Chapter Eight

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It became clear that Patrick's guess was correct. Pete was truly going out of his way to ignore him, which hurt more than it probably should've.

When Patrick would text him, he'd just read them and not respond. As soon as he joins a conversation going on in the group chat, it's like he just stands up and walks away from the situation. Needless to say, Patrick was a combination of hurt, angry, and confused.

After realizing simply texting him wouldn't work out, Patrick realized he had to confront him.

But this really mattered to Patrick, so it honestly took him the whole week to plan everything. He didn't want anything to go wrong, because if it did, he might lose Pete forever.

Luckily, some lurking on the group chat told him that Pete would be alone in his house that Sunday. That was a more preferable situation than having Pete's parents possibly get involved.

This whole thing is going to be a lot of effort, but it's worth it if he gets his best friend back.


Sunday evening, Patrick knocked on Pete's front door, and prepared himself.

There was the noise of footsteps and creaking as Pete slowly opened the door. As soon as he noticed who it was, he quickly attempted to shut it, but Patrick caught the door with his foot.

"What are you doing here?" Pete asked weakly, opening the door up again.

"We need to talk," Patrick stated, "so please, let me in."

Pete stared at him for a moment, considering. He nodded slightly, moving out of the way so Patrick could walk in.

"What is it you want to talk about then?" Pete asked, guiding him to his room, despite the fact that Patrick definitely already knew where it was. "Couldn't you have just texted me?"

Patrick sighed. "I would have, but you weren't answering me anyway."

Pete looked slightly guilty for that, which Patrick was pleased about. Knowing that Pete wasn't going to initiate the conversation, Patrick took the lead. "Why are you ignoring me?" he questioned.

Pete pretended that he didn't know what he meant. "I'm not ignoring you," he protested.

Patrick gave him the look, the are-you-kidding-me look.

Pete sighed, knowing he had to give it up eventually. "Fine," he replied. "You're right, I have been ignoring you."

"Yeah, I could tell," Patrick retorted, rolling his eyes. But then he noticed that Pete actually looked serious, and that made him shut up quickly.

It took him a moment to actually say it, because there was the fact that he didn't want to actually let Patrick know what the problem is. But it wasn't fair to Patrick if he held it back.

"I don't like seeing you with guys," Pete admitted, sounding peculiarly nervous. As soon as he said it, he knew exactly how Patrick would interpret it. He quickly amended his mistake. "Other guys," he clarified. "I don't like seeing you with other guys."

Patrick unconsciously took a step back, confused as hell. That sounded suspiciously like he had been jealous, which couldn't be true. "What do you mean?"

"Do I have to spell it out to you?" Pete shook his head, and he sounded so agitated and done with everything. "I've had the hugest crush on you for ages, and god, it's like I can't hold it back anymore."

Patrick is pretty sure he can't even breath right now. He was tempted to believe that Pete was playing some sick kind of joke on him, but Pete looked completely serious, with his stupidly honest eyes.

"When have I even been with another guy?" Patrick questioned. "Like, I've literally been single my entire life."

"How about Brendon?" Pete argued.

"That was just kissing." Patrick explained.

"Just kissing," Pete repeated, shaking his head and laughing. "It's never just kissing."

"Well, this time it was," Patrick stated.

"Do you think it was just kissing to Brendon?"

This time, Patrick paused. He didn't really have an answer for that, so he instead decided to change the subject. "How long have you felt this way?"

"Long enough," Pete answered. "How do you feel?"

How does he feel?

Patrick's not sure, because yeah, Pete is attractive but...

He's not sure if he thinks of him in a romantic way. He probably did like a year and a half ago, but things have changed.

"Can I have time to think about that?" Patrick asked, seeing as he honestly needed it.

"I suppose," Pete said, sounding disappointed. What did he expect? Patrick's been a whole, frazzled mess for a while now.

But it felt wrong to leave now. Technically, they should be on okay terms until Patrick comes up with his answer, so it would be a shame if they don't hang out.

"I missed you," Patrick whispered quietly.

A grin slowly made it's way onto Pete's face. "You did?"

Patrick nodded, and then, carefully, stepped forward and hugged him. It had been way too long.

Pete wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. He sighed happily and rested his head on Patrick's shoulder.

It was warm. Patrick felt warm and content like this, and something was stirring in his stomach. Something light and happy, something like butterflies.

"I'm scared," Pete murmured.

"Of what?"

"Of having to let you go."

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