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Your pov

Only having a few hours of sleep, my alarm woke me up. Before I could turn off my phone alarm someone came in shielding their eyes from the light. “Whoever woke me up just then, is going to actually die!” Hoseok shouted from the other side of the room. Once he opened his eyes he froze, realising that he had never seen you before, he backed away. “Guys… Guys… Guys…” Hoseok gradually raised his voice until he reached a wall. It looked like he was searching for something behind his back but before I knew it he had hold of a baseball bat and it was inches away from my face.

I was prepared to be hit, possibly even killed but the bat didn’t seem to hit my face. Opening my eyes I realised that Namjoon had just saved my ass and pushed Hoseok out the way before he could give me brain damage. Now I owe Namjoon one. Namjoon quickly got up and nudged Hoseok with his foot, encouraging him to get up himself. Getting up, Hoseok rubbed his saw butt before asking questions. “Who are You? Are you a sasaeng? How come Namjoon knows you are here but not me? Namjoon, did you bring another girl home?” before Hoseok could ask anymore question or jump to any more conclusions Namjoon had to say something. “Jin was the one who brought her actually but you were asleep when she got here.” Hoseok's face now had a smug expression. “I didn’t know you would influence Jin like that, Good job Namjoon" Now being really annoyed And fed up of Hoseok's pervy behaviour, I shouted at him. “I'm not a hoe thank you, if anything my room mate is for not wanting to rent a motel for a couple of hours. Out of all the members you seemed so sweet but turns out you are a big perv!” Hoseok somehow seemed pleased by my response. “She is a feisty one, I see. Jin did a good job in picking a girl to bring around. Was she fun? Last night that is.” Namjoon sighed before replying “depends what you mean by fun. Anyway go wash up before your little friend says hi" Namjoon said while coughing the last bit. As soon as Hoseok realised he ran off to think of old ladies and calm himself. “First meeting, that is a record” Namjoon laughed before walking out the room. Never have I ever felt so creeped out before in you life.

Jin had been listening to the whole conversation and walked into the room. “well, I never knew Hoseok and Namjoon would be that pervy towards You. It's pretty gross" still cringing and crying on the inside you weakly replied. “Have any bleach I can drink? Holy water?” Jin laughed in response “All jokes aside, you have to be out in less than an hour so that we can practice” understandingly I nodded and gathered my things.

Hoseok’s pov

Today I wanted to sleep in but I guess the universe had other plans. Even though we had practice I could have still at least got like an extra hour or so of sleep. The guys are really annoying when they cut me off from the world of sleep. Dreams, where literally anything can happen, are the best place to be. You could be anyone and have whatever life you want, which is not available to a lot of people in the world. Being in one of the happiest places, you can even restore energy. What is better? Anyway, one of the boys literally woke me up with one of those weird army alarms. Like, why? I get it is a really different way to get everyone up but could you not have made food. If you made food then everyone could have woken up happily and eaten, but no. Sorry if I sound like Yoongi being grumpy but everyone has to have more than one mood. I am your hope, yes, but sometimes I have to be done with life and hate everything. This often happens in the mornings when contemplating life is normal and acceptable.

