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Heyo, and yep it's that time again for some Malum sad one shot.

I hope you guys like it.

They are 17 right now.

Later they will be older.

(Calum p.o.v.)

"Gosh Calum, your so hot." Michael panted laying down beside me.

You see me and Michael have this um 'friends with benefit' thing going. I know it's just for pleasure, yeah but I always loved Michael. Until I made a mistake and said I just wanted sex too but this 'friends with benefit' thing is awful.

I hate it so much.

I felt like if I told him, he would get all mad and leave me.

But it's now or never, maybe I should take this chance.

"Um Mi-Michael?" I stuttered turning to face him.

"What's up, babe." He said sleepily.

I sighed "Michael I-I'm, Im in love with you!" I rushed out.

His eyes shot open.

"What? No! we agreed there would be no strings attached! what happened?!" He looked pissed off.

"I-I have always been in love with you!" I defended.

"Get out, I don't want to see your face right now! GET OUT!" he pointed to the door.

I winced at how loud he was and nodded.

Putting on my clothes and leaving, not trying to be a baby and cry.

"I love you Michael" I sniffed, grabbing for my phone.

"Luke can you pick me up from Michael's house." was all I said before he hung up.

Luke pulled up with Ashton in the front seat.

"What did he do to you?!" Luke yelled stepping out of the car.

"Nothing let's go." I whipped my eyes getting into the car.

He ignored me and went into Michael's house.

"Oh gosh." Ashton jumped out of the car, he pulled me in the house to.

"What the fuck is your problem, give me one reason why I should beat the shit out of you right now!!" Luke had Michael against the wall by his neck and Michael had his hands on Luke's fist, getting ready to drive it right into his face.

"I don't love Calum! I never did! He was just a good fuck every once in a while! it meant nothing!" Michael argued.

"You self centered bitch! I don't even know what Calum sees in you!" Luke punched him right in the nose.

He fell on the ground clutching his nose.

I have him one last glare, filling with so much sadness and anger, filled with hate.

"Good bye Michael" I muttered leaving the house hopefully for the last time.


"Uncle cal! hey uncle cal." My nephew Nick was calling for me.

Even though he's not my real nephew I like him to call me that, today I was babysitting him since Ashton and Luke were on vacation.

Yep, you guessed it Ashton and Luke adopted Nick when he was 5, 3 years ago.

"What's up kiddo" I giggled ruffling his hair.

"Can we go to the mall today!"he giggled.

"Sure bud, lets go." I grabbed his hand and led him outside to the car.

When we got there's the first thing nick wanted to do was get ice cream.

"Uncle Cal I want chocolate with rainbow sprinkles, please." I nodded.

"Chocolate with rainbow sprinkles please." I handed the cashier the money and he have me the ice cream.

We strayed to walk around for a while when he spotted a store.

"Hey what's that store?" he asked running into it.

I looked up at the sign it said 'Spencer's' oh god no that's the worst store ever! it's so inappropriate for him!

I ran in after him.

"Nicholas Hemmings come here right now!" I ran around the corner of a shelf and banged into some one.

I rushed to get up saying a quick 'sorry and excuse me' when they grabbed my arm and pulled back into the 'employee only room'.

"Huh?" I looked back and my heart sunk.

No, that can't be.

But it was.

It was Michael.

My eyes widened.

"Hey Calum! how are you?" I sat there disgusted.

"How am i? HOW AM I?! ILL TELL YOU HOW I AM! Trying so hard after these 4 years to get over you! and that's not even the worst part about this, The worst part is that when you tell someone you love them and then drop your heart and make it smash into a million prices and Did you know it hurt? and you act like nothing ever happened. That's how I am, now if you will excuse me I need to find my nephew." I ripped my arm away from him.

"Wait Cal- I was young and stupid and I didn't know what love was! you can't blame me! I'm a changed man I promise! Can I at least take you on a date to show you? Go out with me this one time! please." I shook my head.

"You're a liar! stop it!" I cried.

"But I'm not lying! I've been looking for you, I love you! please I'm begging! listen to me!" he begged.

I looked into his eyes.

"I- o-ok One date that's it! and if you try to pull anything funny, I get to beat the shit out of you." I said still unsure.

He hugged me, "Thank you, I've been waiting to tell you that, and maybe forget the past."

I nodded.

"It's a good thing I still love you or I would even be hugging you right now..." he chuckled.

I felt nick come wrap his arms around my leg and he looked at me and Michael, smiling pointing to our lips.

"Kiss." He put his hands together.

"Alright he wants us to ki-" I pushed his face away and he laughed.

Ok it was going to be a sad ending but, I thought nahh I don't wanna be mean today.

Mkay Luv y'all bye

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