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Chapter 18

After 45 minutes the show is about to end and I come out. I grab a mic as everyone claps. "Thank you everyone, it has been an honor to have my designs displayed here and I hope you all captured my vision of how it feels to look fashionable for the future. Just like I promised I have a surprise. As you all know I'm a mother to be so I had the inspiration to my new clothing Line, the Hope & Liam collection."

That's when two little boys and two little girls walk out on the runway and model my clothing. Everyone clapped for the little ones including all my models. "Along with my little ones coming, I will begin my new collection of children's attire and modeling school. Why shouldn't our children also dress fabulously and learn from very little to own the runway?" Everyone continues to clap. I look at Killian and he smiles. I smile back like crazy.

"I would like to thank everyone who helped out for this event, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening." I bow and everyone walks backstage. Sebastian comes and hugs me. "Told you that everything was going to go perfect, I'm so proud of you." I smiled. "Thank you for everything Sebastian." He nods. "Only four more shows." I nod and smile. He caresses my face and that's when Killian walks in. "Love, did you like it?"

He gives Sebastian a death glare. "It was beautiful love." I smile. "Hey Emma I know you're pretty tired, how about you and Killian go and enjoy the evening I'll take care of everything." I smile. "Thank you Sebastian, I really appreciate it." He nods and smiles. I gather up all my stuff and we walked back to our room.

I sat down on the bed and sighed as I took off my heels. I look over at Killian who was laying next to me and by the look on his face I could tell he was not happy. I leaned over to him and tried to kiss him and he backed away. I sighed and sat up. "What's wrong Killian?" "Nothing." I scoff.

"Killian how can I be happy knowing that something is bugging you?" He gets up. "Fine I hate the fact that you're spending a lot more time with Sebastian than me. And you can relate more with him than me because you guys studied the same thing and I just feel like I don't belong in your world love, I don't.." I grabbed his hand and caressed his face.

"Killian I love you and just because I relate my work life more with him doesn't mean I love him." "But you guys were a thing.." I laughed. "Yeah in the past my love but not now." He sighs. "I see the way he looks at you let me tell you he's still in love with you." I go up and kiss him. I go up to his ear and whisper. "He might but I love you." He smiles.

"I'm sorry about all this love." I smile. "Its ok my love, I would act the same way if you were hanging out with another woman like that." He half smiles. "Hey want to know something why don't you take up the offer?" He gives me a weird look. "Pete's offer?" I nod. "Why not, I'm going to finish my shows in a couple of weeks and the babies will get here, why not enjoy something that you love to do?" He smiles. "You would move here?" I smile.

"Well our home was Misthaven but my home is wherever you are." He smiles. "Thank you Emma, you don't know what this means to me." I smile. "How about we go looking for real estate tomorrow, I leave in two days to London." He nods. "I will call Pete right now and then call Sydney, the best real estate agent around." I smile and nod.

He gets up and calls Pete. It warmed my heart to see him so happy, it was only fair for him to be working on something he loves. I laid down and I start to feel some contractions. Its too early. I started to walk around and they went away. I sighed in relief. Killian walks up to me. "Are you ok?" I nod. I didn't want to worry him so I didn't say anything.

"How'd it go?" He smiles. "I start tomorrow." I gasp. "Already?" He nods. "I guess I'll go see the houses on my own." He sighs. "I can go with you if you want?" That's when I get a call, it was Sebastian. After a couple of minutes I hang up. "What happened?" I sigh. "I guess I'm not going to go house shopping." He gasps. "Why?" "I have to be go to London." He gasps.

"I have to be at the airport at 5." "Love we are going to separated for three weeks?" I smile. "Don't worry the babies wont be here for another month or so, you will be able to see the birth of your children." He sighs. "I didn't mean it because of them, yeah of course but I'm sad at the fact that I won't be seeing you." I smile and sigh. "I know but don't worry they will fly by really fast." He smiles.

I start to pack up and he comes from behind me and kisses my neck. "I'm going to miss you Emma." I smile as I glance over my shoulder to see his gorgeous blue eyes. "Me too." He continues to kiss my neck then goes to my shoulders. I turn around and I kiss him. "I love you," I say in between breaths. I could feel him smile and boy was I loving that. Time passes by and I wake up minutes before the alarm goes off.

I glance over at Killian and he is sound asleep. I don't know why but I was nervous for this. Not for my runway shows but for this. I thought after this we were going to go back Misthaven and raise our children there but I guess we are meant to live here. I'm happy that Killian found a place to work at and its doing something he loves. I turn off the alarm on my phone so it won't go off and I get up.

I get changed and gathered all my stuff. I go and kiss Killian and he groans and gets up. "Love is it time?" I give him a weird look and laugh. "No I'm leaving." He nods. "Let me change and I'll.." I shake my head. "No later today is your first day on the job, you need to get all the sleep you can and take advantage because when these little ones get here, we wont have any." He nods.

He gives me a goodbye kiss and I walk out the door. I was honestly nervous to leave him here but I trust him so there was nothing to worry about. I get to the airport and I see Sebastian there. "Ready Emma?" I nod. "Where's Killian?" "He stayed because he starts his new job later today." He gasps. "Where?" "Back with his old employer?" I stayed quiet. "At the race track?" I nod.

"I'm sorry." I shake my head. "Its all good." He smiles. "We are going to have fun don't worry." I smile and nod. "It will be like old times, the only difference is that you're carrying two tiny babies in your beautiful belly." I laugh and nod. "You're right I'm doing something I love and so is Killian." Sebastian smiles and nods. Thats when we hear over the intercom that it's time to board. We get up and went on our way.

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