The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like this pt.1

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Let me first introduce my self. I'm Cherish Jones. I'm 21 years old and life is hard at that age. I have a long and straigh blonde hair with a natural light brown streaks on it. I have no bangs, I have before but not right now, cause its kinda annoying. I'm small but not so small and thin, I have a grayish blue eyes and a pinkish white skin. I have a nice apperance but I'm not showing it off that much.

So me and my friends Beatrice and Leah are going to their concert tomorrow, they are obssesed with them. But I'm not, I love their music, I know the members of the band but I'm not a big fan My friends are good looking people too. First Beatrice Leonard, she is a very jolly person. She have a aqua blue eyes, have a pinkish skin like mine, she's 22 yrs old and she have a healthy and fit body unlike me. She has a average height and she have a blonde and curly hair like goldilocks. Leah Olivia, she have a mature attitude but loves telling jokes. She's the only brunette on our group but knows how to hang out with blondes. She have a wavy brown hair and a dark brown eyes. She has a pinkish white skin, yeah the three of us does and she's 22 yrs. old. She have a fit body and she's the tallest among us.

That means I'm the most thinest and youngest among the three of us. And Beatrice and Leah describe me as the most wild, crazy and war freak one. I agree, I see those in myself too.

" oh my gaawd I'm so excited to see All Time Low tomorrow" Beatrice squealed

" I know right" Leah glanced at me " and oh Cherish, could you please bring your camera with you"

" yeah" I mumbled, busy from searching my camera on my drawer " Imma bring camera"

Me and my friends live together which is awesome. But they are forcing me to come with them to the All Time Low's concert to be a camera man. Its not that I dont want to go, its just that I dont feel like going. I've been in one of their concerts and it was amazing. And by that time I fell and have a big scratch on my knee which still havent recovered. My skin is sensitive so that's why.

Its the day of their tour and we're about to leave, but I'm still on my bed and prepared. Watching Beatrice and Leah run all around the room searching for some shoes, necklaces and so on.

" seriously guys, arent we gonna leave?"

" wait I still havent applied my lipstick on" Beatrice rushed to the mirror

" its just a damn concert, nothing special about it."

" its not just a concert, its an All Time Low concert and yes, it is special"

I groaned " okay I agree"

After a long journey in the bus, we are already at the concert. The concert was already, I heard Alex and Jack telling jokes from the stage and the fans cheering and laughing. Beatrice and Leah ran through the crowd. They pulled me along with them. I have to raise my camera so that I could shoot the All Time Low performing, it was a hard job. They were having fun there while I'm trying my best to capture it perfectly.

When the concert was done, the three of us went in ythe line for singning. Beatrice and Leah wre squealing in the line with the girls who are in the line too. While I'm just admiring the posters they are giving away. I'm a war freak, but I'm not in the mood. A little while, its Leah's turn to get her album signed by Alex Gaskarh

" Cherish! Cherish!" she whipered in an impatient tone

" what?"

" the camera! turn it on!"

" the - oh right" I looked down at my camera, trying real hard to turn it on cause there are girls who are pushing me. The camera accidentally slipped right out of my hands and it dropped at Alex Gaskarth's head since I was infront of him by the table.

The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like this ( ATL fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now