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"Let me drive." I said to Mikey.

"Why?" He asked.

"Look at your leg." She said.

It was shaking like crazy.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well uh seeing um how comfortable we are with uh each other I think it's um time to tell my uh mom about how we um meet." He stammered.

"If you're ready than I'm ready." I said as he parked his car.

He lead me inside.

"Jazmín! So nice to see you again!" She said.

"You too!" I smiled.

"Mom, remember last time you asked how we met but Jazmín had to leave for an acro class?" He asked.

"Yes. Continue." She said.

"We uh thought we could tell you now." He said.

"Alright. Well I'm all ears." She said.

"You start.'' He said.

"I just came to this town freshman year so I didn't know anyone. Mikey was in my biology class." I said.

"Yes. Eighth period bio. I thought she was so pretty and cute. I would always stare at her when she wasn't looking." He said.

"I think I know where this is headed." She smiled.

You have no idea.

"Cam always asked me what I thought about her. To protect my popularity, I just started trashing her. I called her so many terrible names." He said.

"You what?" She asked.

"The first sentence he ever said to me was, 'why are you so dumb, retard.'" I said.

"Mikey, I don't understand." She said.

"I bullied her for four years to keep my reputation alive. I didn't make my move until this year." He said.

"I just can't believe you bullied her. I've always raised you to respect women. Frankly, I'm shocked she's even with you." She said.

"He actually proved himself. He took me to a party and Cam got me drunk. Mikey saw and took me home immediately. He stayed with me all night to make sure I was okay." I explained.

"Well I guess that makes up for your foolish behavior." She said.

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