"This Can't Be Happening"

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I am currently laying down in bed with Brandon's arms wrapped around me

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I am currently laying down in bed with Brandon's arms wrapped around me. We are in mid march and Brandon and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary in a week. I can't believe i've been with my love for a year. It feels like only yesterday when we first met. The only problem is i've been feeling kind of sick lately and I've been throwing up for a couple days now. I hope it goes away by the time our one year hits.

I feel a gurgling in my stomach and groan. I grab Brandon's hand and throw it off of me, waking him up as I run to the restroom.

He follows me in. "baby please leave I don't want you to see me like this" I groan.

"You look beautiful no matter what baby, i'm here for you" he says rubbing my back and grabbing my hair.

How did I get so lucky.

"Listen baby, we have a couple of meetings today, apparently they want us to go on another tour soon. But anyways I have to leave soon so I called Isabella and she's on her way. I love you" he says kissing the back of my head before going back to our room to get ready.

another tour i roll my eyes.

Two hours later I am sitting on the couch eating some soup with Isabella while we both watch friends.

I feel much better to be honest.

"You don't even look sick Gizzy" Isabella says to me.

"I know I know, it's weird. It's like I do all my throwing up in the morning and it usually goes away by noon" i respond not thinking anything of it.

Isabella sits and stares at me for a little bit before grabbing her keys.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'll be right back, just going to make a trip to the corner store" she says slipping out the front door. I shrug and continue watching friends.

15 minutes later she comes back in with a brown paper bag.

"What you got there?" I ask and she just sits next to me.

"Gabriella, when was the last time you and Brandon were y'know... together?" She asks me.

"Isabella, that's a little bit personal don't you think" i answer with wide eyes looking away.

"Gabriella!" she snaps and I bring my attention back to her, surprised. "This is serious, now answer the question"

"The night of his birthday, why?" I ask.

"did he have a condom on?" she asks.

"I don't really remember Isabella, we weren't really focused on that" i respond annoyed.

"Oh my God! Gabriella! You always need to focus on something like that!" she yells.
"When was the last time you had your period?" she asks me and I ignore the question.
"Gabriella Brielle Gomez answer me" she says sternly.

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