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"Scared of me?.." Tord said with worry as Tom looked away and hugged himself
"I'm not strong Tord...I'm the weakest person out there and when I'm in contact with someone like you for an entire summer it...it scares me...especially when that person makes me feel worthless..." Tom almost started sobbing but kept the tears back.
"Thomas I am so sorry..." Tord said, hugging the life out of Tom. Once they pulled away Tord stood up and held out a hand to help Tom up. Tom smiled and accepted it. They quietly walked home, Tom hugging himself the entire time, mostly due to the fact he isn't wearing a shirt and the word PIG is carved into his stomach. Tord kept glancing at him and sighed.

"When did you...do that..." Tord hesitantly asked, pointing to Tom's stomach. Tom abstained from making eye contact and waited a second before speaking.
"You started calling me that and...it bore into my head...I did it two weeks ago...it's healed up a bit since then but..." Tom took his arms from around himself and looked down at his bandaged wrists that Tord had completely missed.
"Anywhere else?" Tord asked with worry and guilt.
"My thighs too but I don't do them much..." Tom said with a raspy voice, putting his arms down. They walked in silence after that.

They reached the house and Tom immediately started walking to his room.
"Hey Tom!" Tord called. Tom stopped halfway up the stairs but didn't turn around to face Tord.
"Are you...do you still do it?.." Tord was a bit scared to know the answer. Tom just stood there for a good 15 seconds before continuing to walk the rest of the way to his room and silently shut the door without saying another word. Tord sighed and looked down. He sat at the long dining table and put a hand through his hair. He decided to go outside for a smoke to clear his mind.

Tom laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. He didn't even bother to put another shirt on. All he could think about was how pathetic he was. He had to be saved by his evil babysitter... He sighed and rolled into his side. He wanted to sleep but he couldn't. It wasn't night anyway, there was no point. All of a sudden there were taps at his window. Tom got up, curious. He opened the window and looked out to see someone he never wanted to see again. Yix. He was bloody and sweaty, and almost made Tom have a panic attack.
"Look I'm not here to hurt you!" Yix yelled, looking at the ground.

"Then please leave...I...I don't want to see you!" Tom growled, trying to seem bigger than he really was.
"I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry I did any of that to you! Ever since we had drama class together I've liked you! You're an amazing actor Tom! Your eyes are like looking into the galaxy and I find myself lost every time I see you! I can't hide it anymore! I'm sorry my friends did that to you! There is no excuse for it..." Yix said, the look of guilt plastered on his face. Tom stood there for a second before looking at a nearby tree beside his window. He climbed out onto it and climbed down the branches onto the ground. Yix backed up a little bit, trying not to scare him.

"I couldn't stand seeing those guys beat you Thomas...I'm so sorry..." Yix said, tears coming to his eyes. Tom smiled warmly.
"I always knew you were good...you're a pretty good actor too!" Tom said with a giggle, making Yix look up with a surprised face.
"O-Oh! Uh thanks!" He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.
"Can we...start over?" Yix asked nervously. Tom nodded.
"Hey! I'm Tom!" Tom held out a hand and Yix took it, shaking it a couple times.
"Heya! I'm Yix! Nice to meet you Tom!" They talked for hours and had many laughs and deep talks.

"Damn...that sucks...I'm so sorry..." Yix put an arm around Tom who was sobbing, telling the story of his parents.
"They last thing I told them was I hated them for sending me here! I couldn't even say I'm sorry! It was all my fault!" Tom buried his face into Yix's shoulder. Yix rubbed Tom's back soothingly and whispered good things into his ear.
"Anyway...I'm...fine now but it's been hard...especially with Tord..." Tom groaned, leaning back on the wall they were sitting beside. Yix sighed, knowing about the scars that littered Tom's body and why they were there.
"Fuck Tord! He doesn't understand how perfect you are! He doesn't matter he'll be gone in a few months!" Yix said with a grin. Tom giggled and nodded.
"Well it's getting late...I think I'm gonna go...text me though!" Tom waved goodbye as he climbed back up his tree.
"Don't worry! I will!" Yix yelled back, starting down the street to his little apartment him and his brother lived in.

Tom got into his room and smiled as he laid on his bed. He was content as of now. Maybe Tord was making dinner! He was getting kinda hungry! He happily skipped down stairs and saw Tord sitting at the table. He glared at Tom and Tom looked at him confused.
"So you really don't care about me huh?" Tord asked with a growl.
"What? No! I really appreciate what you did!" Tom said with a smile.
"So fuck me right?! You don't need me! I'll be gone in a few months!" Tord angrily yelled, standing up making the chair fall backwards.

Tom's expression dropped.
"Oh...Tord you heard all-"
"YES I HEARD IT!" Tord screamed, slamming his hands on the table.
"Why are you getting so mad?! He came to apologize to me and he asked about my scars! What was I supposed to say?! It was kinda your fault anyway!" Tom fought back, crossing his arms.
"I know! I'm stressing out about all of it! I'm sorry and I'm trying to fix it! You don't have to tell everyone about it!" Tord rolled his eyes.
Tom huffed and looked away.
"Too late for that...everyone knows at this point..." Tom mumbled, not really caring if Tord heard or not.
"Wow that was uncalled for!" Tord marched over to Tom, standing about a foot away from him.

"You know what else was called for?! All the name calling and shit you put ME through!" Tom growled through his teeth. Tord gasped and growled.
"You are so annoying! Don't be naive Thomas! That kid is going to hurt you! I'm trying to protect you!" Tord yelled, using hand signs and everything.
"Oh don't get on this topic! He is just fine! He isn't like the others!" Tom argued, getting in Tord's face.
"God why do you do this to yourself! You just don't listen! This is probably why your parents-" Tord stopped himself once he noticed what he said. He saw the expression on Tom's face go from angry to extremely hurt.

"Wait Thomas I didn't-"
"I'm sorry I found someone to talk to! Im sorry I told my deep feelings to someone and you overheard! I'm sorry I'm such an annoying naive fatass! I'm sorry I'm not perfect!" Tom yelled, tears streaming down his face. He bolted up the stairs and slammed the door to his room. Tord stood there, shaking a bit. Why does he keep fucking up like this? He just wants Tom to be safe... Both physically and mentally. But his own being may be getting in the way of that. He couldn't keep his damn mouth shut.

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