Tetsutetsu x shinso

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Requested by: Meowmily_chan

Shinso Hitoshi has been noticing someone around lately. They werent in class with Midoriya. They hung out with three different crowds of people it seemed, including the explosive blond that won the Sport Festival’s tournament. They didn’t seem close though, they were much closer to the red haired one with the same quirk as Tetsutetsu… He didn’t know the crimson haired name. The male was in the library as we speak, sitting two tables away from Shinso, hanging out with the explosive one and the hardening quirk boy currently, though he was utterly bored with their company. He looked around the room, and met eyes with Shinso, who immediately looked back down at his book. The male must’ve taken the look he received that his friends were too loud, and told them to ‘shut the fuck up’ in a quiet tone. That infuriated the blond, but the male who hit him wasn’t backing down, and told him to either leave or be quiet, so he left. The red haired one left shortly after, something he read on his phone made him leave, so it left the attractive stranger alone.

Shinso wasn’t sure why the male caught his eye. He usually hated everyone on the Hero Course, save for maybe three people. So why did he catch his attention? Currently, the (h/c) male was tipping his chair back on its back two legs, reading a book on his lap. He never looked up from his reading, even if someone entered the room. Neither did his friends ever return, but that didn’t seem to bother him. His face was focused, as his eyes would dance around the page, a hand tucked under his chin. A noise was heard outside the library, which broke the intense focus the stranger held, hearing him sigh.

“Not again…” He muttered, letting the chair slowly and quietly rest back on all four legs, putting his book away. He got up silently, and pushed in all three chairs at his table, since his friends left without pushing them in. He started walking out of the library, only to go into a light jog after the same noise from before is heard again.

‘Strange…’ Shinso thought. But it wasn’t weird that he was watching some stranger in his friend’s class read for 20 minutes.


“Hey Shinso!” Midoriya passed by Shinso, the school day over with. He was about to retreat to his dorm, but he was stopped by the green haired male.

“Hello Midoriya.” He greeted. That was all the human interaction he needed for the day. He was about to hightail out of there, when attractive stranger from before came up beside Midoriya.

“Here, found it at the courtyard.” He was handing Midoriya a notebook, which made Midoriya extremely happy.

“Thank you so much, Tetsutetsu!” He hugged the male, who hugged him back with a chuckle. “Shinso, this is my friend Tetsutetsu, Tetsutetsu, this is Shinso, from the Sports Festival.” Tetsutetsu looked up at him, there only being a slight height difference. He was eyeing him up and down.

“You’re the kid who was at the library today! Sorry that my friends are asshats.” He muttered.

“It’s fine.” That wasn’t the reason why he was watching them, but he decided to keep it at that, and shake the hand extended out to him.

“We’re going to the movies, if you want to come along, Shinso! A couple other of our friends are going too!”

“Don’t feel like you’re intruding.” Tetsutetsu added, shifting his weight to the other foot, pulling his tie loose. He was ready to rip his uniform off and burn it.

“I don’t see why not.” No, bad Shinso, you were supposed to say NO.

“Cool, wanna meet up there, or go together?” Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu  asked, “also, please call me Tetsutetsu.” (his name doesn't work with the plot 😂)

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