Say something

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I'm back!
I was camping and didn't have any fucking internet!
So here's a sad Malum one shot so get ready for some sad shit.

(Michael's p.o.v.)

Say something I'm giving up on you,
I'll be the one if you want me to,
Anywhere I would of followed you,
Say something in giving up you.

"Hey Cal" I chirped walking over to him.

"Hey Mikey, what's up?" he asked smiling.

"Do you maybe wanna, I don't know, Go on a date. with me?" I blushed looking up into his eyes.

His smile dropped.

"Im sorry Michael, I-I just like girls. I don't like you that way I'm sorry." Calum looked away.

"O-oh alright then okay, it's fine." I brushed it off holding back tears.

"Ok we can still be friends though, I'll see you later." He said and walked off.

I let the tears flow down my face.

I should of never said anything.

I new I would get rejected.

Why would I do that.

I'm such an idiot.

And I am feeling so small,
It was over my head,
I know nothing at all,
And I will stumble and fall,
I'm still learning to love,
Just starting to crawl.

It's been weeks since Calum rejected me.

I haven't came out of my room since.

I haven't talked to anyone.

My weight dropped immensely.

Ashton has been trying to get me to come out of my room.

But if I see Calum I will just cry.

All I do is cry.

I'm sick of crying!

I hate feeling this way.

All I ever do Is love Calum!

But No! I get rejected!

Now I feel like shit!

I can't live like this anymore....

Say something I'm giving up on you,
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you,
Anywhere I would of followed you,
Say something I'm giving up on you

(Calum p.o.v.)

It's been weeks since I rejected Mikey.

I'm getting worried about him.

He's been up in his room all this time.

He doesn't even come out to eat.

He loves food.

I really hope I didn't do this to him.

Ashton try's to get him to come out of the room.

But be declines all the time.

I sigh.

I'm over thinking things.

"Hey how's Mikey?" I asked Ashton.

"I don't know he won't come out." he sighs sitting down next to Luke.

I nod.

I hope he's alright.

Malum one shots (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now