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Chapter 19

I wake up and I reach over to the right side of the bed and its empty. I get up and I gasp. Oh that's right Emma left. I sat there contemplating on the fact that my whole family left me. My love and my two little loves. It pains me to part away from them but hey with my income we will be able to afford a better house here in Paris.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. As I was showering I was remembering what a hard time I gave Emma about Sebastian. That's when it hit me, she's going to be spending the next few weeks with him. I shook off the feeling because Emma wouldn't cheat on me with him, or would she? I shake my head.

No she's carrying our babies of course she wouldn't I love her and she loves me. I get out of the shower and I get dressed and made my way to the race track. I walk into the office and I see Pete. "My boy, so good to see you." I smile as I shook his hand. Then we both quickly sat down.

"For the next few weeks, you will be with me wherever I go because at the end of the month, I will retire." I gasp. "But you said 6 months." He laughs. "Well that was if you didn't accept." I nod. "Speaking of all this, where's your wife?" I smile. "She had to go to London." He nods. "Well I will be escorting you to your new office." I gasp. "Office?" He smiles.

"Killian its only fair that the president and owner of this establishment has an office." I nod and laugh. We get up and he escorts me to my new office. As soon as we get there, I am shocked at who I see sitting in the secretary's desk. Milah, my ex girlfriend. "Milah what are you doing here?" She smiles. "I'm going to be your assistant."

I look at Pete and he nods. "I'm sorry if this was bad of me to hire her but she was the only one who I felt you could work comfortable with because all the others you knew are gone and frankly she knows this place almost as good as you." I smile and nod. "Of course, thank you." Pete smiles.

"Of course you will be able to coach race car drivers because I know you were eager to do that but all the other stuff Milah will be in charge of." I nod. Milah smiles at me and I nod. I wasn't too thrilled to have her because she was the first person who I was madly in love with.

I had no right to be mad at Emma when she didn't tell me about Sebastian because I never talked about Milah. "Today will be an easy day for you, why don't you two go and spend some time in the pits, I know you two used to be a well oiled machine back in the day." I nod at Pete as he walked away. Yea besides her being my ex she was my partner.

Oh God Emma and I have a lot more things in common than I thought. "So I see you're married?" She asks as she points to my ring. I nod. "Yea I married an amazing woman." She nods. "Yea Emma Swan, the most selfish super model/designer out there, didn't know you liked those types of women Killian." I scoff.

"Oh shut it Milah." She goes up to me and smiles. "Oh come on you don't remember how it was between us here in the pits?" I chuckle and push her away. "I'm going to become a father, and I don't want to remember." "Oh that's right, you're going to be a daddy, how charming, so with her you wanted to have a family but not with me?" I sigh.

"Please Milah, we used to be friends why can't we go back to that and enjoy our jobs." She sighs. "I will never stop loving you." I stayed quiet and walked on to the track. "Killian my boy, is it true?" I look up and it was the captain of the pit crew Barbossa. I go and hug him.

"It is, I cant believe you're still here after so many years." He nods and smiles. "I'm still here boy, congratulations on your marriage and your little babes." I smile and nod. Milah gets a call and goes back up to the office. "So how's that working out?" Barbossa knows everything about Milah and I, he is basically my father.

Since I didn't have a father growing up he was basically the only father figure I have. I sigh. "She was my first love but I love Emma with all of my heart." He smiles and nods. "Wow I can't believe my boy is a grown man, married and is about to be a father. Speaking of being married, where is your wife?" I sigh. "She's in London." He gasps. "For the runways?" I nod. "Don't worry you will have fun here, like you used to Killian." I smile and nod. "I really hope so Barbossa."

Emma's POV
We finally get to the hotel and I am super tired. Having to move so much while carrying two little ones can be tiresome. We are at the registration and to our luck one of our room gets booked and there is no way of getting another one. All rooms are booked until after the event.

So Sebastian and I are going to have to share rooms while here in London. And our stay in London will be a week and a half. They carry our luggage to our room as we get on the elevator. "I'm sorry Emma that we have to share a room." I smile. "Don't worry, it happens. Don't you remember that one time our rooms got booked and like 7 of us had to be in one room during the summer of?" He laughs.

"The summer of junior year, yeah I remember." I smile. We get there and to our surprise there was only one bed. "I can sleep on the floor." I shake my head. "I'm not that huge and that bed looks super big I'm pretty sure we will both fit and its not like we will spend a lot of time sleeping." He nods and smiles.

Our luggage arrives and we take out our stuff and settle in. Sebastian leaves to make sure the things in the ball room are taken care of. I take out my phone and decide to call Killian.

"Hey Love."

"Emma, how are you?"

"Tired but doing good." I could hear him sigh.

"How's your first day going?"

"Its going great love, I am super excited."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too, how are our little ones doing today?" I groan.

"They have been moving like crazy it almost seems that they know you're not here." I could totally tell Killian smiled. That's when someone knocks.

"Hey love I have to go." He sighs.

"I love you Emma."

"I love you too Killian." I hang up. I sigh and walk up to the door. I am shocked at who I see. "Ingrid, is that really you?" She nods and hugs me. She comes in and I close the door. Ingrid was basically like my mother when I was in fashion school. We all had one even Sebastian. "Sweetie its so good to see you." She rubs my belly and smiles.

"Emma I can't believe you're working in that condition." I smile and laugh. "You know me." She nods. "So I heard that you and Sebastian are sharing a room." I nod. "Yeah, I know its not my business but you should be careful, he still has feelings for you and you are married." I nod.

"Don't worry Ingrid, I'll be fine." She smiles. "Well I just wanted to let you know that I will be the coordinator for this event so I will be working with you and Sebastian." I smile. "That is awesome." That's when I start to feel some pain. I groan. "Emma are you ok?" I nod. "Yeah its just these little ones are really heavy." She smiles.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest, I wouldn't want you to go into labor without your husband, speaking of him, darling how is he?" I smile as I rubbed my belly. "He is amazing, well you know he was a race car driver and my am I in love with him." She smiles. "He helped me change, remember how bad I was." She nods.

"Oh yeah I remember that." I nod. "Yeah well he was the one that gave me a lesson and it the midst of it all we fell for each other." She smiles. Her phone goes off. "Tell you what, I want you to sit this one out, you need to rest last night you had an event and haven't rested." I nod.

"Ill check up on you later." I smile as she walked away. I sit on the bed and tried my best to rest. She was right, I wouldn't want to be in labor here and Killian would have to come all the way here.

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