Chapter Fifteen - Jealousy

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Ash's POV

I stride out of the library and through the corridors at a steady pace. I'm certain it was Dawn back there; she definitely saw me and Miss Waterflower together. I'm unsure as to why but I need to resolve her misunderstanding. I dislike the thought of Dawn mistaking our relationship. Perhaps its because she's my first friend since I've become the 'demon child'? Or is there another reason?

I search around the school and eventually locate her just outside of our classroom door. I plan to call out to her but it came to my attention that one of our male classmates stood next to her. I can't recall his name but he seems intimate with Dawn.

I stand in the distance and watch their interactions. Just why does my heart ache as I continue to watch them? I turn around and decide to get some fresh air from outside but encounter Miss Waterflower on the way. She stands in front of the exit door, preventing me from advancing and gestures me to follow her.

She leads me back near the corridor, opposite my classroom, and spins around.

"Hey, your name's Ash Ketchum right? You've caught my interest! How does it sound to hang out with the world's greatest beauty?"

Wh-Wha? Aside from her narcissistic claim to be the 'world's greatest beauty', I'm utterly shocked that someone other than Dawn would want to hang around me. Convinced that I'm hallucinating, I didn't respond at all.

Miss Waterflower waits patiently and tilts her head. I must admit that she is pretty charming but Dawn's still the most attractive to me.... Huh? Did I jus-

"C'mon! Pretty please!"

Looks like it's no hallucination, Miss Waterflower gazes at me with puppy-dog eyes and clasps her hands together. I still don't believe her but I unconsciously nod. The instance I accepted her invitation, she grabs my left arm and squeezes it tightly.

"Yay! It's a date then!" She yells, loud enough for everyone in my classroom to hear.

I attempt to shush her and argue that it isn't considered a date but nothing is being conveyed. My classmates all shift their attention to us, especially the boys. However, all I'm concerned about is whether Dawn heard us or not.

"Huh? Did I just hear that the Misty Waterflower is going on a date with the 'demon child'?"

"The world has turned upside down!"

"We must've heard wrong! Misty couldn't possibly..... would she?"

Judging by the reaction of my classmates, Miss Waterflower seems to be rather popular in this school. Fortunately, the bell rings to signify the start of class and she finally releases my arm.

"See you later, Ashy!" Miss Waterflower shouts before returning to her classroom.

Did I hear correctly? Ashy? I chuckle to myself before heading to my own seat. What an intriguing girl.

Dawn's POV

Our teacher arrives and we're instructed to complete the remaining worksheets from yesterday. However, despite having no interruptions, I can't concentrate at all. My mind is focusing on nothing but Ash.

I should be delighted that Ash is making friends besides myself right? Yet I'm selfishly desiring to be his only friend, monopolising all of him. Could this feeling possibly be jealousy? I glance at Ash besides me, unfazed and rather happy to some extent. I need time alone, to calm myself and think things through. Should I.....

I raise my hand to ask for the teacher's attention. He notice me quite quickly and I take a breathe before speaking.

"S-Sir, I'm feeling rather unwell today. May I request to visit the infirmary?"

I've always been the honour student of this school therefore it's my first time deceiving the teacher to escape class. Just what has become of me ever since I met Ash?

"That's plausible. Perhaps someone should escort you? In case anything happens on the way." He responds.

The teacher's concern only makes me more guilty of lying but I can't and won't take it back. I plan to select a classmate which I rarely interact with to avoid conversing.

"Sir! I volunteer to accompany her to the infirmary."

My eyes scan the room to identify the source of the voice. It belongs to an overfamiliar brunette who stood up with her hand in the air.

"Alright. I'll leave Miss Berlitz in your care, Miss Maple."

It's indeed May. She makes her way towards me and offers to help me up. I couldn't refuse in front of the entire class and reluctantly accept.

We leave the classroom with May in front, leading the way. I trudge along in absolute silence, only the sound of our footsteps are heard, until she breaks the tranquillity.

"Still clinging onto the 'demon child'?" She asks rhetorically.

I ignore her remark and continue walking without a word.

"You've changed for the worse, Dawn. Never had you deceived teachers in the past."

I honestly find our current atmosphere distressing. May was once the only one I found comfort in but nowadays, she's the sole person who I find intolerable to be around. Being alone with her is extremely agonising. Yet she's able to see through my lie instantly, I suppose she's still the one who understands me the best.

"Silent treatment? It's not too late to reconsider your decision. Hadn't Paul talked it over with you just before class? As long as you cut all ties with the 'demon child', we'll always welcome you back."

That's the last straw. I stop walking, causing May to also stop and turn around. Our eyes lock and it's been awhile since I properly looked at her. The fact that her appearance hadn't changed a bit and only our relationship has is truly excruciating.

"I apologise for being an eyesore but I won't be retracting my actions, Miss Maple. I advise you to advert your eyes and ignore me, I'll be sure to do the same. I believe I can head to the infirmary by myself, you're free to return back to class. You wouldn't want to be seen around someone who hangs out with Ash, would you?"

And I took off, holding in my tears. Time won't reverse, May and I will never be able to revert back to our previous relation.

May's POV

After listening to Dawn and watching her take off, my legs collapse down onto the floor. I'm really such an idiot. I dig out a prompt card from my pocket and unfold it, reading it through my head once again.

"I'm truly sorry for what happened before, Dawn. I should've never talked behind your back and judge who you choose to befriend. I ensure that it'll never happen again. I sincerely hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and revert our relationship."

I rehearsed it numerous times yet my mouth has a mind of its own, only words that upsets Dawn continue to come out. Is my conscious being controlled by my pride? Or do I truly believe that I was not in the wrong? Either way, I had the perfect chance to recite this and adjure for her forgiveness yet missed it. I start shedding tears of sorrow until my legs regain enough energy to walk back to the classroom.

Dawn's POV

I came up with an explanation of my false illness to Nurse Joy and she allowed me to remain in the infirmary until I feel 'better'. Today can't get any worse, not only did I witness Ash getting asked out by Misty; my anger got the better of me when I spoke with May.

I shrivel up on the bed, holding my knees with my hands. For the first time in high school, I feel truly alone. I don't have the courage to face Ash nor May anytime soon.

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