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Omfg I'm so sorry I haven't updated anything in like a fucking week!
I'm sorry
But I'm back!
I'm so fucking lazy, lmao.
Michael is a demon and Calum is a human.

(Calum p.o.v.)

Damn, it's creepy outside at night.

Your probably wondering.

Oh your 18 don't you have a car?

No I don't, not at the moment because it broke down a couple nights ago and now it's getting fixed.

God it's so hot!

Good thing I'm almost home.

I look down at my phone to check the time.

Oh good it's not that late it's only 9:3-

I banged Ito someone and flipped back into my bum.

I look up to say sorry.

But nothing there.

.....what the fuck?

"Hello?" I call.

No one answered.

"Um ok" I said to myself and kept walking.

"Hello gorgeous...." A low raspy voice said from behind me I jumped and turned around.

There was nothing.

I must be losing my mind.

I carry on my way.

"You dropped this." a guy with blonde hair said from behind me.

"Would you stop that!" I turned around to actually see someone standing there.

"Oh I'm sorry I-I just say you from the distance and you dropped your phone." he handed me my iPhone and scampered off.

I face palmed and kept walking.

"Missed me already? thought that guy was me did ya?" I could almost hear the smirk.

"Show yourself!" I'm starting to get pissed off at this person.

"Oh, Im sure you would be terrified if I showed you myself." he laughed.

"Humph nothing scares me, in a man now." I scoffed.

"Alright whatever you say..." he said and jumped in front of me I looked at him and he look normal to me- what the fuck?!

Is that his- what?

I kinda gave him elevator eyes, looking from top to bottom until I got to his face.

Oh god, that horrifying!

His eyes like- No color what's so ever!

Like pitch black!

"What? w-where are your eyes?!" I shout.

"Their there just Um black"he said as if it were normal to have pitch black eyes.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

"Uhm ok I'm going to go now." I start to walk away then ran as fast as I can because- damn if you saw a person with black eyes, you would want to run away too.

I look back, banging into someone again.

"Sor- ahh! wha? you?! how did you get there to here?" I asked look up.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Magic." he laughed.

"Put me down now!" I hit on his back.

Malum one shots (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now