Chapter One

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Satan: You're telling me that you like me, but never want to date me?

Patrick stared at his phone screen for a long time, wondering how to respond to him without making him angry.

He's known him for a while, so he figured that won't be too hard. Satan was just the edgy name he chose to go by. In reality, Patrick had no clue what his name is.

PS: You know it's not like that. Don't you remember what it was like back when you were in the closet?

The main difference between Patrick and him was that he was out of the closet, proud and unashamed. At least to his family.

But that's all that mattered to him. He didn't really care about coming out to his peers at school. He claimed that it would be easy.

Patrick knew he was full of shit. He's not out to anyone but this random guy, and he knows that if anyone knew, things just wouldn't be the same.

Satan: Yes. I promise you it's not as difficult as you think it is.

Satan: Just say the words. Just say to anyone, "I'm gay."

He didn't understand.

PS: Nobody's coming out experience is the same, okay? Your parents were all fine and dandy with it. You even told me that they had a hunch about it. But my parents?

PS: They want me to be straight. I know they do. I like you, I do, but I can't come out. I hope you understand.

He didn't get a text back from Satan. Patrick figured they were done talking for the night. He put his phone down on his nightstand and flopped down on his bed, ready to sleep the night away.

If only he knew the shit storm that was happening.


On the discussion page for students on their high school's site, there was a post that was being shared rapidly.

Patrick couldn't believe his eyes as he read it, read his secrets being brought out.

Posted by: Anonymous
At: 12:35 AM:
I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. I'll help you out, okay?

And then there were pictures. Screenshots of texts exchanged from him and "Satan." All of the flirting, the conversations about being gay. Everything.

Everything was out there. He didn't even blur names when they talked about specific people, people Patrick even talked to.

And lastly, what really took the cake was the last part of the post, right at the bottom of all the pictures

And I figured out who you are. Making your initials your name was pretty dumb, Patrick Stump. All I had to do was use the process of elimination.

Wait up for me, will you?

~Your buddy, Satan.

That was it. A post that contained just over fifty words ruined him. A post that outed him, called him out specifically.

A post from someone he thought he could trust. Someone he thought understood him.

But it seemed like Patrick couldn't trust anyone. Not this guy, who charmed him with his words and promises. Not his friends, who were currently blowing up his phone, telling him to make a post denying the accusations. Not his own family members, who've probably already seen it.

"Satan" was really living up to his name, wasn't he?

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