deku x reader

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Someone with the ability to rewind time is a Quirk anyone with anxiety wishes they had.

Any interaction you regretted? Gone. Said something you wish you hadn't said? Never happened. Did something that made you uncomfortable? Don't worry.

How you ended up with the luck to have it, you would never know.

You tried not use it too much, granted the only setback was you could pass out if you rewind too far.

No one outside of your family knew of your Quirk, excluding your best friend Izuku (and the U.A., but that's unimportant). He was the only one you trusted to know, despite him being quite the chatterbox. No one would believe him anyways.

That didn't bother him nor you. He was grateful you trusted him with such a secret and would never let it slip out.

But there was another secret you had that he knew about, and it hurt him to know it. You've had a crush on Katsuki (or as Izuku would call him, "Kacchan") for as long as you've known him. Sure, he was an asshole, but she knew that was just his personality, considering his explosive Quirk. It only went hand-in-hand (almost literally).

Why would Izuku be hurt by this? Because he's had a crush on [Name] from the first time he met her. He never told her in fear that it would hinder their good friendship. He couldn't bear to lose someone he's known for so long.

Katsuki didn't know about her ability to rewind, and she intended to keep it that way. She didn't feel the need to be his rival.

Speaking of which, Izuku nervously fiddled with his fingers as you paced in front of him. You had been thinking of telling Katsuki how you felt, and Izuku had desperately tried to talk you out of it (without being too obvious).

"It's not like it's a big deal. I can always rewind if he rejects me, right?" You said, a hopeful smile wavering as you looked to your friend for reassurance.

Izuku frowned. "You know you'll feel worse if he does reject you."

"S-Still, it's better to know rather than not, right?" You swallowed thickly, and he could clearly tell you were thinking the same thing he was. "It'll be okay. I've decided that this is for the best so I can stop fretting over it and move on."

Izuku examined your face, your expression looking enthusiastic as you oozed confidence at your reasoning. He knew once it was done and over that you would be broken; and if you weren't, he was.

"Okay," he says, getting up from the couch, "what's your plan of action?"


"Katsuki!" You shouted down the hall, waving him to you. You saw him begrudgingly turn around and come your way.

"What? Can't I go home?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to get a bite to eat?" Your hands immediately clasped together in anticipation.


"Well, it doesn't have to now, per se. Maybe tomorrow, after classes?" You asked, smiling innocently.

"Sure, whatever, can I go now?" He grumbled.

"Oh, yeah, see you later." He only scoffed in reply.


Izuku's eyes were wide as he saw you standing in his doorway, dripping wet. The rain pounded on the ground outside.

"W-What happened? I thought you were supposed to be with Kacchan right now?"

"I was." You whispered harshly, shoving past him and making your way to the couch, flopping right onto it.

"Wait, then that means – that means… you rewinded…"

You gave him a thumbs up over the couch. "Bingo." You sneezed. "Can you get me a towel or something? I'm freezing."

"Oh, yeah, sure."

When he came back with the towels, you were curled up into a ball in the corner of the couch.

He quickly draped one over your head, ruffling it in attempts to dry your hair. You whacked his hands away and took the towel. Leaning forward, you let your hair fall and then wrapped it in the towel. Izuku handed you another one and sat down next to you, watching as you peeled off some of your clothes and dried yourself off.

"Sorry for getting your couch wet." You said, taking the towel off of your head. Izuku shrugged.

"It's okay. Mom will understand. But," he looked over to you, "are you okay?"

"Maybe." You half-heartedly chuckled, glancing at him with a sad smile.

He frowned, his eyes going to the floor as the both of you fell into silence.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize; you did nothing wrong. It was my fault for getting my hopes up."

"But I could've done more to have prevented this. I… should've told you how I felt."

You finally looked up at him, confusion setting in. "What do you mean?"

"I really, really like you, [Name]. I-I know this isn't the ideal time, but…" he began fidgeting, avoiding your gaze. You were silent for awhile.

"You know what?" You questioned, more to yourself than him. "I like you too." You smiled at him as he finally met your eyes, which were filled with sincerity. A smile of his own broke out.


"What the hell is up with them?" Katsuki nudged Eijirou in the direction of you and Izuku. "They seem… closer."

"Didn't you know?" Eijirou looked surprised. "Apparently, they're dating now." Katsuki's eyes widened.


"Yeah, apparently they hooked up last night or something. Not all that surprising. We all kind of saw it coming." The spiky redhead shrugged, turning back into the classroom and leaving Katsuki alone in the hall.

So she ditches me and meets up with Izuku instead? His fist clenches, explosions emitting from it

Something about this doesn't feel right, and he's going to figure out why.

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