Chapter Twenty Four - Extricating Ash

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Dawn's POV

Quietly closing the door, I leave the house before the sun rose from the east. How did I end up in this situation? Let's rewind back.

Flashback - Last Night

The Seneca Laboratory in Pallet Town, upon my thorough analysis through the book and internet, I came to a conclusion that Ash is most likely held captive there.

Team Rocket's HQ being in the unknown area, 'Viridian City', is plausible but placing two of hideouts close together is absolutely foolish. Hence, unless Team Rocket's leader is absolutely brainless, their workplace for the conduct of scientific research shouldn't also be in 'Viridian City'.

Using the internet, I found an old news article regarding an anomalous explosion which occurred in 'Pallet Town'. Even till today, no one knows the cause of it. I also visited James, who's currently imprisoned, but he stubbornly refused to betray his organisation despite them abandoning him.

I rummage through my mother's study room to find an old map of Kanto. It's stained and torn but still legible. Pallet town, an area which never appeared in any school textbooks, was found further ahead in an unlabelled area. I mark the place where the explosion took place and looked at the map as a whole. It's only a hunch but perhaps that's where 'Viridian City' is? If so, then...

I stare at a photo of my mother and I. She expects me to graduate with perfect attendance and remain undefeated at the top of the year in order for me to succeed her business in the position of CEO.

Now however, it seems like I cannot answer her expectations. I place the photo facing downwards and begin packing my necessities into a backpack that's larger then my usual one.

I double-checked everything once more before zipping my backpack and pushing it under my bed. My current situation doesn't feel exactly real, I still imagine seeing Misty and May in school the following day and sitting beside Ash in class.

I dryly laugh at myself before switching the lights off and climb onto bed. My thoughts began drifting to May before falling asleep, I want to see her once more and apologise but I don't think I'll have that chance anytime soon. My mother called this morning to notify me that she'll be coming home tomorrow, hence I need to leave before then.

End of Flashback

Without a second to waste, I quickly leave the house before my mother returns. I left a note on the kitchen table for her but I don't want to imagine the expression on her face after she reads it.

Even if she forgives me for leaving unexpectedly, she wouldn't forgive me after seeing her transactions. I used her credit card to book the plane ticket, it costed a fortune as it was a last minute booking to a faraway region. My mother saw money more important than her life; I don't believe I'll have the courage to return even if I somehow miraculously save Ash and come back with him together.

May's POV

Our third lesson ends as the bell ring for lunch yet there's still no sign of Dawn. She had never been absent even once since the beginning of middle school up till now, I wonder if it's my fault that she took the day off...

I sighted Misty in the morning but we haven't made any verbal contact today. And just as I finish thinking that we haven't spoken once today, Misty appears outside my classroom and calls out to me.

I walk over to her and she forcefully pulls me into the washroom. She's wearing a stern expression, one that I never knew she's capable of making.

"Dawn's missing, she's likely to be after Ash." She states.

Huh? Did I hear correctly? I want to question her further but, at this moment, my pride got the better of me.

"As if I care. I made it clear yesterday that I won't worry about Dawn anymore." I stubbornly answer.

"May! I'm not joking around here! Get yourself together, Dawn could be in danger at anytime!"

"I'm also answering seriously! Besides, how can you be certain that Dawn's after Ash? Do even have any evidence? She could be off school due to a cold or something. If you've got nothing else to say then I'll return back to class." I coldly reply before leaving.

I hear her call my name numerous times as I leave.

"Even if I want to, there's nothing I can help Dawn with..." I whisper to myself.

Dawn's POV

I arrived to the airport without any trouble. Thank god I brought all my savings and my mother's black credit card, even the taxi fee is rather expensive. Looking at the card only brings me guilt; my mother nurtured me successfully as a single parent while managing her workload and this is how I chosen to repay her. I'm undoubtedly the worst daughter she could have.

Brushing aside my pessimistic thoughts, I make my way to Gate 16 and began waiting until the boarding time.

I wonder what could I do even if I do manage to locate Ash. I've only learnt little self defence in the past and I certainly cannot take down a whole organisation with it. To make matters worse, my wrist still stings every now and then, it'll likely take quite some time before I make a full recovery.

I close my eyes and lean on the wall behind. Life really is unfair. Those who try their best to live a life remotely close to 'normal' are always bestowed with misfortune and destined to be an outcast, whereas people who take everything they have for granted are always given a fulfilling life.

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