I stomped out of my room to a surprise, if you could call it that. A saseng? I don’t really know at this point but I panicked. I called for the guys but no one came so I had to take this situation into my own hands. Slowly walking backwards to reach my baseball bat, I kept my eyes on her so that she didn’t move. I grabbed the bat and before she could figure out what was happening I swung the baseball bat at her. Instead of it hitting her on the head I hit the floor. It was Namjoon. Now I had so many questions and they sort of just spilled out of my mouth at one point. “Who are You? Are you a sasaeng? How come Namjoon knows you are here but not me? Namjoon, did you bring another girl home?” Namjoon stopped my never ending list of questions with an answer “Jin was the one who brought her actually but you were asleep when she got here.” I smirked but I was slightly sad that I hardly ever get girls never mind an unbelievably cute or sexy on like this specimen. I mean no. Wait? No she isn’t she is Jin's boo. “I didn’t know you would influence Jin like that, Good job Namjoon" Her face was now slightly red at my banter with Namjoon. Maybe it was embarrassment or anger. “I'm not a hoe thank you, if anything my room mate is for not wanting to rent a motel for a couple of hours. Out of all the members you seemed so sweet but turns out you are a big perv!” It was anger and boi was she cute when she was angry. “She is a feisty one, I see. Jin did a good job in picking a girl to bring around. Was she fun? Last night that is.” Namjoon sighed before replying “depends what you mean by fun. Anyway go wash up before your little friend says hi" Namjoon said while coughing the last bit. What was that supposed to mean? Before I could think about the first part of the sentence I realised what the second part meant. I knew she was that hot but not that hot. I ran off back to my room to think of old ladies and to calm myself down. That was probably one of the worst first impression ever and Namjoon just had to call me out like that. Didn’t he.

Namjoon's pov

As soon as I heard (y/n)’s alarm go off I heard some loud shouting. Oh no. I walked towards where (y/n) currently was only to see Hoseok swinging a baseball bat towards (y/n). Quickly, before anyone could get hurt I jumped at Hoseok. Landing on the cold hard ground, I realised that (y/n) had her eyes closed and was scrunched up, trying to protect herself. She was cute, even after everything she had done she was still cute. Getting up I nudged Hoseok with my foot so that he would get up.

Words seemed to just tumble out of Hoseok’s mouth. “Who are You? Are you a sasaeng? How come Namjoon knows you are here but not me? Namjoon, did you bring another girl home?” before Hoseok could ask anymore question or jump to any more conclusions I had to say something. “Jin was the one who brought her actually but you were asleep when she got here.” Hoseok was such a perv I almost expected this answer “I didn’t know you would influence Jin like that, Good job Namjoon" Hoseok is much more of a perv in real life which seemed to slightly disgust and anger (y/n) at the same time. “I'm not a hoe thank you, if anything my room mate is for not wanting to rent a motel for a couple of hours. Out of all the members you seemed so sweet but turns out you are a big perv!” Hoseok somehow seemed pleased by her response. “She is a feisty one, I see. Jin did a good job in picking a girl to bring around. Was she fun? Last night that is.” I sighed before replying, it really was a tough night. As I sighed and lowered my gase to the ground I saw something which I regret seeing but I would be a bad friend if I let him walk around like that without realising. “depends what you mean by fun. Anyway go wash up before your little friend says hi" I said while coughing the last bit. As soon as Hoseok realised he ran off to think of old ladies and calm himself. I found his response quite funny. “First meeting, that is a record” I laughed before walking out the room leaving (y/n) quite disgusted.

Jin's pov

After listening to the pervy conversation that Namjoon and Hoseok were having with (y/n) I was grossed out. Maybe those two just became horny teenagers and never grew out of it. Jimin was also quite pervy at times as well though but this conversation was just off the scale. “well, I never knew Hoseok and Namjoon would be that pervy towards You. It's pretty gross" that conversation was too gross to be true and (y/n) felt that vibe also. “Have any bleach I can drink? Holy water?” I laughed in response because (y/n) still had humour “All jokes aside, you have to be out in less than an hour so that we can practice” understandingly she nodded and gathered her things.

Your pov

Before anyone else woke up or hit me over the head with a base ball bat I left the house and made my way home.

