Chapter Twenty - Ash's Disappearance

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Misty's POV

The alarm which sits on the bedside table rings orotund, waking up the two girls beside me. Instead of getting up with them, I smash the alarm on the floor and snuggle inside the duvet again. I'm never a morning person, especially since we were practically up all night.

The time we shared last night seems like a mere dream, never would I have imagined that the three of us would develop such a bond. That aside, I'm surprised at my own actions the most yesterday. Why did I help them reconcile? I should be feeling satisfaction at the sight of Dawn in pain. I should be aiming to become someone superior to her in all aspects. I vowed to myself to never lose against Dawn again, yet my actions say different. Could it possibly be that I don't actually hate her...?

"I would appreciate if you'd wake up now, Misty Waterflower. Unlike you, I need to tidy up the bedsheets here!"

My warm covering is being yanked away and sunlight hits my eyes. I slowly open my eyes, seeing Dawn standing besides me with her arms crossed with my blurry vision. I can't properly see her facial expression but I can envision that she's vexed from her tone.

Dawn's POV

"I would appreciate if you'd wake up now, Misty Waterflower. Unlike you, I need to tidy up the bedsheets here!" I lecture.

"Chill out Dawny, you sound like my mum." Misty yawns and slowly sits up, rubbing her eyes.

"Listen to mama then." I sarcastically remark.

May sits backwards on my chair, rocking her legs and giggling as she watches me drag Misty out of bed. It's hectic but one of the best mornings I've had for awhile.

Time Skip

The three of us arrived to school together and Misty separated from us once the bell rang. I noticed Ash hadn't arrived and assumed he overslept but lessons went by yet he never turned up even after school has ended. 

May and I met up with Misty and left school together, we chatted about trivial topics but I couldn't help but wonder why Ash hadn't turned up to school today.

"Hey, Ash never turned up to school did he? Why don't we pay him a visit? There's a chance that he might be ill or something." Misty abruptly suggests.

Did she realise I'm concerned? Or perhaps I'm reading too much into Misty's actions? I glance at May who has never taken a liking into Ash. At first, her expression doesn't seem to be keen on the idea but she eventually smiles.

"I can't honestly say that I'll be able to befriend him but I'll at least give it a try this time. After all, I now realise that a friend of Dawns can't be bad. Let's go together!"

"Thank you, May." I hug May from behind as we continue walking. I offer to lead the way since I'm the only one who knows of Ash's address. 

We reach Twinleaf Apartment fairly quickly but notice a large crowd surrounding the complex from afar. As we approach closer, we catch glimpse of police officers blocking the entrance and everyone's attention is focused above, I follow their gaze and look upwards. A room on the seventh floor had its glass windows shattered with furniture near the edge and claw marks on the exterior, sliding down.

"D-Don't tell me...." I gasp and rush towards the entrance, squeezing past the crowd.

"Dawn? What's wrong?" May shout from behind, following behind me with Misty.

"That unit! I think it's Ash's!" I shout back without stopping.

I eventually make it pass the throng, reaching the main entrance. I plan to enter but a police officer blocks me off.

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