Chapter 8

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Well, it's not because I'm the most social person- if you hadn't noticed" Letting a sarcastic tone slip in my words, I also let a little uncomfortable chuckle sneak behind the words. But I try to hide that by taking Hyunjin's arms up, just covering my mouth slightly but not enough so that they can't hear what I'm saying.

Laying a little more back into the guy from behind, I feel a certain comfort. Its almost telling me its fine. Well- I should tell them.

"So- I have known Eli, the girl I'm always hanging around. It's always just been us two, and it might sound a bit cheesy- But I feel like the longer time we have been together the more it shows that its faith that we have been placed as best friends." My lips turn into a little happy smile, thinking about how long we have been together. But thinking further, I remember more and more. Ugh, go away from my thoughts, please.

The guys look at me in confusion and some even tilt their head.

"Well- we have a lot of things in common... Like, awkwardness, interests, even our bad humor is the same- "The guys let a few smiles grow on their faces when I talk about how Eli and I are together by the faith I so desperately believe in, in situations like her and I's.

"But. You know, stuff has happened the few years that kinda have let us be closer- and more distant to other people." The memories grow, and I let a deep sigh out almost from regret about talking about it. It's not the fact that I can't tell them, it's more like I don't want it to relive it in my head.

"I can trust you guys, right?" Removing myself from hug Hyunjin gave me from behind me. I sit straight on the sofa, having the guys just nod, almost as if they are in a trance.

Hesitating a bit, a let myself relax a bit. You just gotta trust them.

"So, when you guys transferred for a week ago, she actually went to school that day but left after... A session, you know. Just talking with someone" Trying to avoid the fact that it's the school therapist, I begin to stumble on my words. She would set me on fire if I told people.

"But, the point- God, about 9 months ago, stuff happened... for both parts- "Whispering the last thing, still sitting on the edge of the bed, the guys seem to hear every word and breath I let out. It comfortable, but it's definitely not comfortable either. All eyes on one story. Told by me. What if I screw something up.

"Uhm, what was I even saying?" Getting very hot, I feel a bit blurry in my sight.

I look up to see the guys getting a little concerned.

"Y/N?" Jisung is right before me, sitting up putting Changbin's legs beside.

Well, that did not go as planned.

"I'm fine, I'm great- what do you mean. What were we talking about again? I forgot, what?" My mind has gone blank, and the guys look more worried, but I just give them a smile.

"Don't worry, it's not that important! Like- Nevermind." I stand up, but I get dizzy again. And luckily, I got to hold that in. I only sway a bit, but not so they would have noticed. Right?

"Are you sure?" Chan says, standing up too. 

"I'm fine, I just said- "Still keeping my happy self up, I try hard to think of a subject change, but again. My mind has nothing.

"The toilet- where's the toilet?" Looking around, and mentioning the only thing I could think of, they all just point towards a way.

Without a second thought, I try my hardest not to fall. Finding the toilet, I let myself in and I sit on the floor. My heart is kind of raising, but it's slowly calming down as I think about how the guys are there right now.

What was that? Ugh, could you please don't, and just let me have a moment with these guys... they seem so caring, I just don't want to ruin anything.

3rd P.O.V

The 9 guys are staring at I each other having utterly confusedness expressions painted on their faces.

"Do you guys think she is fine?" Jeongin says in a very concerned voice, Seungmin just gives him a smile, though Chan begins to speak.

"I think she might just need some air- "Chan says, beginning to stretch being a bit relieved that the silence and confuses is broken just a bit.

"Yeah- That might be it," Minho says, rounding his head one time and then putting leaning it behind just to get a little click from his stretching.

They all began to talk, not about the walking away from Y/N, but more comfortable stuff so when she would walk back she wouldn't feel talked about or anything. All 9 of these boys are so extremely nice and are the types of people to respect others when they are not comfortable. That what she feels, which is why she feels great and not attacked by them.

"By the way... what should we get for dinner?" Jisung says, trying to sound louder than when his stomach begins to talk about wanting food.

"I don't wanna make food guys... Uuugh" Chan throws himself in the couch and complains. All the others just chuckle by his action.

"What about pizza?" Felix says, covering his stomach, not wanting it to sound loud.

"Pizza?" Suddenly a head pops out from the hallway that follows up to the big living room everyone is staying in.

"Well hello there- You feel better?" Minho stands up, letting Changbin's head fall on the floor, and only lets a silent pained sound out, but then sits up.

Y/N looks at Minho, and smiles, for real.

"Of course- But, only if I get pizza" Beginning to smile with her teeth, everyone can feel the mood change by that small movement by her.

//Authors Note//

Okay- please don't kill me because of the late update! I just felt like waiting a bit, and then it kinda turned to over a week. (Apparently that my seeing of a little bit)

But I do hope you liked this, also the serious feel that is going into it. I know it's a lot about Y/N and that stuff, and that it will also be further in the story- I hope you don't mind. I know what to write next! So, let's hope this won't take as long as the others-

Also... I said there would be an explanation in this, but I decided to wait-

But do leave a comment, please? (Also, I'm so sorry for the long messages I always leave in the ending)

Love you!


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