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Tom found himself listening to TØP again. He sighed thinking of his life only two years ago. He was happy back then, he lived with his parents and THOUGHT they were happy...he was so wrong. He turned off the music and saw it was almost seven. Dang time flew! He jumped out of bed and went downstairs to see Tord asleep on the couch. He sighed and found his two large suitcases beside the door. He carried them up the stairs and into Tord's room. He unpacked everything and put them in the empty drawers. He put his toothbrush and hair gel and stuff in the half bathroom they had in there. He had a picture of himself with two men, at a water park. He smiled and put the picture of the nightstand. He smiled to himself. Maybe Tord would be happy with him for putting his stuff away for him. He walked down stairs and started making himself something to eat. He made some frozen pizza and happily sat at the table humming while eating. He didn't notice Tord wake up and still sat humming.

"When did you make pizza?" Tord asked, rubbing his eyes.
"Just a few minutes ago! There is some left on the stove if you want some!" Tom said, smiling. Tord noticed his stuff gone and gasped.
"Where the fuck is my stuff?!" Tord yelled, really defensive all of a sudden.
"I-I put it up for you! Folded and neat! Who are those two guys you were with in the photo of you at the water park?" Tom asked before being pulled up by his collar. He yelped and saw steam coming out of Tord's ears.
"NEVER go through my stuff again! GOT IT!" Tord screamed in Tom's face. Tom cowered and nodded. Tord threw him back down. He scowled, then chuckled a bit.
"You don't need to be eating all that pizza tommy don't need it by the way you look..." Tord said, walking away while pushing his nose up a bit and doing pig noises. Tom instantly felt hurt. He hugged himself and looked to the side. He immediately threw the pizza away. He went to his room and looked in the mirror.

He wasn't that fat, was he? In reality he wasn't fat at all, it fact he was very well built for someone his age. He didn't think that though, not after what Tord said. He sighed and put his hoodie back on. He just wanted sleep, so that's what he did, he went to sleep. He woke up the next morning and stretched. He smiled at the nice dream he had, he lived with his parents again and they were eating pancakes and watching Disney movies. He got out of bed and went down stairs to see Tord sleepily eating cereal, almost falling asleep just sitting there.
"Good morning!" Tom said happily, waving at the Norwegian. Tord shot up and yelped.
"Good morning fatass...sleep well?" Tord said with a giggle. Tom's smile fell and he nodded. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. He took one bite and he felt awful. He spit it out and threw the apple away. It didn't taste bad he just...wasn't hungry he guessed.

He got dressed and texted Edd and Matt to meet him at the pond. He started to go out the door before he was stopped.
"Where are you going?" Tord asked from rinsing his bowl.
"Out with my friends. Ya know, enjoying summer..." Tom said, opening the door.
"Be back in an hour! I've got shit for you to do!" Tord yelled back, walking up the stairs to his room. Tom mocked him before exiting the house. He walked to the small pond not far from his place. Edd and Matt were waiting there, sitting on a blanket.
"Heya guys!" Tom waved with a grin. They waved back, smiling also.
"Hey Tom! Wanna skip rocks with me?" Edd asked, showing him the pile of flat rocks he had. Tom nodded, and they had a rock skipping contest. Edd won and bragged a bit. They laid on the blanket and looked at the clouds slowly passing them by.
"Clouds are so lucky...they just have to float that's all! Yea they rain but that's just them giving us water!" Tom said with a sigh. Matt giggled at that.
"You're jealous of clouds?" Matt asked, propping up in his elbows. Tom sat all the way up and nodded.
"They don't have awful babysitters to deal with..." Tom mumbled.
"Oh yea! I forgot about him! Is he really that bad?" Edd asked, also sitting up. Tom looked away.
"It''s alright..." Tom totally lied, looking back at them with a smile. Matt looked at his phone and gasped.

"It's like- 12:30!" He said getting up and grabbing something from behind a tree. It was a picnic basket. Edd clapped and Matt bowed. Tom giggled at this action but grumbled when Matt opened the basket up to show sandwiches, chips, cookies, and other random food items. Edd and Matt both dug in, but noticed Tom just sitting there.
"Tom? Aren't you going to eat anything?" Edd asked, his mouth full of turkey and cheese. Tom shook his head.
"Are you sure? Is something wrong?" Edd asked, swallowing and setting his sandwich down to focus completely on Tom. Tom shook his head again.
"I'm fine..." Tom said, pulling his knees up to his chest.
"Tom, come're never this down! What's wrong?" Edd asked, almost putting a hand on Tom's shoulder before he slapped it away.
"ITS NOTHING! I-I'm...I've gotta go..." Tom said, holding back tears as he got up and ran off, leaving Edd and Matt confused and worried.

Tom burst through he door and ran up the stairs before being stopped.
"Hey! Come sweep the floor!" Tord angrily yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"F-fuck off..," Tom mumbled loud enough for Tord to hear, hiccuping a bit. His hood was now up and he had tears running down his cheeks. He ran into his room and slammed the door. Tord just growled and marched up the stairs. He banged on Tom's door.
"Hey! You're supposed to obey me!" Tord yelled, trying to open the door but it was locked.
"I SAID FUCK OFF!" Tom screamed, making Tord back up a bit. He could hear light sobs from Tom's room now and decided to just walk away.
"What's gotten into him?" Tord asked himself, picking up the broom and sweeping the floor himself.

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