Part 3 ...This is it!

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Day 3 in Seoul ... 

Now standing in front of this familiar Bldg. I have lots of feelings that rushing come thru me. I can't believe this! I can't believe that I am now standing in front of this Building, that I never thought I will be. Isn't it, this is the time that I should jump? Scream? Roll? Crawl? Faint? Die -? Uhhh, No,no,no,no. Why will I die? I can hear my heartbeat! Oh goodness, wait I have to relax. I have to move from where I'm standing now. I need to enter to this Building or else, my 1st day of work will be a fail. I can't be late. I took a deep breath for like ...

Inhale ... Exhale ...
Inhale ... Exhale ...
Inhale ... Exhale ...
Inhale ... Exhale ...
Inhale ... Exhale ...
Inhale ... Exhale ...

I did that for like 20 times or more. "Okay! Im ready now!" I breathed out and start moving my feet forward to enter the Building.

I enter the Building and approach the Front Desk to introduce myself. I inform the front desk personel why I am here. She lead me the way, we enters to a room. She had me sit there and was told to wait for the person that will guide me all through the Introduction and all. I just nod and thanked her then she left. I roam my eyes inside the room. It's very quiet here which made me hear my heartbeat. After like 30 minutes, someone entered the room which made me stand up from my seat. A girl with an average height. She's beautiful. Her hair is reaching until her shoulder line. She has a round face with a small eyes, her nose is just right. She's wearing a very light make up. She's in her ripped pants, sweater and a rubber shoes. 'Uuggh, I like that outfit!' I can feel that it's so comfy. I am into that attire for a long time since I can move freely and aside on that it's because I'm an athlete since grade school. So yeah, I only wear girly clothes when I feel like it, which is so rare! And well, at school when I was still a student in my Major. Now, I am wearing a semi formal suite. A dark blue pants that fitted my thigh. A white chinese colar long sleeves and a 2 inches heeled sandals. While my long hair is down with a curled part on the lower. And yeah, a make up.

"Annyeong. My name is Kiesha" she intoduced herself while bowing

"U-uhh. Nice to meet you Kiesha. My name is Min Ri." I said and I bowed too

"I never thought that our new member here will be this beautiful." She said while smiling nicely

I let out a laugh and speak. "Oh no, please. I don't know if I would say thank you or be embarrased, Im sincerely sorry! I'm new with all these." I said shyly

"Come on. Just say thank you 'cuz its true anyway" she said while still smiling. "Anyway lets go. I'll explain everything to you on our way up." She said then lead the way.

We went out the room. We rode an Elevator and stepp out on the 5th floor. Then she lead me to another Room. She gestured me to sit so I did. We stayed in the room and she brief me with all the tasks that I will be doing to help them -- the team. After almost 4 hours of briefing and discussion she excused herself and went out of the room, and when she came back she has a food in hand.

"Let's eat first before we continue." She said.

I went to help her unpack the food. While we are eating we had a good conversation. She basically shared to me how she became part of the team. Her experience when she's just starting like me. The good and the bad. The struggle, fun, stress and celebration. By hearing those from her, I got more excited. Then it came to the part wherein she asked me about myself. I told her my hobbies and the things that's making me happy. And what I used to do before flying to here and get this job. And ofcourse, the question that everyone will surely ask. The questions that won't and will never be missed out of the picture in this Millenium.

GOT7 Ultimate Bias - JaeBum (Editing - Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now