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he finally enters the room

yes, we're classmates.


He walks over to his desk, and sits

Still smiling, of course.

Girls from our classroom start coming towards him, asking him how he's been.

"I've been doing well! Thanks for asking." He says as he chuckles.


He's been suffering from a herniated disc

But of course he just smiles like it's nothing

But it hit me.

did he really not care about our 3 year relationship ending?

has he forgotten me already?

am i that one song that you always listen to, and soon get tired of?

am i that old school picture that you've 'accidentally' lost?

am i just nothing but air to you?

i doubt it.

because you need air to live.

and you're obviously doing well without me.

Just like you said so.

his smile // na jaemin Where stories live. Discover now