Chapter 3

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A.N: Walt won't be in this story, so act like he doesn't exist. Nico is gay, but with Anubis' and his souls connected, he may start to inhabit some of his feelings.

Chapter 3

"This is stupid," Nico muttered, going up to the large wall. "I don't want to meet them."

You have to. Anubis replied.

Nico sighed, kicking at the wall. "Hello? You going to let me in?"

You have to open it yourself.

"That's rude, to not let your hero in!" Nico shouted, ignoring Anubis. "You want me to break down the wall?! Fine!"

That's what I said earlier. Anubis commented, sounding amused.

"No, you said to open it. I'm going to break it." Nico thrust his hands out, feeling the obsidian in the door. Smiling to himself, he clenched his fists as he watched it shatter into a million pieces.

"Ha! Bet you can't fix that!" Nico crossed his arms, proud of himself.

Actually, they can.

"You know what, stop talking to me!" Nico yelled, glaring at the sky. "You don't get to talk anymore!"

"Mate, are you okay?"

Nico snapped his head up to see inside the building, seeing a girl and boy around his age. The girl, the one that had spoken, had a British accent. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail, wearing an all-white outfit except for her black combat boots.

"He broke down the door. He's probably a godling." the boy whispered. His skin was darker, but you could see minor similarities between them.

They're siblings.

"What did I just say?!" Nico grabbed his hair roughly. "Shut up." Having Anubis in his brain took every chance of control away from Nico. He thought about things less, so Anubis couldn't snoop, and couldn't control the urge to yell at the annoying jackal-headed freak. He knew something would need to change, but he wasn't sure what.

"Hey, why don't you come inside?" the boy said gently. "I know this is probably all confusing, but we can explain it to you."

"I don't need explanations." Nico managed, starting to calm down. "'re Carter, right?"

The boy looked shocked before nodding. "Yeah, I'm Carter Kane. This is my sister-"

"Sadie." Nico finished. "Yeah, I know. Trust me, he won't shut up with facts."

Have you ever heard yourself speak?

Nico yelled out in frustration. "Can I mute you?!"

The girl laughed. "That would have been a handy tool with Isis."

She was hosted by Isis, while Carter was hosted by Horus.

"But they got away from their problems, didn't they?" Nico asked, yanking at his necklace but not pulling it off. He then turned to Carter, sighing. "Can I come in?"

Carter nodded, stepping away. Nico walked in, looking around the entrance hall uneasily. Egyptian gods had never been his favorites, nor the kindest. Now he was stuck in a mansion worshiping them.

Not all of us are that way. Anubis sounded hurt. I'll have you know I hate some of them almost as much as you do.

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