I unlocked the door and there stood my slutty roommate in a dressing gown. She was smirking at me but I decided to ignore it. I made my way to my room to get some clothes to change into before I went to class but she followed me. I sighed and faced her before I spoke. “what do you want?” she smiled in response and walked closer to me. “well you were somewhere last night and I want to know where.” Now I was annoyed. “It's not like you would even notice me gone because you have a stranger to suck off for the night. Do you even know his name?” she had now become slightly offended by me but she was too stupid to fight back with a good come back. “I think his name was Andrew. Maybe Adam or Alex. I don’t really know but he left before we could do anything. When you closed the door he sobered up and left before anything happened. I should have gave him more booze really, maybe then it might have been fun. But no, he left me.” The room fell silent while I heavily judged my roommate but she generally looked sad. “Anyway, you are avoiding the question. Where were you?” this is what I hate about her. She clearly can't leave it be. “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. You know what? I don't trust you enough to tell you.” She grew much more annoyed by me now. “It's not like I have any friends to tell your so called big secret to. There is a reason why I mooch off guys. Being lonely is such a big issue for people our age and people deal with it in different ways. Ok?” that was literally one of the most correct things that had ever come out of my roommate's mouth. I was shocked but I replied now feeling a lot more sad than I did before. “I was at BTS' house. I met Jin when I broke up with my old boyfriend and I didn’t want to be in the house when you were doing it so I called him.” Her face literally lit up so much. “did anything happen? Oh my god. I would do anything to even look at an idol as pretty as a member of BTS and you spent a night in the same house as them. That is amazing. I wish I was with you now.” I never knew she was a fangirl even though I had been living with her for about a month. I am surprised she hasn’t got an STD by doing it with so many guys. I and finally had enough of my roommate and went to take a shower before leaving for class.

Jin's pov

We all sat down for breakfast before we left to go to practice. Everyone looked tired which made me sad that this was my fault. “eat everyone, especially the people who hardly had any sleep" I got no reply but everyone started to eat. I poked at my food thinking about (y/n). I wonder if she ate or if she was in class or at work or if she had a lot of friends on none at all. I wonder what her thoughts are and about her regrets like if that life she took gives her nightmares.

“hyung, are you ok? Everyone looks distant today. Did something happen last night?” remembering that Jungkook slept through literally everything, I sighed. “A lot happened. Wait. No. A lot was an understatement.” Jungkook looked slightly confused but didn't say anything, letting me carry on speaking. “I let a friend stay the night but I didn’t know that she had a history with Namjoon or that the rest of the members would like her” Jungkook’s mouth made an o shape as he nodded his head and carried on eating. “what was her name?” Jungkook’s sudden question surprised me and it was slightly gross as he was saying this with a mouthful of food. “(y/n)” Jungkook didn’t react and just looked down where as Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung all looked up with shocked expressions as if I had just snapped them out of a daydream.

For the rest of the day I couldn’t concentrate on anything but I wasn’t the only one like this. Everyone that had met (y/n) seemed to have been zoning out. After that very long day my mind was a cloudy sky and embarrassed to admit this I think I missed (y/n). Her smile, her laugh, her awkward conversation and her presence.

Jungkook's pov

We all sat down for breakfast before we left to go to practice. “Eat everyone, especially the people who hardly had any sleep" Why would anyone be tired? I looked up to see the majority of my hyungs had puffy eyes and swollen faces. What could have gone on last night to make everyone like this?

“hyung, are you ok? Everyone looks distant today. Did something happen last night?” Jin sighed, this was not a good sign. “A lot happened. Wait. No. A lot was an understatement.” How could I have slept through all of this? Now I need to get the gossip. “I let a friend stay the night but I didn’t know that she had a history with Namjoon or that the rest of the members would like her” Jin brought a girl home? Those lessons with Namjoon have really played off. “what was her name?” I admit that speaking with my mouth open is bad manners but this question was something that I wanted to know. “(y/n)” I didn’t respond but Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung all looked up with shocked expressions as if (y/n) had been inside their heads for a long time now.

Through the day everyone seemed so far away and completing tasks was ten times harder for them. (Y/n) really must be someone if she made half the members like this. I really want to meet her now and see what is just so great about this one person. It isn’t like any of bangtan have been interested with a relationship with a girl for a long time. Maybe Namjoon or Jimin would bring one home now and again but nothing much. What is so different about this (y/n)?

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