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Superhero one shot, You can tell who is the superhero in the tittle.

OMFG the covert was amazballs and got back home really late tierd as fuck, but here's some Malum action.

Calum is totally swoon over Mike-to-wave the towns superhero, and wishes He could notice Calum. Little does Calum know that Mike-ro-wave does know who he is and is madly in love with him.

(Calum's p.o.v.)

"Oh my gosh, Mike-ro-wave he saved a baby from falling out a 20 foot high window!" I sigh dreamily, as I stacked movies.

"He's so hot, with his brown and red streaked hair. ugh! he's so perfect!" I whine.

Luke rolls his eyes.

"He's such a show off and his name is terrible, Mike-ro-wave who the fuck comes up with that name?" Luke complains.

"A really attractive person." I say in a matter-a-fact-tone.

"Please Ashton is way hotter than Michael!" Luke shouts.

"Hey, guys what about Ashton?" Ashton come into the shop coming up behind Luke.

Luke jumps and turns around like the speed of light.

"H-hey ash! nothing just saying you....uh, look great today. I like your shoes" he blushed.

"Thank you Luke, I like your hair. it's like in a perfect quiff. I could never do that. You should teach me." He smiled.

"O-oh of corse hehe" Luke said nervously.

"Anyways it's 6:00 my shift is over make sure to lock up in 2 hours kay. cya Luke. Bye Ash." I leave and go straight to my car.

Driving home was boring my radio doesn't work. (-_-)

When I got in my apartment I threw my shoes off into the corner of the room.

I peeled off my work shirt and slid my pants off.

"Quite a show? eh Hood?" I jumped back and landed on my bum.

I looked over at my Padio and saw....

No fucking way.

It's Mike-ro-wave!!!

I rub my eyes then keep staring at him.

"Do you like what you see?" he chuckled.

"Very much, yes, omg how? what? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! IM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" I threw myself in his arms.

"Your cuter than I thought you were, this is going to sound weird but I have been...um watching you? hehe" he laughed.

"And I was just wonder if your uh blonde friend,umm what's his name.....Lucius?"

"Lucas but it's Luke for short." I say.

"Yeah, him is he by any chance your boyfriend?" he asked.

"No way! I'm single, why do want to know that? are your going to ask me on a date?!"

"Yeah wanna go on a date?" He flashed me a smile.

I thought I died right there.

"OF COURSE! YASS!" I hugged him.

"You know I've been waiting for the day that you would notice me." I giggled.

"I knew you even before I became the towns hero, I went to school with you, and that Luke kid. I never really liked Luke though. I never came after your because I was to scared and plus I thought u and Luke were dating. so I decided to drop out of high school. and become a super hero because I have been having something wrong with me for the past couple week. which was the powers setting in so. yadayadayada, blah blah blah, the story goes on and I've been the towns hero and I really want you to be my boyfriend." he explained.

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