Chapter 9

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Y/N's P.O.V

" Why is it life is so difficult?" Eli says, having attacked my double bed, that she always struggles to get up and in when she is at my place.

"Oh no, what happened? What did she do know?"

Eli had always been allowed to be in my family, it was almost like she was a part of it. Not because her own family was bad or anything, but because that's just how it is. This might sound somehow weird, but I have never really dived into the life of her parents so much. They are alright, they travel a lot so that's why she hangs at my place and when I'm at her place I never really see them. She also has a brother, an older brother. I've met him, he seems like a cool dude... okay, let's say I had this little crush on him, but he always acted like I was this extra sister. AND, he has a girlfriend. Her name is Lola. And to be fair, I don't like her. Not because she is his girlfriend I couldn't care less about that part, but because she is a total dick towards Eli. And me, but that doesn't matter.

"She was in his face... ALL THE TIME- we were supposed to eat the meal, not each other" She complains throwing her head down in the pillow.

"Didn't Josh say anything?" I ask, taking my chair and put myself right in front of my bed and sit with the backrest in front my chest and I let each of my legs on both sides of it. I put my chin to rest on it too. Just so it would be more comfortable to listen.

"Nope- he just let it happen..." She says, still face against pillow but also still so I could hear what she was saying.

She turns her head around to me with a pouty face, sighing with her whole body. All I can do is to give her pity smile as I roll my chair over beside her to give her strokes on her hair... like, she loves those kinda things.

"I love my brother, BUT- he has such a bad taste in girls..." She says, pouting still. I do agree, but I can't say anything like that's the only bad thing about him.

"Hey, its gonna be fine- she might even not be so bad" The words come through, but I definitely don't agree with what I'm saying. She is in the same year as us, and one word to describe her. A bully. But I really don't want to deal with it, I'm trying just to ignore it.

"I sure hope so" As silence fill the room, and still with me stroking her hair, Eli's phone rings.

"Oh shoot- Two sec" She jerks up from my bed, and takes her phone placing it on her ear.

I hear noises from the other line, but that's it.

No, her face changes. She turns white. Just like snow.

I touch her hand while she still is on the phone, and she is also just as cold as ice.

"okay..." She puts her phone down, and tears form in her eyes.

"There was a car crash"


"Oh, shit" I jolt up in cold sweat. What in the heck happened? God- I haven't had that dream in months...

I calm down, and my heart begins to slow down, but then I realize something.

What time is it?

I look around, but I don't see my phone ANYWHERE. I should have it- Shoot, what clock is it even!

I don't have time for clothes right now and I speed out of my bed just in an oversized t-shirt to enter the kitchen- because my mind is everywhere I don't think of any other place where there is an actual clock.

12 PM! Are you kidding me?! Did I oversleep THAT much! That's insane...

I find the closest chair in the kitchen because I don't have the strength right now to move back in bed.

I came home yesterday... I took the bus- But I didn't see my phone, I just threw myself in the bed... Wait, I was at the boys' place yesterday, and left it on a table right after writing with Eli-

"Oh no!" The table right in front of me lets a huge bang escape as I put my head against it. I promised to talk with her! And I forgot it! What kind of friend am I!?

I let out a huge sigh as I just give up on going to school because I'm me. And I don't feel like it now.

Though, suddenly the doorbell rings, which makes me jump. Because I have no idea who it could be- It could be dad? But he would know no one is home... And I don't remember giving the guys my addressee. Plus, Eli probably is mad or thinks I'm at school- Which I should be, BUT'

I move my lazy body up to the door, looking through the hole in the door. What is that door whole even called? Hole Indoor? I don't know

But to my surprise, through it I see two shadows-

It's Jeongin and Seungmin.

//Authors Note//


But here, I know its not much with stray kids right now, but you know, I'm not trying to be sudden with everything, I'm more of a build up person... AND YES IM A SLOW ONE

Who knows when the next chapter will appear, though I promise it will- But its just the next month I have 5 exams, so- YUP

(And also, there is some stuff in here that might not make sense now, but it will-)

Though I love you guys for the good feedback, its always nice! But also that you read it-

Love you~


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