Part 13 ... Rental House

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Yeye's POV 《 JYP Headquarters Parking Lot 》

''Kyaaahh!'' This is exciting!'' the girl group shouted in unison. We are now in the Parking Lot, and approaching the Cars that we are going to use.

''Min Ri Noona, I will go with you in your car.'' Shanntal announced, as she dancing her way going to Min Ri

''Ani, you're not.'' Min Ri declined right away, while shaking her head and her lips drew with a smile

''Uhh, Noona, pleaseeee.'' Shanntal begged while doing her puppy eyes

''Yah! That won't work to me. Come here.'' Min Ri said as she tagged Shanntal close to her and led to the girls Service Van. Min Ri opened the door on the left side and have Shanntal hop in and put the seat belt on. ''Sit properly and behave my dear'' Min Ri order to Shanntal while tapping her head and winked at her, which made us giggle

''You seemed so sweet Min Ri.'' Mark commented while still standing on the side of ther Service Van

''True!'' Youngjae said, agreeing to what Mark stated. 

''Instead of you guys saying things randomly, why don't you hop in.'' Min Ri told them, while walking her way to her Car, as she took the Car keys from her side pocket

''Go guys! Let's start moving.'' I told them as I tagged along to Keisha

Then Keisha whispered something to me, ''Let's ride on Min Ri's car.'' and right after she said that and saw that Min Ri unlocked her Car thru it's key remote control, we run passing her and hoped in to her Car which made her startle and just looking at us, surprise.

Jinyoung's POV《 JYP Headquarters Parking Lot - Service Van 》

''Min Ri, something wrong?'' I asks Min Ri as she just standing in the Praking Lot way, while me and the boys are now in the Van and about to drive off out of the Parking Lot. She looked at me and point to her Car direction. ''Ohh,'' that's only what I said

''Do you want to go with us instead Min Ri Noona?'' Youngjae offered to her as he leaning forward between my seat and JB's seat.

''Thank you for the offer, but it will just inconveneint you guys.'' Min Ri said while smiling, ''Ahjussi, go and lead the way, we will follow.'' she said to our Service Driver

''See you later guys.'' Min Ri said and walk towards her Car. She hoped in, in her Car and we saw her saying something while Keisha and Yeye are laughing. 

''It's seems she'll have a crazy ride'' JB said, which made us all nodded. Well knowing Keisha and Yeye for quite a long time now, they're really crazy. We've seen so much of their craziness.

JB's POV 《 Rental House 》

We just pulled off in the Rental House driveway and about to get off the Service Van. I followed Jinyoung as went down from the Car. I stood on the sideway with my two hands in my pants side pockets. The Girl Group is already here standing with Jun-woo, since Jun-woo go with them on their Service Van. We ended up here since we all decided to have a lunch together after peaking to Min Ri's dance teaching to the girls. We peaked on the Practice Room and cramped our way out of the way when we saw Min Ri walking out of the room to answer a call. Well, luckily she disn't caught us. So when we saw her stepped inside the next room we moved out from our hiding and the others went inside the Practice Room to geet the girls. While me, I decided to wait outside until Min Ri come out.

And yeah, unintentionally. I heard her conversation on the phone. Who could be this guy that they're talking about? Why it seems like, Min Ri were too affected?

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