a desire for bith of them, but he is afraid to admit it. Why should he deny his feelings, why should he hold them back, bottled up without release in fear of the bad things that may happen instead of giving into them and showing Alice how much she meant to him. She was here, right in front of him and he couldn't deny it any longer. He wanted her desperately. Sitting beside her, feeling her near him tonight, it was more than he could bare. FP felt as if his skin was burning, burning from wanting the woman right in front of him. He needed her, needed to consume her. She was about to say his name but he needed to show her, show how he had changed, that he was ready.

He stopped thinking and just let his passion guide him. He delved into her lips and felt a release spread through his skin as if a cool wave crashed over him soothing his burning and carrying him further into the safe and warm shores of her body. She tasted so sweet. Her lips contained the elixir of desire and he craved it.He took his hands and ran them up into her hair. Her beautiful black curls fell into his palms their silken texture soothing and luxurious. He loved the contrast of hard and soft between them and pulled her head back so he could take her mouth more deeply. Quickly he braced his arm behind her and eased them down across the bench of the leather seat.

FP-Alice, I want you, again.

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