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Chapter 7

After meeting all the townsfolk I could tell they were good people. I decided to just take a little breather and part myself from the group. I walked over to the town hall and a thought came to my mind, while I'm here I should find out why Mrs. Banks was so harsh to me. I walked up to her office and it was open. I walked inside and my was it beautiful.

I looked around and I noticed there was a room with the door slightly opened. I peaked inside and I was blown away. There were so many pictures of runways and amazing clothing lines. I looked at a newspaper article that was pinned on the wall. "Banks is the new face of Top Model Industries." I gasp. I knew I recognized her. Its super Model Banks, she was one of my inspirations for modeling.

She was a super top model back in the day. I looked at another article. "Banks suffered a major injury during her last runway competition ending not only her career but her contract with Fort Models."

I gasp. I remember reading this, I was devastated because she was the best. I then see a head shot of her and I stared at it. Why did she seem more familiar, it's almost as if I've seen her before, before modeling. I sighed and decided it was best to just leave, wouldn't want her to get mad. I turn around and I ran out of the room and made my way to the street. I looked out to the street and no one was in sight just my car and Killian's.

That's when Killian appears. I jump. "Hey I want to show you around." I look at the road and looked at the car. Should I tell Killian about Mrs. Banks? I shook my head and just pretended like I didn't see the office. "I think I've already seen the town, so it's best..." Killian chuckles.

"Yeah but not the way I see it." I smile. "Ok." He smiles and opens the passenger door. I got into car and smiled. Killian closed the door and then got in and off we went. After 10 minutes on the road, we stopped in the middle of the forest. Killian parked the car and we started to walk into the forest. "I don't see why you love this place." Killian laughs, "for two reasons Emma."

I scoff. "What could you possibly see..." I stood there speechless as I looked at the view. "Yup that's why." Killian laughs and we walk down. There was a beautiful waterfall and it stretched into a small lake. "How is this here?" "Didn't you read the sign, Misthaven, a hidden gem, well this is it." I smiled. "Wow this is so beautiful." He nods. He grabs my hand and we start to walk around. "So how did a famous race car driver decide to stay here?" He sighs as he tightens his grip.

We get to the edge and there was an amazing view of the town. "Wow this a stunning view." We sit at the edge. He smiles, "you know the town wasn't always so deserted, people used to come here all the time and visit our hidden gem, that's how I found it. Life as a race car driver is an endless torment of training and paparazzi but when I came here I felt free from that and I fell in love with this." I gasp.

"So you just left your life because you felt free?" He nodded. "I did some mechanic work back in the day so I decided to join Pete the one who had the mechanic shop, but he had to move away and he gave me the shop." I gasped. I wish I could that. Just drop everything and stay here. Start a new life but I can't. As my mind was wondering why did his name seem so familiar. Duh, I did a challenge about him.

"Wait I heard about you." Killian gasps and lifts his eyebrow. "Yeah about 3 years ago I had to work with a designer to design from a famous race car driver for my modeling class and I picked you." He laughed. "You picked me?" I nodded and blushed. "Yeah I found you on google." He laughed. "Yeah I made a design that matched your car and outfit, then modeled it." He laughed. "Yeah mister Killian Jones famous International Race car driver."

He nods and sighs as he looks out to the water fall. "I would love to see the town that you fell in love with." He nodded. "What happened?" "Well its an old town, no one visits anymore, and since it's not hip or anything like that, we have been forgotten." I shake my head. "People left because they were losing business and no one wanted to see this beautiful hidden gem." I sigh.

"How come you didn't leave?" "I just couldn't leave here, ever since I lost both parents when I was young. I never found a place I could call home not even when racing that was until I came here." I smiled. "So what's your story Miss Swan, how is it that a famous model was once an electrician?" I sighed and laughed. "I just told everybody my story." He smiled. "But you didn't tell me." I smiled.

"One night my dad and I were working on an electrical pole, I was on one side and he was on the other. I don't even remember how it happened because everything happened so fast." Killian nodded. "We were nearly done and that's when a wire came undone and as I was fixing it, one of the main lines got loose and it fell on my dad. He got electrocuted and his harness snapped and he fell to the ground. We were thirty feet up in the air."

Killian gasped. "I just remember sparks flying everywhere and I screamed trying to reach out for my dad." Killian shakes his head. "My dad was the only family I had because my mother died after I was born." Killian sighed. "From that day on I decided that I didn't want to be an electrician and wanted to work on something that had nothing to do with it and I went for the modeling industry."

"I'm so sorry Emma." I nod. "Maybe this could be your new family and home." I smile. "Maybe." He smiled as he was looking at me with his gorgeous blue eyes that made me melt. We both stared at each other just ignoring our surroundings. He caresses my cheek making me blush. He leans close and I could feel his breath against my lips.

I can't believe I'm going to kiss this man. As our lips are about to touch his phone goes off making us back away from each other. Killian sighs as he shuts it off. "Sorry about that." I smile and nod. "It's ok." He smiles. "Let's go back down." I nod.

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