"No One is Going to Hurt You Again"

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The next morning we get up at around 7 in the morning so we can start heading to Austin

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The next morning we get up at around 7 in the morning so we can start heading to Austin. I put on a pair of sweats, throw on one of Brandon's hoodies, and slip on my white vans. I throw my hair into a messy bun and leave my glasses on.

As I'm putting my clothes from the day before in my suitcase I feel a pair of arms hug me from behind.

I sigh and lean my head back, he's so much taller than me that my head lands on his chest.

"I sleepy" I say turning around wrapping my arms around his neck while also burying my face into his neck.

"I know darling but it's not that far of a drive, we'll be with your family soon" he whispers rubbing small circles into my back.
"By the way you look extremely good in my hoodie" he says kissing my temple making me giggle.

"Okay lets go" i say grabbing my bag. We head towards the entryway where his family was waiting for us tiredly.

"Bye sweetheart, it was so good to meet you" Gina says giving me a big hug.

"Bye Gabby, we hope to see you again soon" Chris says also giving me a hug.

"Bye girl! It was good to meet you, and I just know we are going to be great friends" Halie says giving me my final hug.

"Bye guys, thank you for everything and for being so welcoming to me. It means so much that you guys made me feel at home and comfortable" i say holding Brandon's hand.

"Of course honey! You're apart of our family now. And you deserve to be treated like it. You were such a joy to be around, thank you for making my boy happy after everything happened with Charlotte" his mom says with a small smile.

"of course" i say squeezing Brandon's hand. Brandon let's go to say goodbye to his parents and sister before we head off to our long distance uber.

Brandon grabs my suitcase and throws it in the trunk along with his own before he joins me in the backseat. We wave goodbye to his family as the uber driver pulls away.

I lay my head in his lap preparing for the 3 hour drive. He starts playing with my hair and it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.

About 3 hours later we are in front of my parents house. We step out and I go ring the doorbell as Brandon gets the suitcases.

My mom answers it and gives me a big hug.
"My sweet girl! I've missed you so much!" she says as I hug back.

"I've missed you too Mama" i say pulling away.

My dad steps through the door and hugs me as Brandon joins us on my porch.

"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Brandon" i say motioning towards Brandon.

"Wow, you are so much cuter in person, nicely done Gabriella" my mom says making me laugh, and making Brandon blush.

"Thank you ma'am, it's nice to finally meet you" Brandon says giving her a hug.

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