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Ex’s pov

I had to let her go. I found someone else who I loved more. I know it was bad for me to cheat on my girlfriend but it was a mistake that turned into a happy accident. So I decided to meet her in a park.

Your pov

He left me stood there in the park at night with tears in my eyes. He said I was his everything, his midnight conversation, his cuddle buddy, his eating partner, his light in the dark, his smile machine but I guess I am nothing. I am nothing to him. Just another person who is going to be lost in his memories; each day becoming further away from him. You said I was the girl of your dreams; I guess you decided to wake up.

Ex’s pov

I left you stood there alone in the park, I couldn’t bare to see you in that state. Maybe I still liked You. No. I couldn't, my girl is way better than you. My girl loves me more and I love her more. You are nothing and I regret meeting you. You look like a potato when you cry. I laughed at your face before sitting at the bottom of a tree staring at you before you disappeared into the night.

Your pov

I walked. Silently. In the dark. I didn’t want to go anywhere. I just walked around. With no purpose. What do I do now? Where is he? Am I the only one hurt? Why? Why now? Is he with another girl? Was I just a toy to him? Without noticing it I was crying in the busy streets filled with food stalls and closed shops. I was surrounded by couples. Tears streamed down my face harder. No one cares anymore, what was the point of even covering my face?

Jin’s pov

She stood in the crowded streets crying; she didn’t even hide her face. Why is she crying? Why do I even care? Why, out of everyone, were you crying? I want to comfort you. I want to be your friend. I saw her realise where she was but her eyes seemed to become sadder and full of regret. I stepped closer to her shaking figure but she saw me and turned her head away hiding her face.

“You look sad, do you want food?” her face slightly lit up at my remark and she nodded her head.

“what is your name? My name is Jin, I hope we can be friends.” She smiled a sad smile before answering.

“Hi Jin, my name is (y/n) and I would like to be friends also.” Her voice was so cute I just wanted to give her a big hug.

Your pov

A tall handsome man came up to me with a worried look on his face. I tried to sort my face out so I didn’t look like a potato in comparison to this god but it didn’t really work.

“You look sad, do you want food?” my face slightly lit up because this handsome man understands how women work. Also OMG his voice it is giving me the feels.

“what is your name? My name is Jin, I hope we can be friends.” This might be a bad thing to do right after a breakup but I need this. Also his name is so handsome like his face.

“Hi Jin, my name is (y/n) and I would like to be friends also.” His face seemed to glow brighter as I said that. I swear if this boy becomes more handsome or brighter then I might become blind.

He leaded the way to a food stand where he allowed me to eat whatever I wanted. I already love this guy. What are you doing to my heart? Jin’s face was so stunning under the dimly lit street lights of the city. Seriously, I think I am falling for him but I need to give myself some time before jumping into another relationship.

Jin’s pov

I took her to a food stand and told her she could eat any of the food and that I would pay. She was so excited, it was like watching a 7 year old. She paused when she looked at me but I pretended not to notice. In the corner of my eye I saw her cheeks burning a little red before she continued eating. I think I have fallen for her but we only just met and she was very sad before so we should give it some time.

After she had finished eating we walked together though the streets to no particular place. I guess this was a little dangerous but at least she wasn’t alone.

We found ourselves walking to a park but when she looked up tears seemed to stream down her cheeks again. This was painful to watch.

I gave her a hug. We didn’t fit perfectly in each others embrace and I didn’t understand why she was crying but I kept my grip on her tight. My chest was now wet with tears and her eyes where swollen. I wiped her tears away with my thumb before embracing her again. I'm so sorry for this girl. I hate whoever did this to this precious being. 

Your pov

I started to cry as we had come back to the park and Jin hugged me. It was sort of awkward because I didn’t fit his embrace and we had only just met but we kept hugging anyway. I feel sorry for this guy who was probably just embarrassed for me and now he has to comfort a stranger. He doesn’t even know why I’m crying.

“Can we leave? I was here just a while ago.” He nodded his head in an understanding way and grabbed my hand so that I would follow him close.

Ex’s pov

She came back and was smiling until she realised where she was. She was with a man. Seriously, this girl can't be single for more than a couple minutes. What a hoe. She started to cry. That poor guy tried to comfort her but he was too tall. They didn’t even fit together when they embraced, what a pathetic relationship. She stopped hugging him revealing a wet patch on the guys chest. She whispered something before the man grabbed her hand and pulled her away. They probably went to fuck or something (sorry innocent children who didn't ask.) I stood up and walked home. Maybe I would even meet with my girl later.

Jin’s pov

Once she had claimed down enough to talk she whispered “Can we leave? I was here just a while ago.” I understood now. By the way she looked so sad around couples and her crying when we got to a park I knew. She had probably just broken up with her boyfriend at this park. I grabbed her hand and walked to a place which always made me happy.

I took her to the arcade. I took some change out of the change machine and went strait to a claw machine. Maybe I could get this poor girl a teddy for her to hug when I’m not there. I tried but failed like ten times. After a while (y/n) started laughing and through giggles said “That isn't how you do it. Let me try." with that I let her try and in the first go she got the teddy. Like wow how can you do that?

Suddenly she started to look awkward then came closer to my ear to whisper something. “I need a wee please can you wait while I go. Thank you” Now was my time to shine. I wrote my phone number on a paper and my name and slid it into the pocket of the teddy’s jacket so it wasn't easy to spot straight away. I was just done when she got out of the toilet and joined me. We walked back outside where it was already dark. I should take this girl home so she doesn't get approached by some pedo. I didn’t really want to say goodbye, but I did.

Your pov

He took me to the arcade which was cute. Jin tried to win me a teddy but I did it myself. His face looked so shocked when I did it. He was so extra and cute and I love it.

I needed the toilet so I started to look awkward. I don’t really know this guy which made me uncomfortable but I leaned forward to whisper because I didn’t want everyone to know. “I need a wee please can you wait while I go. Thank you” I rushed off leaving Jin with my teddy.

Once I had been to the toilet I went outside but I saw Jin put something in the jacket pocket of the teddy but I pretended not to notice. He took me home that night but part of me didn’t want him to leave.

Ex’s pov

My girlfriend wanted to go to the arcade. As soon as I got there I saw the new couple leave. My heart burnt but I knew she was only using him as a coping mechanism like she to did me. The relationship will probably be short especially because they’re so different. If that man is wise he should go get himself a different girlfriend and leave that hoe while he can. Frankly, I met with my girlfriend and had a really nice night without seeing that hoe again.

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