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Chapter 4

I stood there staring at Killian as he walked away.

Killian Jones. That's a very unique name, I mean it matches his good looks. That's when the sound of tools falling make me jump. "These are the tools you'll need in order to fix the mess you created." I roll my eyes at the officer.

That's when I see Lacy walking up to us. "Lacy here will keep an eye on you." I scoff. "I don't need babysitting." He chuckles. "She's not here to babysit you, she's here because you are still considered a felon." I roll my eyes.

He then throws a pair of gloves, an over-all and boots towards me. "I don't think you will be able to work in heels." He walks away and I throw the gloves across the street.

"This is a load of bull crap!" I scream and Lacy laughs. "Its not that bad, you should have seen when I fell asleep on the wheel and ran over everything, it looked...." She quiets down and looks around the street. She sighs. "Oh my...I take that back it looks worse now." I scoff and grabbed a shovel.

I started to pick up all the lose pieces of asphalt and put them in a wheel barrel that was nearby. 2 hours passed and I was still picking those pieces up.

That's when another man comes with a big bucket and some other tools. "Here to fill up those pot holes you created." He places the bucket on the ground and some of the asphalt spills and lands on my dress. I scream.

"This is a $400 dress, you just ruined it." Thats when the officer comes. He chuckles, "you should have worn those overalls." I threw the shovel on the ground and threw a fit.

That's right I threw a huge fit. I needed to get to Paris yet I'm here in horrible Misthaven because some old lady was pissed that she saw me and the handsome man wanted me to work.

After throwing my fit, I grabbed the shovel and continued to fix the damn road. I still needed to fix all the freaking flowers and the electrical pole. I grabbed the damn bucket, but noticed that the sun was going down.

"Time's up your majesty, you need to go back to the cell." I dropped my tools and sighed in relief, when I hear the officer say Time was up. I was tired and all covered in who knows what. He escorted me back to the cell and left me there. Was I not allowed to take a shower? I reek.

I sat down on the dusty bed and continued to think what was going in Paris, did Zelena and Regina already arrive? That's when I hear the officer's TV.

"Finalists Zelena and Regina have arrived but there is no word on Emma, has she fore-fitted the title?"

I gasp. No I need to get back. I need to finish everything tomorrow, I need to get my butt to Paris.

Morning came and I was ready to finish the damn road and the garden work. I decided to do the gardens first. I dug holes and put all the plants back. It looked bad but I didn't care. I finished and started to work on the road. Thats when I see Killian standing on the side of the road.

"So what you coming to watch me handsome?" He crosses his arms and laughs. "I came to check and see that you're not messing our road more than it already is." I laughed. "You're lucky you're good looking," I say under my breath. "What was that Emma?" "Nothing."

Thats when some cars arrived to the shops and he turned towards them. "Keep up the work beautiful," he says in a taunting voice. I scoff and thats when I stare at the bucket. This is going to take a long time. Thats when I throw the scooper on the floor and picked up the bucket. I started to just plop the asphalt in there. 20 minutes passed and I was done.

"Lacy I'm done." She looks up. "Go tell Mrs. Banks to give me my car because I am good to go." She nods and calls everyone out. They all walked out and gasped. Killian and Mrs. Banks scoffed. "Looks worse than before." I rolled my eyes at Mrs. Banks. "Like I said before it matches this hideous town."

Everyone walked away disappointed. I seriously did not care what these people thought of me. "The deal was I finish it." Mrs. Banks says as she comes up to me and scoffs. "Deal was you fix it not make it worse." She handsme a flat shovel. "Now go and get rid of that and fix the damn road." I scoff.

I was so over being in this stupid town. She walks away and leaves Killian and I standing in the middle of the street alone. "Please if you have any heart, fix it for the people and not because the court told you to do it." He walks away and I scoff.

I look back at the town and sighed. Well apparently fighting back doesn't help at all. I grabbed flat shovel and started to take out the dried asphalt. Night time falls and Ifinished about one third of the road.

I sat down on the side of the road and just sighed. That's when Lacy walks up to me. "Its looking good Emma." I smile and nod. "Hey you wanna go do something fun?" I give her a weird look. "Unless you wanna continue doing this for the rest of the night?" I chuckle.

"Well what would folks like you, do for fun?" She smiles. "Pool and Darts." I shake my head and laugh. "This is going to be a long night." She smiles and nod. "It so will." What the hell am I getting myself into?

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