Part 16 ... Eat, Play, Talk - 2

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Min Ri's POV 《 Rental House 》

I am running now as fast as I can to get away from the other team who is soaked with different condiments all over their body. They had suddenly had a teamed up wherein they're after Bambam, and it seemed that Bambam can't take it alone so he decided to run towards our direction, who is peacefully wjust sitting and watching them. And so my team decided to run, not giving them a chance to fire us any condements. When I look back and couldn't see any of them following me, I stopped running and decided to sit on the gatter of the sideway. Aish! I am now outside the Rental House, good thing I can run fast. I can hear some screaming inside the Rental house. It's surely a disaster there. Haha. Then I realised that someone is going out from the gate where I stepped out, I suddenly had my alert mode on then he faced my direction, smiling and laughing in between. It's just JB. And he is now walking in my direction.

"What's happening there now?"I asked him, as he is now sitting beside me

"It's a disaster in there." He said still laughing and pointing to the Renatal House direction

"Yeah, that's what I just thinked." I confessed to him. "This is awesome" I announced smiling while looking up the sky

JB's POV 《 Rental House - sideway 》

"Yeah, that's what I just thinked." Min Ri answered, agreeing to me. "This is awesome" she added while smiling and looking up the sky

"It is indeed." I agreed, looking at her then the sky, and back at her. "Fascinating and so I'm fascinated."

"Can't agree more." Min Ri agreed to what I just said, that I didn't realized I said it loud. That was just suppoed for myslef. 'Agh! Stupid absentminded!' I barked to myself. We stayed sitting here for more minutes when we suddenly heard a gate creeked, a sound that it is trying to be opened. We looked at each other

"Shoot! They are escaping." I announed

"What?" Min Ri asked me, confused

"I locked them inside when I went out." I told her, and her mouth hanged open, trying to say something but then decided not and she stand up from sitting. And in alert mode.

"Then, where are the others? I mean our groupmate?" She asked now

"Locked inside too." I answered and her mouth opened again and gasps

"Yah! Why did you locked them with the other group?" She asked and punched me on my shoulder. Unable to answer her and just scratch the back of my nape. Then now the sound of gate being opened echoed. We looked at each other and both said "Run!"

And not after a long seconds, we saw everyone running after us as we looked back. We then run as if we are running for a life, well yeah we are, now. Haha.

"Hey JB, parking lot." Min Ri said, looked at her and saw her getting something from her pants side pocket, then she took it out, a car key. I get it now. We run to her Car direction, she pressed the car key remote control and it beep, we reached for the car door and seing it opened and hop in. Her on the driver seat while me on the passenger seat beside her. Then she locked the door behind us. We are both panting from running like crazy. And we can now see the others running and walking towards us, panting too and catching their breath. We then broke to a laugh ....

Min Ri open her car dashboard in front of me as I am sitting across to it and took a paper book and a pen, and wrote something on it. When she's done writing she show it to me, and I couldn't agree more on what she wrote. She then show it to the others who are outside in front of her car still panting and messy. Haha. It says, "GO BACK THERE AND CLEAN. JUST GIVE UP NOW 'CUZ YOU WON'T GET US. 😊"

We saw their shoulder fell and a look of defeat on thei face. Then my phone starts ringing, I took it from my pocket and saw on my caller id that ut's Yugyeom. I slide the answer button.

"Hey where are you?" I asked him over the phone, and I can feel Min Ri is looking at me which made me look at her and she is mouthing me something, I got it 'Yugyeom?' She's asking if its Yugyeom and I nodded

Not long enough Yugyeom and I ended the call. And I saw the others going back to the Rental House, to clean for sure. "How's Yug? Where is he?" Min Ri asked, but her gaze is fixed on her phone. She's scribbling something on it.

"He's inhide with the others. I told him not to go out yet or else they'll be attacked." I said to her

"Right, specially they're going back now." She said putting her phone down on her Car board, and looking at the group going back to the Rental House, with a smile drawing in her face.

"Why?" I asked, curious

"Hmm nothing. Poor Youngjae and Mark they look exhausted and itchy." She announced, now smiling widely

"Don't they all look the same?" I asked her, confused

"Well, yeah. It's just that Youngjae and Mark seemed, stood out from the rest." She said looking at me then back to their figure who is now going back inside the Rental House. I just nodded to what she said.

Silenced fall over, we just remained silent there for the next few minutes and when I cannot contain it I decided to break it. I took my phone from my pocket and scroll thru my Music library. "I hope you don't mind me playing a song." I asked her while still looking for a song to play

"That's just fantastic!" She said excitedly while grinning widely, but didn't bother to look at me. Still focused on her phone with whatever she's doing. After few more seconds a finally found a song to play. I tap it start playing.

"Oww, I do by Rain." Min Ri said, referring to the song that is playing now on my phone

"You knew this song?" I asked her and she nodded

"I heard someone sang it and from then," she cutted, looking away from her phone and now staring straight to where her car is facing, "I just fell in love with it." She announced while smiling

"What's your favorite song?" I asked her. I just suddenly feel curious. What could it be. If she likes this song, then she surely has a smart thing choosing a song.

"Hmm, I actually can't really say its a favorite." She cutted, seems thinking the word to express what she wanna say. "Its more of ... I have a chosen and a designated song defending on my mood or feelings." She profest. I look at her with one of my eyebrow crooked. "Don't give me that look. I'm dead serious." She announced, which made me wonder how did she know the look on my face when she isn't even giving me a quick glance.

"U-uh" all I can say. She finally glance at me and jeez. She is smiling from ear-to-ear. "You?" Sha said, still her eyes on me -- on my eyes, looking at me directly in my eyes

"A-ahm" I started stuttering, "I have a lot of song that I liked." I confessed to her, she just nodded, now looking back to her phone in her hand.

"Finally they're here." She announced, looking at her Car's side mirror. And just then I saw a black van passing to us. "I asked them to bring clothes for them." She added, "Let's go, we can go down now." She finished. But then I wasn't able to move, "Yah Im Jaebum!" She called, which made me cringed. 'Agh, so girly!'

Without thinking another second I moved. I open the door on my side, and step out from it. Min Ri did the same. We are now walking now towards the Van, who brought the clothes for the others.

"Miss. Min Ri" greeted by the van driver who is now approaching us.

Min Ri nodded to him and smile, "Sorry for the trouble Ahjussi. And thank you!" She said still smiling. And not too long, Yugyeom, Lina and Yeye showed up from nowhere.


Published April 20th, 2018 ... @11:20AM

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