Chapter Five: My cute little sister Alice and the annoying Prince-sama

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Prince-sama and mother dragon had carried me to a place relatively distant from the outskirts. It was a caution method to protect me from my daddy dragon's finding. If he wanted to go this far, he would have to transform into a human and come by foot because his deathly aura scares the shit out of all the weak beasts that live near the edge.

I had a couple leisurely months with my family, turns out I have thirteen siblings — eight brothers and five sisters. My favourite one of which was a little gold-scaled dragon named Alice —  she was the youngest of all us siblings and Level 120. Her human form was the absolute cutest little thing and she actually looked quite similar to me. She had the same blonde hair (though it only reached past her breast and was held up by a cute black headband) and large, baby blue eyes. She was short, only reaching the base of my neck. Alice really reminded me of Alice from Alice in Wonderland since she was always in a world of her own.

She also lived the bunny I had brought with me, naming him Sugar after his white hair.

Every here referred to me as Rapunzel and I guess it became my unofficial name. Even in my stats, it changed from (Self-chosen names: Rapunzel) to (Unofficial name: Rapunzel) due to this. It was all Prince-sama's fault if you ask me. The bastard keeps chasing after me and won't go home and tend to his kingdom.

It's such a pain being a beauty capable of a kingdom's downfall * exasperated sigh*

But seriously, he was annoying the shit out of me. When I'd be having a tea party with Alice and the woodland creatures (that was not my idea, it was hers!) and that hoe would barge in and try to carry me away on a 'date'. Like tf? Read the mood will you asshole? I'm spending some quality time with my beloved little sister and your stupid ass comes in and ruins it!

That's not even the worst of it! He keeps telling me to come back to his kingdom with him and get married! Like boy, do you not realise I am a man? M-A-N! Fucking idiot. I really want to hit him over the head with a frying pan. Though of course with my skills, I pretended that I'd marry him one day when I'm 'stronger'. Ha, fucking idiot.

Anyways, I was currently holding a quaint little tea party with Alice and our little friends. The tea was like our alcohol and it kept being poured and poured. An endless stream of tea to get high off.

Alice was on her seventh cup of tea when she asked: "Are you really gonna move away and marry that little blond rat?" My sweet sister was actually a pretty poisonous young woman, though, like her older brother, she was an excellent actor.

I scoffed. "You really think you're big brother would settle down with such a twerp and playboy? Please, the lowest I would aim for is someone of daddy dragon's level. I could get with a god if I wanted." Already have gotten with a god technically.

 "Brother is too high class for that idiot. Plus, your daddy would never allow you to marry into a weak human kingdom like that. Even I've heard of the story of the newborn dragon getting stolen away from his mommy by his own father~ Momma always loves to make a huge thing about that, she also likes to complain he was too strong for her." Well, that makes sense, daddy dragon was level 981 while mommy dragon was only level 897. Alice's daddy was only level 889. Both of them had no chance of competing with daddy dearest.

 If you couldn't tell, Alice had been born of a different father than I (dragons generally did not give two shits about having more than one lover/mate. Plus, daddy dragon and momma dragon split up anyways) so we were technically only half-siblings. But I loved her more than my full siblings.

They just annoyed the hell out of me.

Like no bitch, I do not want to fight your scaly ass. I would much rather stick with Alice in our human forms. They're so much more attractive than those ugly, scaly and freaky things. Every time I saw one that was black in colour, I'd shiver in fear. Who knows if its daddy dragon coming back to collect me?

"Do you think I'll be able to eat that stupid human prince one day? He seems to be quite delicious~" Luckily, it was not the perverted type of eating, it was the 'I will gobble you up like the slab of meat you are peasant' type of eating. Yeah, that type of eating.

"Like anyone can stop you lil sis, and if they try, I'll kill them for you~" I would let my angelic little sister do whatever you want.

Alice giggled, her sharp teeth on display when she smiled. She then used wind magic in order to move her chair to behind me and grabbing my brush, she sat down on said chair and started to comb through the magical length known as 'tower hair'.

"I really do love your hair big brother but you should get it braided so its less of a hassle walking around, I'm sure the spirits and fairies would love to do it for you." I shrugged, my hair brushing skills were level 9000 so it was fine. The magic mostly kept things off from it anyway.

"No, you will get your hair braided!"

I rolled my eyes. "Do whatever."

And that my friends is how I got my hair braided by fairies, spirits and my adorable little sister Alice. They even put some pretty trinkets and magic stones in there (she stole them from our siblings).

God, I love my sister.


Should his name be Rapunzel officially or should I give him another name? Idk, it's kinda growing on me xD

Should his name be Rapunzel officially or should I give him another name? Idk, it's kinda growing on me xD

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^^^Lil sis Alice and Sugar

I actually wrote this chapter last night and decided to just use it as tomorrow/today's update, I'm great, I know.

Oh, and do you consider this story to be in the 'Mature' side of Wattpad? I'm not sure whether to keep it marked as such...

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