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Tom came home that night to Tord sitting half asleep on the stairs.
"What the hell are you doing?" Tom said, unamused. Tord jumped and immediately stood up.
"I...I don't want you leading a gang Thomas! You have to learn to suck it up to those who hurt you! You couldn't run a gang anyway you're too happy! At least you were...so just...play video games or something!" Tord said confidently and sternly. Now Tord was raised by an army leader, he was told the same thing when bullied in elementary school. So he had no clue this was the WORST thing to say. Tom growled and pushed Tord back to fall on the stairs. He ran up to his room and slammed the door. Tord sighed and painfully sat up. It was 1 am at that point, and Tord has an idea for the next morning.

He made sure to wake up extra early and made waffles and bacon for breakfast. He made the plate look like a 5 star chef made it, powdered sugar and strawberries along with the perfect swirl of syrup. It was perfect. He heard Tom come down stairs and smiled.
"Tom! I made waffles! Come eat some!" Tord said with a grin. Tom scoffed.
"I don't eat anymore...piggies don't need to eat remember?" Tom said before heading for the door. Ouch, that hit Tord pretty hard but it was honestly his own fault.
"Wait!" Tord ran and stood in front of Tom before he could reach the door.

"I said no hanging out with those delinquents!" Tord humphed. Tom rolled his voids and shook his head.
"You can't keep me from seeing them! We could kill you in one sweep if we wanted to!" Tom yelled, getting in Tord's face. Tord wasn't amused.
"I took care of them already..." Tord said in a monotoned voice. Tom was confused.
"I had them...disposed of...if you'd say that...I happen to run a...gang...as well..." Tord said with a grin. Tom chuckled.
"Nice try! But that doesn't work on me...now get out the way!" Tom growled.
"You want proof? Look on that backpack over there..." Tord said pointing to a maroon backpack on the loveseat. Tom looked up at Tord and hesitantly walked over to he bag. He opened it and gasped at the contents. He dumped it out and there laid all the masks of the Havoc member. Tom started freaking out. They all had blood on them.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Tom screamed, turning around quickly to Tord laughing.
"I told you! They were a bad influence...you weren't to hang around them!" Tord yelled back. Tom now had tears streaming down his face.
"YOU TOOK AWAY MY ONLY FAMILY! I WAS FINALLY EXCEPTED AND YOU TOOK IT AWAY JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE! I WANNA DIE MAYBE THEN I CAN BE WITH THEM AGAIN!" Tom yelled, running up to his room and slamming the door, loud sobbing coming from inside. Tord didn't hurt Tom's gang at all. He just told some army soldiers to kidnap them and put them in training for the red army. He stole the masks and put ketchup on them...he only had one more choice now.
He made a phone call and not too long after there was a knock at the door. It was Edd and Matt.
"We got your call...what do you need us for?" Edd asked, terrified of Tord so he was pretty scared at the moment.
"It's a long story...you're gonna want to sit down..." Tord explained the entire story to them and was ashamed of it all. Tord liked Tom from the start! As soon as he saw his adorable innocent face he knew he was gonna have an interesting summer. He was only mean because he was used to others treating him like that.

"Well Tord...you did call him fat, worthless, an accident, and a moron a million times even though he isn't..." Edd said, getting used to this Tord guy.
"I know and I'm sorry...can I ask...what happened to his parents?" Tord asked, curious to finally know the answer. Matt and Edd looked at each other and sighed.
"They...Tom's dad got really hooked on alcohol about a year ago...he started getting aggressive and his mom started getting angrier...Tom didn't really notice at first...he didn't hear the fights or think anything was wrong...his mom eventually made him stay with her sister or his aunt for a while so they could work things out...a fire started and...it killed them...police think it was...suicide...Tom thinks it's all his fault..." Matt explained, Edd tearing up beside him.

"Oh...I...that's terrible..." Tord said quietly.
"He's starting to drink now too! I don't know where he gets it! Last time he talked to us he ahead a bottle of vodka in his hands and-" Edd couldn't finish before sobbing. Matt hugged him and looked sadly at Tord.
"Try to cheer him up...take away all the vodka too...it makes him a band person...fix what you've made Tord! This is all your fault!" Matt said angrily before standing up and leading Edd out the door. Tord sat there alone and guilty.
"I'm so sorry..." he told himself, standing up and running upstairs. He knocked on Tom's door.
"What!" Tom screeched from the other side of the door.
"Open the door!" Tord replied.
"Why should I? So you can make pig noises at me again?!" Tom questioned making Tord feel even more guilt.
"I just want to talk..." Tord said in a calmer voice. It was silent for a bit before Tom opened the door. The scent of alcohol filled Tord's nostrils and Tom looked awful. Skinny, pale, and messy.
"I'm...I'm sorry..." Tord said looking down. Tom growled.
"I just wanted to be your friend! I tried talking to you like a normal person! I had to go through three weeks of complete torture for you to apologize and acknowledge me?! Fuck no! Go to hell Tord!" Tom yelled, tears starting to fall. They stood there for a second before Tom started sobbing and almost fell to his knees before Tord caught him and hugged him. Tom hugged back and sobbed into his chest.
"I hate myself now! I always have but I always hid it with happiness and now it's gone and I don't know what to do!" Tom sobbed. Tord tubbed his back and tired to calm him down by telling him everything was okay and he was perfect. Tom eventually fell asleep since they had moved to be sitting on his bed. Tord smile sand moved the hair out his eyes. He tucked him in and happily sighed.
"Goodnight Thomas...sleep well little piggy..." Tord said, turning the lights off and quietly closing the door.

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