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Staying in bed.

Silently laying under the covers as Y/N ignores her alarm for the fifth time this morning. It's a new day. A new day, but the same day repeatedly. It's the same morning, with the same boring nothing around the house as her mom has left for work and her brother is still sleeping or watching tv in his own room. The same school, with the same idiots that also repeatedly bullies innocent people. And like always, still only one person to hang out with. At least only one she can trust.

It's always the same, then why make something out of one self. It's just school. Nothing amazing is gonna happen anyway.

At least that is Y/N's thoughts every single morning when listening to the alarms that comes and goes, until the last alarm where she must leave for the boring school life. 

When walking up to the kitchen, always there is no food to bring to school since her mom thinks her daughter can make it herself, but Y/N, herself, has no strength or will to make her food even though she knows how stupid it is when it's a whole day without food. No money either, so it's not gonna be cafeteria food.

Taking 5 minutes to leave, her thoughts walk into singing mode as she plugs her music with her white, overused headphones. They have been living since she got her first phone.

It's a nice escape from reality, or a calming escape from the world that she is walking by on her way to school. It's not that she hates it. But it's just so much for her.

But arriving at school was not like any other day, 9 transfer students has taken the attention of the school, but also grabbed the attention of the students. You know the "popular" kids? Mostly them. 

But what Y/N doesn't know, is that the next few weeks will be filled with these certain guys.

She might not care now, but don't worry, she will.

//Authors note//

Hi! Again. Yeah, this isn't very long, but don't worry! I'll try, like I said, to update often and give some interesting writing, but also let the chapters be longer. I don't know how long, but we'll see that as time goes i guess.

I hope it's okay. Remember it's just the start, and this isn't the point of view in the story.

I should stop talking, but yeah. I hope you'll enjoy it!

(EDIT: So, i first noticed now that i acidently wrote 7 instead of 9 guys... i changed it- and dont ask me why in the world i first noticed now, becasue its been over a month i wrote that, and you guys kept commenting on it by joking and i was confused... UPS)


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