Chapter 11

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Leading up to when they got to the House of Hades was full of different sidetracks that always left Nico wondering if something was wrong. It was easy, almost too easy, with his power mixed with Anubis'. Some days he felt like he could take on Gaea herself and win in a matter of minutes. There was probably a reason gods weren't supposed to take demigods as their hosts.

The reason it wasn't supposed to be possible? Because one human body wasn't supposed to be able to hold that much power. Nico didn't know how he was an exception, if he was one. Or was it going to slowly burn him up?

The worst thing about it was when Nico tried to look into Anubis' thoughts about the whole ordeal. They were either being hidden from him or had been erased, but Nico knew it had to be the former. But why they were being hidden from him was the biggest question. What was too important to tell his own host?

It made Nico start to not trust Anubis, and that didn't settle well with their powers.

Croatia was when his mood went even more downhill. Suddenly, Tartarus didn't seem that far away anymore. They stood in that vacant city, Nico feeling like he'd throw up at any moment. He wasn't close to Jason, not in the least, and saying something so personal in front of him wasn't something he was looking forward to.

Nico, you need to calm down, Anubis spoke to him, sounding more awkward than Nico had ever heard him. It isn't even that big of a deal. I'm sure-

As if! Nico thought back, physically having to stop himself from speaking along with his thoughts. Jason follows the law and do you know what the law is? Racist, selfish, biased, prejudiced, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic,... He continued on with as much as he could think of, his brain running rampant with all the hate he had seen in the world. It was only Anubis that reminded him that there was actually some good.

Same-sex marriage is legalized, you idiot. Anubis mentally sighed. Jason isn't going to judge you. He's the type of guy that works with you no matter what, you know? You're on the same team and he won't see you any differently.

But the law-

Isn't homophobic anymore. Yes, there are some serious faults, but you can't use that for an argument against Jason right now. Anubis corrected. Need I go on or are you going to stand here all day?

Nico snapped out of it and looked down at his feet, the grass around him withered and dead. The one that brought them there, Favonius, went on to tell his epic love story that ended with heartbreak and death like usual. He and Apollo had been fighting about a man he ended up killing. Jason seemed slightly lost but not homophobic, which gave Nico slight hope that Anubis encouraged.

It took Jason stopping an arrow from going through his chest for Nico to think back in reality. His heart raced but he let his voice come out, thankful he didn't squeak. "We just want the scepter! We're trying to stop Gaea. Are you on the gods' side or not?"

Another arrow came at him and embedded itself in the ground at his feet. Maybe that wasn't the right thing to say.

Jason was busy talking about how they could wield the scepter when the third arrow came, this time hitting Nico in the arm. There was pain, that was for sure, but not physical. His whole body screamed with the ache of keeping his secret for so long. While he was fighting back the urge to shadow travel away and give up, he didn't bother stopping Anubis from taking control. Wouldn't that be easier?

"Enough games!" Anubis shouted, holding where the arrow had hit him (them?). "Show yourself!"

Cupid, instead of showing himself, told them the story of his wife and all she had to go through. Even though he was the god of love, he didn't seem like he loved her very much.

Nico watched Jason get smacked around before taking control back, his voice actually cracking this time. "Stop it! It's me you want. Leave him alone!" Even though he wasn't close to Jason, even though he would have rather came here by himself, he couldn't watch Jason suffer for Nico's fear. It wasn't right, and he wouldn't let it go on.

He felt anger fill him━at himself and Cupid and the whole situation. Maybe Anubis was helping the anger, maybe it was more energy being pumped into him. Whether the case, he finally got the courage to do something.

~Line Break~

Jason watched Nico in confusion, trying to think of why Cupid wanted him so bad. A crush on a girl? Didn't everybody have that? Nico was no exception to teenage love, so why was Cupid being so hard on him?

He still wasn't sure what he thought of Nico di Angelo, but he knew the poor kid didn't deserve to be bullied by the love god. He had been through Tartarus, lived in the Underworld, and had an Egyptian god stuck in his head. Yes, he was physically powerful, but that didn't equal mentally.

Jason had noticed when Anubis took over, not only his accent changing. The way he held himself was different. He had more dignity, more respect for himself like any other god would. Nico, on the other hand, was nothing like that. He slouched and tried to keep himself hidden from all those around him. He didn't see himself as a hero or a villain. To him, he was simply...there.

Nico's face filled with anger before Anubis spoke again, probably trying to calm the son of Hades before he ended up killing someone. No doubt he could, with the power he had. "Give up Diocletian's scepter. We don't have time for games."

Jason got his sword back and watched wearily. "Nico, what does this guy want from you?" Sure, Anubis had been in control, but he addressed Nico for a reason. Nico was the real person there, not some Egyptian god that needed a host. It was Nico's emotions that were being messed with.

That's when Nico's anger was let loose. Jason had a split second to see that it was once again the son of Hades in control before he screamed, the ground opening at his feet and skeletons coming out. At any other time, Jason would have been scared, but he had to remind himself that the skeletons were on his side. The guy that controlled them was on his side...hopefully.

Cupid didn't seem to be scared, however, and taunted Nico once again. The skeletons finally dragged him down, however, as he started to fight back.

As soon as Nico spoke, Jason knew it was a lie. "I left camp because of love. Annabeth, she-"

Cupid cut him off again, but Jason had started to put it together. He spoke up even though those skeletons could have turned on him in an instant. "Nico, it's okay. I get it."

When Nico looked over at him, he couldn't help but shrink back from all the emotions that washed over that pale face. A face that didn't even seem to be human anymore. The godly power poured out of him in waves, but not just Anubis' power. Nico's own power rolled off him and engulfed the area around him, killing the grass and rotting away any plants in reach. For the first time, Jason was scared of Nico di Angelo. If that boy's powers kept maturing...

Nico's face was full of pain and misery, his young eyes burdened by too many troubles. He looked old, older than he should have, and a certain spark was in his eyes. Jason had seen that spark before, on a demigod that had been driven insane while scouting the Labrinth. The young man had never been the same after that, and Jason knew the same would be for Nico.

When Nico finally admitted it, when those choked words finally made their way out of his mouth, Jason was glad he heard Nico's voice and not Anubis'. This was something only Nico could face, even if it had to be done. If Anubis had made Nico's body utter those words, Jason would have gone over there and strangled him himself.

"I had a crush on Percy. That's the truth, that's the big secret. Happy now?" There was no Egyptian in his voice, nothing but Nico's original accent. Even with all his power and all of it that rolled off him, Nico looked as small as a child.

But Jason couldn't help but still be afraid of the boy.

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