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Tom rarely came out of his room after that. He'd never do anything Tord said, and never talked or smiled. Tord continued to make fun of him, only making everything worse. He had grown to like Tom, he just didn't want to show it. He really started getting serious when Tom started coming home with bruises and cuts all over himself.
Tom walked into the house at around midnight one night, his creepy bunny mask in hand. He had a black eye, busted lip, and many other marks around his face. His hands were bandaged up, blood visible through them. Tord turned around from doing these dishes and saw Tom's state.
"Holy shit!" Tord yelled, turning the water off and sprinting over to Tom.

"Alright that's it! You've been coming home looking like this for the last week! What are you doing!?" Tord yelled, wiping some blood away from his mouth. Tom scoffed and smirked.
"You wouldn't care...Havoc..." that's all Tom said as he did a hand sign where he made a V and put it over his eye.
He walked up the stairs and quietly shut his door, not coming back out. He had gotten much paler, and looked awful. He also dressed a bit differently.

Tord sighed. His phone started ringing, which scared the shit outta him. He picked it up and answered.
Tord!" The familiar voice said over the phone. It was one of his best friends, Paul, and his boyfriend Pat could be heard in the background. They pretty much raised each other, always being there for one another and doing everything together.
"Paul!" Tord said happily.
"How are you? How's the army?" Tord asked, sitting on he couch.
"We're good! We've actually called you to inform you that your father has decided to um...resign..." Paul's cheerful aura became sad and depressing. Tord was silent for a bit.
"Resign? Wait...NO! There is no way he wants ME to lead that damn army?!" Tord panicked, standing again.
"Yup! He said that we're at your command! Sir Red Leader, Sir!" Paul said with a giggle.
"We'll have a ceremony and such later, for now know you have an entire army at your fingertips! I've gotta go now! Bye!" Paul said before hanging up.

Tord just stood there, his mouth hanging open. He just shook his head and went to bed. He was NOT dealing with this right now.
Tord woke up at his early hour and yawned. He ate some oatmeal and went up stairs to get dressed. He passed Tom's door and decided to check in on him. He knocked on the door and got no answer. He opened it to see Tom peacefully sleeping. He smiled and shut the door, starting to do his morning routine. By the  time he was done, he heard a door open and shut. He looked out his door to see Tom going down the stairs, he had his mask on and a bat in hand, along with his backpack he always brings with him.

He decided to secretly follow him. He followed Tom all he way to a run down part of town and into an abandoned metal sheet factory. There were many other people in there, all of them had different weapons and animal masks. He ran up some stairs and listened from a broken window on the second floor.
"Thomas!" They all shouted when Tom walked in. They did some kind of hand shake and laughed with each other.
"We've been waiting for ya! We've got some news on Plummet!" A girl said who wore a frog mask.
"Nice! Let me hear it!" Tom responded. They all stood around a large rusted iron barrel and talked about murder and violence and how they were doing it so everyone else could feel the pain they feel.

They all chanted Havoc before putting that hand sign up again and departing into groups.
"Holy shit Tom is in a gang?! Not only that but one called ducking Havoc?!" Tord said to himself. Guess it was a bit too loud because two people now stood behind him, one with a gun and one with a katana. They wore a bird and tiger mask.
"Get up! GET YOUR ASS UP!" The tiger yelled, pointing the gun at Tord's head. Tord slowly got up and was taken inside their hideout. He was eventually tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth.
"Hey boss! We caught another spy! Can we kill him?" The tiger said through a cell phone. He groaned.
"Fiiiine! But if you aren't here in 15 minuets I'm legally aloud to stab him!" The tiger said before hanging up. All he gang members except two were now standing around Tord.
A tiger, bird, frog, Fox, unicorn, and pig. The bunny and fish were missing.

The tiger spoke up.
"I'm Tyrone, the boss's second in command, of it were up to me, you wouldn't even GET a trial before being put down!" Tyrone said, getting in Tord's face.
"The bird is Jessie, frog over there is Carly, Fox is James, unicorn is Tania, and the pig is Will, were Havoc as you probably know. All of us have been discarded from humanity...and now we return he favor! We're our own family! We need nobody else! Tom and Drake are on their way! They're gonna tear you to shreds..." Tyrone said with a smirk.

The doors burst open, and there stood Tom and assumably Drake stood there. They walked in and Tom chuckled when he saw who was tied up.
"This is just my dick babysitter!" Tom announced, taking his mask off.
"So this is the one who called you those names boss?!" Unicorn yelled, stepping out a bit.
"Yea...yea he you now know why I come home looking all beat up? Its because I lead a gang now...and it makes me proud to see my victims face before I give the final blow...this is the monster you created...take responsibility...let him go...he is no use to us..." Tom growled, walking off. Tord was released and told if he was ever caught here he would be dead. Tord saw what damage he'd done. He was gonna fix this.

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