Malum (au)

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This is very fluffy.

But cute as hell.

So I hope you enjoy it!

Michael is 15 Calum is 17

They used to be best friends but claim turned to the jocks and players and left Michael. Now they hate each other.

Don't worry there will be a fluffy ending.

Not sure if I'm going to put some dirty parts in here so don't get your hopes up. You horndogs ;).

If I do Calum tops.

(Michael p.o.v.)

I was walking through the hallways of this hell we call school.

I was probably the most unpopular kid in school.

I have 4 friends.

Who are Ashton and Luke, which are in an amazing relationship of 2 years.

Niall and Harry who are, let's say flirtationship?

"Well, what do we have here. if it isn't the infamous Emo boy." oh I know that voice.

Calum Hood.

He was my enemy.

We were such good friends.

What happened, you ask.

He started hanging with the footballers/jocks.

I guess he just left me, felt like I wasn't 'cool' enough for him.

"Go away, Calum" I continued to go through my locker to get my binders.

"Why? you don't have anyone waiting for you. I just wanna have a calm conversation." I can almost hear his smirk in his words.

"Since when do you wanna have a calm conversation with me?" I spat and closed my locker and stood up.

"You left me remember, if you would let me remind you. you left me for those fucking idiots! Fuck you Calum! I'm going to class. Don't ever fucking talk to me again. EVER!" I yelled in his face, his smirk slid right off his face.

I turned around and went to class.

I was fuming.

How dare he come to me and try to start a conversation. I sat in my seat next to Ash.

"Hey, Mikey what's wrong?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Calum" I growled, pulling out my binder and setting it on the desk.

He scoffed "dick" he murmured.

"Yeah I know, how were you guys even friends?" Luke asked.

"He wasn't like that when we were younger." I sighed.

"I kinda miss the old Calum." I continued.

They nodded and got back to work.

"Sorry, mate." Ashton patted my shoulder.

-->after school<--

"What do you want for din-" my mum started but was cut off by the phone.

"Hello? oh hi Joy! nice to talk to you again."

Wait Joy Hood, Calum's Mom?

I started making a big X with my arms over my head and nothing 'NO!'


"Over for dinner? oh thank you, we will be over there in a couple minutes." My mum hung up the phone.

Malum one shots (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now