Chapter Nine - Heart-throbbing Thunderstorm

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Dawn's POV

"Y-You've got the wrong impression Nurse Joy! Miss Berlitz and I are mere acquaintances. She just happened to be assigned as my two-week guide."

I realise now that the entire time we spent together meant nothing to him. I and him are just 'mere acquaintances'. We weren't even friends after all this time? What's this pain in my heart?

"Oh my, the two of you would look cute together." Nurse Joy comments.

Together? We aren't even able to become friends, let alone as lovers. I stand up and let out a sigh before leaving.

"Seems like you've made a full recovery, I'll be off now then Ash." I coldly state while making my way to the door.

Before departing, Nurse Joy stops me and suggests that I should leave with Ash for safety purposes. I assume he agrees since I hear him getting up. I would've liked the idea before today but I still decide to go along with it.

We arrive at the school's main doors to realise that the weather isn't exactly ideal for walking home. The rain is pouring down heavily and shows no sign of ending anytime soon. It didn't occur me to check the weather forecast or bring an umbrella this morning due to my mother's sudden absence.

"Miss Berlitz, perhaps you didn't bring an umbrella? If that's the case then I'm willing to share mine with you.... unless you prefer not to."

Ash opens up his umbrella and grins at me. That smile of his really is unfair. Despite wanting to distance myself from him today, I agree to walk under his umbrella. Normally, a girl and a boy under the same umbrella would be rather romantic, yet that's not the case for me. I feel more empty after hearing him refer to me as an acquaintance following with going home together.

I direct Ash to my house as he insist that I should return home first. Doesn't this defeat the point of Nurse Joy asking me to accompany Ash home safely? We arrive in front of my house without danger and, as I'm taking my keys out, a thunderous voice echoes around me. My legs lose strength and I fall onto my knees with my entire body trembling in fear.

"Miss Berlitz? Miss Berlitz?!"

I notice that he released the umbrella which dropped on the concrete. I feel Ash's hands on my shoulders, gripping onto them tightly. Glancing upwards, I find Ash's face smeared with worry.

"Miss Berlitz? Are you able to stand?!" He whisper-shouts, inching his face closer to mine.

I weakly nod and Ash supports me up from the ground. He opens the door with the keys I dropped when I fell. He returns them to my pocket after entering and closing the door. Ash leads me to the closest area to sit, which is the couch in the living room.

"Miss Berlitz, are you feeling any better?" He questions.

Before being able to nod and reassure him, lightning strikes again. I cover my ears with my hands and curl myself up by reflex as the thunder grows louder.

I hate this. I didn't want anyone to ever see my weak side again, especially Ash. Compared to this, he's been through much distressing experiences. Ash must be laughing at my inadequacy. I thought that I've become stronger, strong enough to overcome all my weaknesses. Or at the very least, conceal them.



"Waste of space."


Stop! P-Please..... stop..... STOP!

"Miss Berlitz? Miss Berlitz?!"

Ash's voice pierces through my train of thoughts from the past and back to reality. He takes a seat beside me and removes my beanie, stroking my head softly. My heart and body warms up as I lean my head on his shoulder. I begin drifting off to sleep until another sudden clapping of thunder rip the fragile veil of silence we created. Ash abruptly stands up, forcing me to sit upright and no longer able to rest my head on his shoulder.

"A-Ash?" I whisper, unable to speak any louder.

"It's already quite late, I should return home before it's dark. I'll see you tomorrow at school, Miss Berlitz."

He slowly starts making his way to the door and, at this moment, I have no control over my own self. Before I knew it, I extended my hand and grabbed his shirt from behind. I pull my body forward and press my forehead on his back.

"P-Please stay Ash, just for a while longer. My mom is away on a business trip and I-I don't want to be alone right now..."

My voice trembles and I clutch tightly on his shirt. He hasn't turned around nor responded verbally but I caught sight of him nodding.

Ash's POV

"P-Please stay Ash, just for a while longer. My mom is away on a business trip and I-I don't want to be alone right now..."

Miss Berlitz's delicate hands grip onto my shirt firmly and her frail body embraced my back. How did the independent and spirited Miss Berlitz become such a fragile girl? Seeing her weakly state, I couldn't help but label her cute. 

I feel my face reddening as I nod in response. Miss Berlitz's hand releases my shirt and I turn around to find her collapsing. I immediately catch her by the waist before she hit the ground.

"Miss Berlitz? Miss Berlitz?!"

My heart pounds as I received no response but relaxes when I hear her softly snoring. I carry her, bridal style, to the couch once again and remove my jacket to cover her. I take a seat on the floor in front of the sofa and rest my head next to hers, slowly dozing off.

Dawn's POV

I open my eyes and yawn as I sit up. I look around and find myself in the living room with Ash's jacket covering me. He's honestly too kind for his own good. I recall the events that happened before falling asleep, causing me to blush.

I attempt to move but found it rather challenging. I look down to find my hand underneath Ash's head, used as a pillow. I chuckle quietly as he starts sleep talking about food. I make an effort to slip my hand out without waking him and return his jacket before heading to the kitchen. I catch a glimpse at the time and there seems to be a few hours before sunrise. I pour a drink of water before returning back to the living room and crash! 

Ash, who's leaving the room, collides into me. How many time had this happened? Are we destined to always crash into each other? We both fall but Ash quickly picks himself up and extends his hand to help me. I accept without hesitation and he pulls me up. I'm still wondering how to act after presenting myself in such a vulnerable state last night but he walks straight past me, towards the main door.

"Ash? Where are you going? It's not even sunrise yet." I loudly yell to ensure he hears me.

"I'll be heading home now Miss Berlitz." He answers without turning around.

"Huh? Do you really think I'll let you? Just look at the time!"

There's absolutely no way I'll allow him to go home at this time of the day. The sky's still dark and it's certainly not safe. Though another reason is that I still didn't want to be alone yet. Am I being too selfish?

"I've already intruded you more than enough. I should take my leave now, Miss Berlitz."

I understand there's no use reasoning with him using words. I walk up towards him and grab his wrist forcefully, dragging him upstairs to the guest room. I push him down on the bed and command him to sleep.

I can tell that he wants to protest but didn't, most likely because I'm frowning and spoke in a serious tone. I return back to my bedroom after ensuring he wouldn't sneak out. How much pride have I lost during the last 24 hours? 

I roll onto my bed, underneath the duvet, and hug my pillow tightly. Somehow, I don't feel half as warm compared to sleeping beside Ash.

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