Chapter 4

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"I guess he does sleep like the dead. Death Kid, you alive?"

"Of course he's alive, Sadie."

"Well, I'm sorry that he just refuses to wake up. Wait, I have an idea."

"Sadie, don't-"

Nico's eyes opened when he felt the water hit him, jerking into a sitting position. Looking around, Carter and Sadie were standing next to him. Sadie had her hair tied back, an empty cup in her hand.

"Anubis, you missed breakfast," she stated.

"How many times do I have to tell you-"

"I can call him whatever I want, dear brother of mine." she came up to Nico, grabbing his arm. "Up! You're not a zombie, are you?"

Nico yanked his arm away from her. "I'm not coming to breakfast or lunch. I have to leave."

Carter frowned. "Oh,...okay. When are you coming back?"

Sadie crossed her arms, pouting. "You just got here. You didn't practice magic or anything. All you did was talk to Carter."

Nico stood up, slipping his jacket on. "I know, but I really have to go. I've got another war to worry about, too."

"You don't even know the details of our war." Sadie countered. She then stood in front of him, looking at him closely. "Or are you just wanting to get back to your girlfriend? Because she can wait a couple days-"


"because she doesn't own you." Sadie continued, ignoring Carter's protest. "So tell her that you have stuff to do and stay-"

"Shut up." Nico glared at her, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I don't have a girlfriend. I have a world to save and a sister to check in with. So if you would be so kind to grant me the cutesy of leaving, I would greatly appreciate it."

Nico, don't be mean.

"I can do whatever I want, jackal brain," Nico muttered, brushing some hair behind his ear.

"You shouldn't talk out loud. You look schizophrenic." Sadie commented, still looking upset.

"Sweet of you to notice," Nico replied bitterly.

"Do you know when you're coming back?" Carter asked awkwardly.

Nico shrugged. "I have no idea. I won't be gone that long."

He made sure he had everything before shaking Carter's hand. "I'll be back."

The boy nodded, shaking his hand.

Nico sighed, letting his hand go before stepping into the shadows. Used to this feeling by now, he let himself get consumed and transported to Camp Jupiter.

My power isn't mixing well with Roman.

"That's the best news I've heard all day," Nico commented, sitting on the grass in front of the shrine of Pluto. At the moment, he was alone.

Nico, that's serious. If you get attacked and I can't save you...

"I can save myself. I have before you took over my head. And I won't get attacked in Camp Jupiter."

Anubis mentally sighed.

"Nico?!" Hazel's voice broke the silence. "I brought a friend."

He stood up and faced her, freezing when he saw who was next to her. Percy...

Percy freaking Jackson.

Nico obviously stood in shock for too long because Anubis took over, smiling, holding his hand out to Percy. "Nice to meet you."

Nico mentally froze when Anubis' accent came out, looking at Hazel. She had noticed, her golden eyes trained on his face.

"I know you..." Percy also looked at him in confusion.

Nico took back his body quickly, freaking out but hiding it well, which seemed to be a good tactic when he had the ability to actually pull it off. He'd never admit it out loud, but anger issues were big for him. "Do you?"

Hazel seemed to relax at his voice. "Percy's lost his memory. I was wondering if you knew him-"

"Hazel, I don't." Nico cut in, half glaring at her.

"Oh, okay." she widened her eyes slightly.

"Did you have a different accent?" Percy asked. "That wasn't Greek or Roman..."

"It was none of your business," Nico responded.

You spend all that time looking for him and you act like a jerk?

Nico scowled deeply, clenching his fists.

Frank ran up then, breaking the tension between the trio. "Hey, Nico..."

Nico nodded. "Hello, Frank. I need to speak with my sister. Take Percy where he needs to go?"

"I want to talk to you," Percy stated.

"I'm staying overnight," Nico responded, shuffling uncomfortably.

"You are?" Hazel looked at him in shock.

He nodded slightly.

Frank took Percy away, leaving the siblings alone.

"So, what's up?" Hazel asked, crossing her arms. "Do you know Percy? You said you've been-"

"I can't say." Nico interrupted. "Important things are at work here."

You think? Anubis asked sarcastically.

Nico frowned in annoyance, clenching his fists slightly.

Hazel eyed him closely. "Are you alright? You've been acting...weird."

Nico nodded. "I'm fine. Look, I need to talk to you about something else. I won"t be around as much because I have things to do. I'm going to go look for the Doors of Death." And help the Egyptians, he added mentally.

She frowned, touching his arm gently. "Isn't that dangerous?"

He shrugged. "I'll be fine. Just remember to trust Percy Jackson. He's a good guy."

Hazel nodded, her eyes flashing slightly with an unspoken statement. So you do know him, after all.

He started to get antsy, bouncing slightly.

My power is not welcome here. Anubis explained, even his voice shaking slightly. His emotions seemed to be the cause of Nico's discomfort. We can't stay long.

Nico nodded slightly, letting out a deep breath.

Hazel frowned. "What is it?"

"N-Nothing. I have to go. I lied about staying." he kissed her cheek, shaking. "Bye,"

She frowned deeply, grabbing his arm. "Wait. Something's wrong with you."

"I'm fine," he stated, moving away slightly.

"How come I don't believe that?" she asked, crossing her arms.

He frowned, not saying anything.

"Are you sick? Hurt?" she asked worriedly. "Is dad overworking you?"

He shrugged. "Something like that."

"Okay...get going, then. Get some rest."

"I will," he promised, giving her a small smile. He stepped into the shadows of the shrine of Pluto, looking around before melting into the shadows.

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