The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like this pt.7

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ALEX'S POV---------------------------------------------------------------------

Gawwd is she really that slow minded? Just imagine I really tried my best yesterday to make my feelings to her so obvious. Yet, she still havent figure it out. Better think of another way now.

I peeked through her room. She's still sleeping, I hope that she feels better now. After all I think its just a mild cold.

" Alex! where are you?" someone yelled from downstairs. That's probably Jack, I invited him to come over again. I ran downstairs to meet him. I was expecting for Zack to be there but he wasnt.

" where the hell is Zack?"

" oh Zack? he have other plans- hey Rian"

" hey bro" he greeted from the couch

" Kara is making some cookies in the kitchen if you want some" I pointed to the kitchen

" maybe later. Hey I heard that Cherish have a cold yesterday. How is she?"

" I think she's doing fine"

" I'M CUREED! HOORAAY!" Cherish yelled from upstairs

" yep, she's definitely fine" I sighed

CHERISH'S POV----------------------------------------------------------------------------

When I opened my eyes, I felt completely fine. No runny nose, no itchy throats or whatever. It means I'm away from my cold and I'm so happy. I jumped off the bed. I wanna celebrate from me being cured

" I'M CUREED! HOORAAY!" I yelled. I scrambled downstairs with a big smile on my face. There I found Alex, Jack and Rian looking at me akwardly " oh" I said a little embarassed " morning guys" I went to the kitchen. Kara was making some cookies. Just made my day even more.

" morning Cherish. So happy today huh?"

" yeah! anyways, can I have some of those cookies"

" okay- and can you bring the whole tray to the living room?"

" sure" I nibled on a cookie as I brought the tray on the living room.

" yey cookies!" Jack yelled. I went back to the kitchen to spend some time with Kara. She was sitting down on the kitchen counter and looking at some pictures. And I think all the pictures are making her smile

" what are those?"

" the photoshoot yesterday. It went well" she handed me some photos. Kara looked gorgeose. I wish I was that good looking as she is. But I'm kinda contented on how I look. Alex came around the kitchen and lean with me on the counter. He snatched the pictures that I'm looking at from my hands quickly.

" hey, I'm not done with those"

" well so am I" he stared at the pictures for a long time. Then he looked at Kara and smiled " wow Kara, you look good on these pictures- as always, you do"

She smiled " aaw thanks Alex

" what a cheesy atmosphere we got here" I muttered my breath as I rolled my eyes. I went to the livivng room. Jack and Rian were busy eating all the cookies.

" hey, Alex is hooking up with your girl" I told Rian as I passed by him

" really? he is?" he almost jumped from the couch

" naah I'm just kidding" I threw myself on the couch beside jack.

" looks like somebody is jealous" he teased

" looks like somebody needs to shut up!" I answered back. I dont know why I feel like this. But no, I dont have feelings for Alex. Alex is just a friend, he's not more than that and he'll never will. Infact, I hate him. I hate his cocky attitude.

The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like this ( ATL fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now