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015: A Weird Start

||Nam Min Young

I fluttered my eyes open as the bright sunlight greeted my eyesight, I flickered my eyes close for a few moment before fully reopening them.

I stare at the pure white ceiling as I recall what happened yesterday that got my head receive a pounding headache.

Oh, Yeah, We had a blowout party and I got totally drunk -.-

I lifted my head up and roamed my eyes through the room, analyzing the design and furniture before dropping my head back to the pillow.

"This isn't my room!" My eyes immediately widened as I went to squint my eyes close and reopen them,scanning the environment and realize I wasn't dreaming at all.

"EOMMA! " I screeched as I fell off the bed, I rolled my body off the blanket and glanced over myself.

Phew, I still have clothes.

I heaved a breath of relief as I glanced over the clock before catching a glimpse of a shadow over the door.

I cautiously stood on my toes, reaching over the door slowly with my hand held out, I wrapped my fingers around the metal doorknob.

I slowly turned the door knob around and pulled it open only to meet heads with Seung Won.

"Ouch!" We both groaned in pain, I went to close my eyes and rubbed my forehead, feeling if it was staying numb or the pain was gone as I opened my eyes.

"Min Young Noona? What are you doing here?" Seung Won asked with his eyebrows scrunched downwards.

"I don't know either, don't you know? "
He shook his head slowly as he threw me another question.

"Wait, Where is Hyung? This is his room."

"Oh,I don't— wait,It's his room!?" I exclaimed in surprise, my feet rewinding it's pace and walks backwards from where I stood.

Instinctively, I stop midway on my trip to the bed went to the left side of it,noticing a slumped figure over the carpeted ground with two of their buttoned-down shirt loosened.

I stood there at my spot, stunned and flustered at the sight before me as I somehow hesitated on myself to whether look away or not.

"J-Jae Chan-ssi.." I trailed off, a little unsure as I raised my feet and nudged his knee.

But to no avail,the latter didn't move a muscle but all he did was to groan and pat away my foot.

"Wake Up,Jae Chan-ssi." I said a lot more sternly and kicked his side a little lightly but hard enough for his body to slightly turn on the impact.

"Leave me alone..." He groaned and clicked his tongue, pushing my foot away as I couldn't help but get annoyed.

"Yah Jung Jae Chan!!" I screeched with a loud voice as I kicked him on his knee,harder this time.

"Ack!" He squeaked and hold onto his knee, patting and rubbing it,trying to ease away the pain.

"Just what the hell Seung Won—" He opened his eyes and looked at me, narrowing his eyes for a bit before smiling "Aish, am I hallucinating?"

"You think?" I said and kicked his hand lightly and folded my arms over my chest, looking at him with a displeased look.

"Wait, I'm not hallucinating?" He squinted his eyes at me before his eyes widened fully like a watermelon.

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