Demon 2

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People said they wanted part 2.

Sorry it's been forever since I last updated.

(Calum's p.o.v.)

"Good morning, Beautiful." I hear waking up to meet Michael's face above mine.

"Morning..." I say covering my mouth.

I have really bad morning breath.

"Time to get up and get ready! my parents will be here in 2 hours." he yanks my arm pulling me out of bed.

"I picked something out for you to wear!" he pushed me into the changing room and threw some clothes at me closing the door.

It was black skinny jeans and a band tank top.

When I got changed I stepped out.

"Eeeek!! You look so sexy!!" he flew over to me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"They are going to love you." he poked my nose.

"are you still planning on leaving? once my parents leave. I mean I'll be sad if you go but.....whatever you want to do I'll be fine." he gave me a sad look.

"I don't know yet." I managed to get out.

I don't wanna hurt his feelings, leaving him heart broken.

That is if he even has a heart.

I sighed and ruffle my black hair to the side.


"But mom, he's super hot and a total sweetheart! he's perfect for me! I-I love him!" I blushed, what?

"You cannot be serious!" she roared.

"Please I really do, have a little faith in me. GODD!" he argued.

"Fine! lets see him!" she finally agreed.

"Alright, Calum you can come down now!" I hear Michael yell for me.

I walked down the steps, and saw his parents.

His mom had blonde hair and a bunch of long black clothing on and same with his dad, like all black everything.

I waved.

"Do you love Mikey?" his dad asked, looking directly into my eyes with his pitched black ones.

I flushed.

uh what do I say?

"Yes." I blurted out.

He squired his eyes at me.

"Alright, you take care of our Mikey, if you don't." he grabbed my shirt and put a knife to my neck, my hole world stopped and I froze in place.

"I won't hesitate to kill you." he said looking me in the eyes.

I nodded quickly and he pulled back.

"Then were off! Bye son." they walked out of the front door.

I stood there waiting for Michael to say something.

"You know you can still leave." I hear him mumble sadly.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his right cheek, lifting it up.

His eyes color changed back to a normal humans eye color, a blueish, greenish color.

I leaned forward slowly placing a soft kiss on his lips, it sent tingles all throughout my spine. The warm feeling inside of me felt like it was going to explode, I pulled away.

"Did you feel it?" he asked.

Feel what?

The tingles.

I nodded and he smiled, picking me up.

"YOU DO LOVE ME! CALUM THOMAS HOOD LOVES ME." He swung me around in his arms.

I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

"But can I at least go home to get my clothes and stuff." I asked and he smirked.

"No I like you in my clothes." he set me on his bed.

"No! no way I'm not having sex with you!" I scolded.

"Awh! WHY NOT! Your a whimperer I can tell!" he smirked while laughing.

"What? no I-I am not! I'm going to my room!" he grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

"No! sleep with me! please! I won't try anything I promise." he stuck out his pouty lip.

I rolled my eyes and nodded.

I took my short and pants off and he did the same thing.

After about 15 minutes when I was almost asleep.

I feel Michael pinch my butt.

"Stop! What did I say!" I groaned putting pillows between us.

"But it's so squishy!" he whined.

"Goodnight you weirdo!" I threw a pillow at his face, falling back onto my pillow.


Y u no make good one shot cadence?

Idek, I was bored and made the second part. Sorry it took so long, I had no motivation to do it until now.

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