-twenty nine-스물아홉-

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he lifted his head to look at me

I was crying too

"It's ok. You'll find and love someone better."

I smiled

I walked away

I felt bad

how i left him right there

how i left him in tears

but then

before i could go back in

he ran up to me

he hugged me as tight as he could

he hugged me for about a minute

after a minute of hugging and silent crying

he turned me around for me to face him

he held my hands

he was in tears

but he was smiling

"I'm sorry for everything. Today, I'll let you go. I'll let you love Jeno-hyung happily without guilt."

more and more tears

more and more feelings

he was sobbing

his grip on my hands tightened

"You heard me! I'm going to let you go.. Even if it hurts a lot. Right here."

he pointed to his chest

at the spot where your heart would be

he clutched it

"Let's still be friends ok? I want you and Jeno to still be close to me. No more awkwardness, no more hard feelings. Today, we'll settle everything."

he was still smiling

his grip has loosened

letting my hands freely fall

"I love you.
That's why I'm letting you go."

his smile // na jaemin Where stories live. Discover now