Chapter Eight - The Infirmary

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Ash's POV

After Miss Berlitz raced inside the school, I'm left speechless in the same place until the bell ring. As I hurriedly make my way to the classroom, I can't get her out of my mind. What was she apologising for? What did that smile mean? I don't understand anything behind her actions. 

I manage to arrive on time for lesson and Miss Berlitz's already sat in her seat. I'm feeling nervous as to how I should act but she's behaving normally hence I decide to do the same and didn't bring up the topic.

Time Skip - Lunch

Our morning lessons are finally over. As I'm packing my belongings back into my bag, Miss Berlitz lightly taps my shoulder from her seat. I turn my head and meet her eyes. They're positively different from this morning, her sapphire eyes glows and sparkles with excitement.

"You're ready Ash? It's finally time for me to introduce you to my friends! I'm sure it'll be fine, they're all friendly people."

I wonder where her confidence originates from? It's clear to see that her circle of friends dislike me. Perhaps she's more naive than she looks, thinking they'll all be as accepting as her. I notice her fingers fidgeting and she constantly glances around to avoid direct eye contact. 

I take back my word, she's not exactly confident but hopeful instead. Miss Berlitz's probably just as nervous as me but chooses to be optimistic about it. I finish packing and we start making our way to the cafeteria, where her friends will be waiting.

May's POV

Our group sat together in the cafeteria, occupying the largest table available. We're all ebullient people but, somehow, no one is starting a conversation as we wait for Dawn and the 'demon child' to appear.

Several minutes later, Dawn's in sight and following behind her is him. Dawn starts waving as our eyes meet and smiles as she walks on over. On the other hand, he has an unreadable expression plastered on his face.

"Guys! We're here!" Dawn calls out.

Before realising it, they're in front of us. I smile at Dawn and peer over behind her to take a proper look at him

Despite being in the same class, I never spared a thought on him nor properly looked at him. I study his face and, truth to be told, he isn't exactly unattractive like the rumours suggests. In fact, he could be on par with Drew but, regrettably, he's still the boy with a demon sealed within him. His name's Ash isn't it? Ash also doesn't look as dangerous as he's rumoured to be, he seems to be rather harmless actually.

However, appearance is deceiving. He's the Ash Ketchum. No matter how innocuous he seems, becoming on friendly terms with him is impossible. I notice Dawn and my friends are snickering. I look around in hope to understand what's the joke but it turns out to be me. I apparently had an eccentric expression which appears extremely out of character.

"Wh-What? Stop bullying me~" I sulk and takes the chance to grab onto Dawn's arm like I always do. 

Ash, who remains silent behind Dawn, collapses all of a sudden. Dawn shakes me off without hesitation and rushes to his side. 

H-Huh? Dawn?

I was always the one that Dawn prioritised before any of her friends. Yet she chose him of all people over me? What's good about him? Am I no longer her number one friend?

Ash's POV

Confidence, courage and faith.
Confidence, courage and faith.
Confidence, courage and faith.

I-I'll be fine. I'm just being introduced to Miss Berlitz's friends. Th-There's nothing..... nothing to... worry.... about......

Time Skip - Infirmary

I slowly regain consciousness as I open my eyes. I support myself up using both hands to find myself on a bed, in a pure white room. I try to recall my memories before blacking out but the doo suddenly slides open. A woman with distinct pink hair, wearing a rose-coloured dress beneath her white nurse apron, enters. 

"Ah, you're finally awake."

Her smile is gentle and her voice is soft, almost as if she's comfortable around me. She steadily approaches me but my body flinches as she gets closer.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Mr Ketchum. I won't harm you."

I never doubted that she'll harm me, instead, I worry that she'll be disgusted if she came any closer. Wouldn't she be afraid?

"Of course I wouldn't be, darling. All students are equally important to me here."

Did I speak my thoughts aloud? Or perhaps she's an esper? I hear her chuckle before answering my question.

"Unfortunately I'm not a mind reader. You're indeed speaking your thoughts aloud, Mr Ketchum."

I turn away to conceal my flustered face. It's the first time I humiliated myself in front of anyone but it isn't exactly an unpleasant experience. I glance at the clock that's hung up on the wall, opposite the bed. There's only around fifteen minutes remaining until school ends. I rush out of bed to return back to class but I still feel dizzy and collapse on the floor before making it out. The lady hurries to my side and supports me back on the bed.

"Please do not be reckless Mr Ketchum. I've already informed your homeroom teacher of your absence. You'll be resting here until school ends." She states in a serious tone.

I nod in defeat and asked her where I am. I receive an expected answer, the infirmary.

"Before you continue questioning, allow me to introduce myself and explain your situation. Everyone calls me Nurse Joy and, as my title suggests, I'm the school's nurse. You were brought here by Miss Berlitz during recess, it seems you collapsed due to stress." 

After her explanation, I have no questions left to ask. Is she certain that she's not an esper? I nod to express my understanding and stare outside the window in silence.

Time Skip - After School

The bell rings and students are leaving. I decide to remain seated on the bed until more or less everyone left. Nurse Joy's completing her paperworks and before I start leaving, the door slams open. It's none other than Miss Berlitz.

She rushes towards my bedside with a distraught expression and examines my body.

"Ash! Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?"

The sincerity in her voice and uneasy look on her face brought me happiness. When was the last time someone was genuinely concerned about my wellbeing? Was there even anyone who ever did? I brush my thoughts aside and answer her questions.

"I'm completely fine Miss Berlitz, I'm not injured nor am I in pain. I truly appreciate your concern."

"Thank goodness! You've got no idea how worried I was when you collapsed and didn't wake up." She breathes a sigh of relief and sits beside me on the bed. I notice Nurse Joy smiling at us from her desk.

"You're lucky to have such a charming and attentive girlfriend, Mr Ketchum."

It startles me and I blush at her unexpected comment before realising how Miss Berlitz might feel. It must be traumatising for her to be mistaken as my lover. I immediately endeavoured to clarify our relationship.

"Y-You've got the wrong impression Nurse Joy! Miss Berlitz and I are mere acquaintances. She just happened to be assigned as my two-week guide."

I sincerely hope that Miss Berlitz is satisfied with this explanation. I wanted to explain that we're friends instead but it'll be on the safer side with acquaintances. I wouldn't want any negative rumours to spread of her in case someone overhears. Or perhaps I'm still doubting whether we are truly friends?

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