Chapter 25

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Almaji looked down at the fuzzy gloves Will had gotten him, frowning at the black color of them. He looked around the Infirmary, watching as the overflow took up the entire room and some cots outside. Blood splattered the white floor, walls, and ceiling. Bodies laid here and there, some with a white sheet over them. He saw an arm being reattached, a stab wound being treated, a body being laid to the side so that there was room for someone living.

Nobody paid the kid any attention, nobody saw how scarred he was. He couldn't find Will, couldn't find Nico, couldn't find the Stolls or anyone he knew. Everyone was gone.

The Day Before

"Al!" Nico jogged up to sit by Almaji at the training arena, watching as Percy sparred Clarisse. "How's it going?"

"I think Percy is going to win," Almaji stated. "But I don't know. It's been awhile. If he gets power from water, then he'll get power from his sweat. That's why I'm voting for him."

Nico looked over at the two, smiling when he saw how engaged they were. "I don't know, Clarisse can put up a good fight. We'll just have to see."

Almaji huffed in agreement as he watched the two, his eyes never failing him for a second. Nico sat with him for awhile before looking to him again, sick of playing with the thread that came out of his fingerless gloves. "How's schooling been with Will?"

Almaji made a face. "Boring."

Nico smiled at him. "Really? It can't be that bad. He promised to make it fun."

"It's horrible!" Almaji complained. "I have to watch him stitch people up and fix them and stuff. And all I get to do is watch."

"Didn't he say he'll let you do it sometime?" Nico asked. "Like a splint or something?"

"He lied," Almaji pouted. "I haven't done anything but wear gloves and not touch people. Even with gloves, he won't let me."

"He's stubborn like that," Nico admitted. "You just have to hang in there. I'll talk to him for you, okay?"

Almaji smiled. "Thanks, Nico."

Nico gave him a small wink before looking up at the darkening sky. "Hm, that's weird."

Almaji looked up also. "What?"

"It's getting dark. Not supposed to rain in camp borders." Nico explained, his eyes crossing to study a raindrop that landed on the bridge of his nose. "Odd..."

"Maybe it's to make the strawberries grow." Almaji got up and threw his hood on. "It's getting cold. Bye!" He waved to Nico and ran off, no doubt sensing what Nico did.

Something wasn't right, and it wasn't the last time Nico felt that.


At dinner that night, Chiron silenced them all for an announcement. There'd be a meeting tomorrow morning, and every cabin leader must go, no exceptions. His tone was grave and serious. Something was wrong.


Nico got up the next morning before dawn broke, dressing in all black as usual. He looked in the mirror, stared at himself as if he'd never look in the mirror again, and grabbed a pair of fingerless gloves. He looked at them, felt the material, and put them on. He didn't necessarily like the way they made him look, but it made it so that Almaji wasn't alone in his no-touching rules.

The mirror was dirty and dusty, barely every used with him as the only cabin stayer. Almaji was there a lot but didn't care about his appearance, still a child that only cared about playing and who was around him. The mirror was cracked near the top, a couple feet above Nico's head, and a trickle of glass fell down whenever someone walked too close. Nico stared at the crack, stared at himself, stared at Almaji's sleeping reflexion. He stared until his eyes got tired and the sun rose.

What's wrong? Anubis asked. I can feel your fear.

Something isn't right. Nico looked down at his fists, clenched them, unclenched. Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it.

Let's hope you're wrong, Anubis replied. This camp doesn't need anything else. They're finally at peace.

They won't be for long. Nico admitted. Something bad is going to happen.

I'll keep looking out. Anubis promised. Keep in touch.

Nico got his combat boots on as someone knocked on the door quietly. He walked over and opened it, putting a finger to his lips as he saw Percy. "Almaji's sleeping. Is it time for the meeting?"

Percy nodded, his green eyes stormy. "Something's wrong. Chiron's acting...weird. Even Annabeth is worried."

Nico frowned, feeling Anubis stir in his mind again. "Let's get this over with."

They walked to the Big House in silence, each footfall the only noise that broke through. No one else seemed to be awake yet, except for the other cabin leaders that also walked towards the meeting. Nobody smiled, nobody looked towards the shining sun in thanks. Even Will Solace looked like he had barely slept.

"Hey, Nico," Will greeted as he stepped in pace with Nico and Percy. "Almaji still asleep?"

Nico nodded. "He'll be fine. Do you know what this meeting is about?"

Will shook his head. "Nope. But Chiron said it's mandatory. I had to leave someone else in charge of the Infirmary."

Nico smiled softly, talking sarcastically. "Oh, no, the empty Infirmary will ruin without you!"

Will rolled his eyes. "Not my fault I'm so used to it. Campers around here get hurt sharpening their own swords."

"That isn't that hard to do." Percy pipped up. "I mean, you..." He trailed off when he saw Nico's glare. "Right, sorry."

Will laughed briefly. "Nico, don't get so mad."

"I'm not mad, I'm on edge," Nico admitted as they got to the Big House. "This meeting will be...important."

"Then let's go get it over with." Will wrapped his arm around Nico's shoulders and led him in, both their smiles dropping.

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