Chapter Six: Mushrooms, an escape and a cute newborn slime!

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"My darling Rapunzel, don't you want to come back and marry me? You'll never have to do any chores again as my princess..." I blocked him out, continuing to sweep my room. That annoying prince just wouldn't fuck off and leave me alone.

"Yes yes dear but I really wish to spend more time with my family, I went so many years without seeing them due to my father after all!" I preferred daddy dragon over this little twerp any day. At least he only appeared every once in a while compared to this bastard who came. Every. Single. Fucking. Day.

Alice barged into the room carrying Sugar, a happy grin on her cute little baby face. But that grin immediately dissipated at the sigh of Prince-sama. How could I ever even think of marrying someone my angelic little sister doesn't approve of?

"Fuck off you stupid blonde-haired dog shit, I need to speak with my big brother." Alice's baby blues clashed with the golden ones of Prince-sama, both filled with hatred. Of course, my beautiful baby sister won the staring contest and with one last lovey-dovey look towards me and a flowery goodbye, Prince-sama left the room. Thank god.

She shook her head, mumbling to herself. "Mushrooms these days... So disrespectful." 

Nope, I am not going to question that.

Alice sprang up onto my bed, making herself comfortable amongst the clean and perfectly made sheets. She's my favourite... I can't get mad.

"Hey, Ranze," Not that shitty nickname again... I will cut you bitch. "can we go on an adventure? I'm so bored these days, all our siblings are like the shit in my eyes and don't even get me started on Mama and Papa! They're so lovey-dovey it's disgusting — like get a room or go die in a hole! Why couldn't my Papa lock me away in a tower for seventy-five years by myself? Then I wouldn't have so many damn problems!" I glanced at her, speedily moving my broom to whack her in the back of the head.

"Boo you whore." I whacked her again.

"Shut up, we can go away if you really want." Jesus is nothing compared to the very angelic me. Who needs God when you have me? Fuck Christianity. 

Alice grinned, jumping up and giving me a big hug. "Love you Ranze!"

Not that shitty nickname again.

"Hurry up and grab Sugar, Alice! We need to leave this shithole soon or we'll get caught!" Yes, we decided to leave

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"Hurry up and grab Sugar, Alice! We need to leave this shithole soon or we'll get caught!" Yes, we decided to leave. In the dead of night too. Why? So that annoying blonde bitch didn't follow us of course. Little dickhead would just piss the hell out of me and my adorable sister the whole time. Even Sugar didn't like him.

We were currently dressed in all black, even Sugar had a cute little black sweater and beanie on. It was the perfect outfit for a pure white bunny trying to escape a dragon's nest with an annoying prince-sama patrolling. Even though Alice and I could easily beat him down, I really wasn't bothered to deal with what would happen afterwards.

Grabbing Sugar, Alice sneaked by with me. We bypassed our siblings and most importantly Prince-sama (who were on patrol) and continued on for about an hour or so before finally leaving the border to Marie's lands.

"WE'RE FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Alice placed Sugar down and we all did a little dance together. 

"For Narnia, and for Aslannnn!" I charged forwards, imitating that one scene. I always seemed to quote that unnecessarily in situations like these...

"Hey, big brother, what's a Narnia? And an Aslan?" And so, I spent many hours recounting the Chronicles of Narnia, word for word. And by that I mean I forced that practically useless game system to tell me all the words so I could repeat it to Alice.

 And by that I mean I forced that practically useless game system to tell me all the words so I could repeat it to Alice

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"Hey big bro, stop." Ignored.

"Rapunzel, stay still!" Ignored twice

"Rapunzellllll, stop ittttt!!!!" Ignored thrice.

"Rapunzelllll," Denied.

"Rapunzelllllllllll" Denied twice.

"Ranzeeeeeeeeeee, staphhhhhhh..." Denied thrice.



I saw Alice grinning, completely ignoring my words. From behind her back, she brought out some weird transparent blue jelly thingy... Even though it was weird, I can't help but think it's pretty cute...

"Hey sis, what's that little thing?" Forgetting my prior anger, I stooped closer to look at the cute blue jelly in her hand. When I went to touch it, I felt a slick substance rubbing back against my hand. Soon after, it seemed to migrate from her onto me. I moved it up to my shoulder, petting its little slimy head.

"Just check it's stats, you idiot..."

"Jesus Christ, okay then... Cute blue baby jelly, open!"

[Player Status]

Name: Unnamed

Age: 3 hours old

Race: Baby slime

Gender: Male

Level: 1

HP: 2/2

MP: 400/800


Skills: Potency (Lvl 10 MAX), Impregnation (Lvl 10 MAX), Absorb (Lvl 1), Acid spit (Lvl 1), 

Titles: Cute blue jelly; Slime King candidate; Saver of slimes

So it's a slime... Actually when I think about it, how come I've never come across a slime before?

"Because due to the humans, slimes have constantly been massacred which resulted in very few left living — the majority of which are male. And because most slimes are naturally male added to this decrease in population, its very hard for the poor little baby's to find someone to have baby slimes with. And most of the time they will die after having a few little slimes... This poor thing's parents were probably killed and that's why he's cuddling up to you. Thinks your his mama or something most likely..." Alice ranted on and on, showing her extensive knowledge of the population once again. She's such a good dragon...

I stroked the little thing once again. "Let's keep it... I'm gonna name him Basileus Limus!"

<<Baby Slime has been given a name! Through naming, 70 levels have been given to newborn slime 'Basileus Limus'!>>



I'm drowning in the work I have to do for assessments so please excuse this naughty author for not updating *kowtows*

And just a question, would everyone be okay with mpreg if I decide to put it in the book? Or no?

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